Friday, 31 October 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Huge SNP lead for Westminster reported in jaw-drop...
SCOT goes POP!: Huge SNP lead for Westminster reported in jaw-drop...: Hot on the heels of the Ipsos-Mori bombshell comes this full-scale Scottish poll from YouGov. The figures are bang up to date, with fieldwo...
Peter A Bell: Anas Sarwar resigns as deputy leader of Scottish L...
Peter A Bell: Anas Sarwar resigns as deputy leader of Scottish L...: THE Glasgow Central MP, who will follow in the footsteps of Johann Lamont by standing down, announced his decision at a Labour fundraising...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Murphy expects: Ritual disembowelment?
Lallands Peat Worrier: Murphy expects: Ritual disembowelment?: Just a short and grubby blog today. With the news that Jim Murphy intends to enter the Scottish Labour leadership fray comes the intellige...
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Tarff Advertiser: Scotched Earth Labour ...
Tarff Advertiser: Scotched Earth Labour ...: In Scotland, just who has Miliband to take charge? Murphy? Not at all popular outside his own Blairite Labour circle in Scotland - Brown...
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Monday, 27 October 2014
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Tarff Advertiser: Open Letter to Labour List
Tarff Advertiser: Open Letter to Labour List: Dear Labour List, Having damned Ms Lamont with faint praise may be it is time to wake the Labour Party up to just exactly how close to ...
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Peter A Bell: What should Scottish Labour do?
Peter A Bell: What should Scottish Labour do?: There is much talk in the Scottish media about a crisis in Scottish Labour. Some of it is of course froth (is the Scottish Daily Mail wher...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Guest Writer Steven McBrien on Ms Lamont's Resigna...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Guest Writer Steven McBrien on Ms Lamont's Resigna...: Writing something nice about Johann Lamont for me is akin to trying to present herpes in a positive light, but I will finally bite the bulle...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ACTIVIDADE RECOMENDADA : Conferencia-Debate en #Co...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ACTIVIDADE RECOMENDADA : Conferencia-Debate en #Co...: Fundación Galiza Sempre
Tarff Advertiser: Labour's Clockwork Orange
Tarff Advertiser: Labour's Clockwork Orange: Labour's Scotch region turn to the ' Clockwork' Orange Order to shore up their shooglely Westminster pegs in Scotland while ...
SCOT goes POP!: Lament for Lamont?
SCOT goes POP!: Lament for Lamont?: For weeks now, I've been meaning to write a post containing a Top of the Pops list (or Top of the Scot Goes Pops list) of the stupidest ...
Tarff Advertiser: A Northern Ireland Holiday ...
Tarff Advertiser: A Northern Ireland Holiday ...: Holiday ....... well 'holiday' if you call repairing fences, wallpapering the hall, stair, landing and sorting the daughter and he...
Friday, 24 October 2014
Peter A Bell: Electoral Commission unfit for purpose, claims thi...
Peter A Bell: Electoral Commission unfit for purpose, claims thi...: The body which oversees elections is “not fit for purpose”, and the list of voters to be used at next May’s general election will contain ...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: ‘You Lost – Now get over it’
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: ‘You Lost – Now get over it’: The truth will out, the old saying goes. And by jings, I think we’re seeing the evidence of that now. My-oh-my. How little they understand, ...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: TV Political Debates; Conundrum or Not?
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: TV Political Debates; Conundrum or Not?: I’ve watched with interest as the SNP have been once again excluded from the General Election debates. It’s actually been with a great deal ...
Munguin's Republic: WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER (JUST SOME ARE MORE IN...: Can I be in this part of it together? I'm probably more likely to be the hungry man... Really can't have people of his cl...
(103) Guy McV - Timeline Photos
(103) Guy McV - Timeline Photos [Lamont resigns as "leader" of BritLab Jockland]
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Munguin's Republic: DEPUTY LEADERSHIP...THE CHOICE: The SNP is about to elect a deputy leader. Anyone who doubts the importance of the post should consider the contribution made in that rol...
SCOT goes POP!: Hosie Hosie Hoo Hah, I said Hoo Hah Hoo Hah Hosie
SCOT goes POP!: Hosie Hosie Hoo Hah, I said Hoo Hah Hoo Hah Hosie: I've just voted for Stewart Hosie in the SNP deputy leader election. I know that won't come as any great surprise to regular readers...
Number Cruncher: Scotland update: Is the SNP surge real?
Number Cruncher: Scotland update: Is the SNP surge real?: I wrote last week that things were happening in Scotland, but with only aggregated crosstabs to base my estimates on, I couldn't quite ...
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Monday, 20 October 2014
Munguin's Republic: SCOTTISH LABOUR IS GOING LEFT, OR SO SAYS MRS CURR...: So, according to Margaret Curran, Labour in Scotland is going to ditch the legacy of Tony Blair and return to its “socialist principles”...
ENLLAÇATS PER LA LLENGUA: Suport a la vaga estudiantil al PaÃs ValenciÃ
ENLLAÇATS PER LA LLENGUA: Suport a la vaga estudiantil al PaÃs Valencià : STEPV dóna suport les vagues estudiantils convocades aquesta setmana El Sindicat de Treballadores i Treballadors de l’Ensenyament del P...
Aangirfan: SCOTLAND WAS UP AGAINST THE CIA: .. The 'Nazi thugs' of the NO campaign? The CIA's Gladio operation has used Nazis. Obama did not want Scotland to be indep...
Aangirfan: VOTE FRAUD IN RIGGED SCOTTISH REFERENDUM - UPDATED...: gavin magwa - That happened to my friend in Campbeltown. She went to vote and they said she had already voted. http://scottishrefered...
