Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Saturday, 23 December 2017

SCOT goes POP!: Catalan election dramatically reinforces mandate f...

SCOT goes POP!: Catalan election dramatically reinforces mandate f...: With almost all the votes in, this looks like being the result - Pro-independence parties: 70 seats Anti-independence parties: 57 seats ...

Friday, 22 December 2017

SCOT goes POP!: Momentous Panelbase poll suggests Brexit could lea...

SCOT goes POP!: Momentous Panelbase poll suggests Brexit could lea...: You've probably seen by now that Wings has a new Panelbase poll out .  It looks like this is merely the first of several questions from...

Sunday, 10 December 2017

SCOT goes POP!: Ruth Davidson set for "future of demeaning irrelev...

SCOT goes POP!: Ruth Davidson set for "future of demeaning irrelev...: Stuart Campbell of Wings has tweeted the following Survation polling figures, which appear to be from a new full-scale Scottish poll.  I c...

Saturday, 9 December 2017

SCOT goes POP!: It's IMPOSSIBLE for a devolved parliament to have ...

SCOT goes POP!: It's IMPOSSIBLE for a devolved parliament to have ...: In my last blogpost, I posed the question: given the entrenched positions of the DUP, the Irish government and anti-European Tory MPs, how w...