Tommy Ball's Blog: The First Parliamentary Attempt By Unionists to Pa...
Tommy Ball's Blog: The First Parliamentary Attempt By Unionists to Pa...: Last week, I predicted that the British would use every trick at their disposal to maintain the southern flow of subsidies, and suggested th...
Tarff Advertiser: Another busted 'Vow'.
Tarff Advertiser: Another busted 'Vow'.: The nightmares are coming back, an article on PTSD in the Gruniad was the trigger; coupled with the clear ignorance presented by the ' ...
Sunday, 19 October 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Who’s afraid of the big bad vow? // Quen teme ao v...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Who’s afraid of the big bad vow? // Quen teme ao v...: This article of opinion was first published in Sermos Galiza // Este artigo de opinión foi publicado en Sermos Galiza: http://www.ser...
The Scottish Scaremonger: Create-A-Debate Kit
The Scottish Scaremonger: Create-A-Debate Kit: The Scaremonger "Create-A-Debate" Kit Self Important? Pompous? Got nothing to say but want to say it at great length?...
SCOT goes POP!: Are we even closer to the UKIP nightmare scenario ...
SCOT goes POP!: Are we even closer to the UKIP nightmare scenario ...: If you thought that the days were over when the chances of predicting our political future hinged on judging the merits of different polling...
Peter A Bell: Scottish Labour turns its back on Blair legacy
Peter A Bell: Scottish Labour turns its back on Blair legacy: Labour in Scotland is to ditch the legacy of Tony Blair and return to its “socialist principles” as it seeks to counter the rising Nation...
Peter A Bell: SNP deputy candidates back pro-Yes alliance
Peter A Bell: SNP deputy candidates back pro-Yes alliance: TWO of the three candidates for the SNP deputy leadership have raised the prospect of a pro-Yes alliance fighting next year’s UK election ...
Peter A Bell: Euan McColm: Think-tank gives SNP firepower
Peter A Bell: Euan McColm: Think-tank gives SNP firepower: WHEN it comes to policies, the SNP has made a little go a long way in recent years. Peter A Bell 's insight: Of one thing we can ...
Peter A Bell: New Labour pressure group launches with pledge to ...
Peter A Bell: New Labour pressure group launches with pledge to ...: JOHANN Lamont’s woes as Scottish Labour leader deepened yesterday with the launch of a new internal pressure group that wants the party to...
Saturday, 18 October 2014
SCOT goes POP!: SNP notch up astonishing 17% lead in Scot Goes Pop...
SCOT goes POP!: SNP notch up astonishing 17% lead in Scot Goes Pop...: I'm in a mad rush this afternoon, but I thought I'd give you a lightning-quick Poll of Polls update, because once again it makes for...
Friday, 17 October 2014
Munguin's Republic: THIS SHOULD FRIGHTEN LAMONT...: It's probably a small subsample with a huge margin of error, and, as such, not a true indicator, but even near parity with the Tories...
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Peter A Bell: Nicola Sturgeon: Rallying call from new SNP leader...
Peter A Bell: Nicola Sturgeon: Rallying call from new SNP leader...: NICOLA Sturgeon pledged to “build a better country” and engage with the cross-party commission set up to deliver more powers to Holyrood ...
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
SCOT goes POP!: SNP soar to 41% in Scot Goes Pop Poll of Polls
SCOT goes POP!: SNP soar to 41% in Scot Goes Pop Poll of Polls: We'll soon see what the Sunday YouGov poll brings, but as of this moment, it remains the case that there has been just one Scottish subs...
Peter A Bell: Cameron has failed in duty on debate say SNP
Peter A Bell: Cameron has failed in duty on debate say SNP: DAVID Cameron has been accused by the SNP of a “total dereliction of duty” for not leading today’s set-piece six-hour Commons debate on de...
Peter A Bell: I vow to thee, my Scotland, a small number of eart...
Peter A Bell: I vow to thee, my Scotland, a small number of eart...: Politics is a funny old game. I could have sworn the Yes campaign lost the Battle for Scotland in pretty decisive fashion last month. Scot...
SCOT goes POP!: OK, London broadcasters, so tell us : just what WO...
SCOT goes POP!: OK, London broadcasters, so tell us : just what WO...: Of the many reprehensible things about the broadcasters' proposal to ban the SNP and Plaid Cymru from the TV leaders' debates, and i...
Lallands Peat Worrier: She's not up to it
Lallands Peat Worrier: She's not up to it: The Normandy Hotel in Renfrew, before the referendum. The Pakistan Welfare dinner. The Vale of Atholl pipe band have filed out, having s...
David J Steele: Well Scotland...
David J Steele: Well Scotland...: You blew it big time, didn't you? The referendum for Scottish Independence ended almost four weeks ago, and it is only now that I f...
Munguin's Republic: THERE'S NOTHING MUCH TO PICK AND CHOOSE AMONG THEM...: When will he be sacked? Wait and see, sweetie... Where else would someone that thick get a job like this? Redistribution of w...
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Monday, 13 October 2014
Peter A Bell: New plan to radicalise the Labour Party
Peter A Bell: New plan to radicalise the Labour Party: SCOTTISH Labour should change its name, back sweeping new powers for Holyrood and refuse to co-operate with the Conservatives in any futur...
Tarff Advertiser: The Evil of EVEL for the UK Parliament
Tarff Advertiser: The Evil of EVEL for the UK Parliament: Gogs ''Am an ex-politician, so a am!" Brown: “The Conservatives have got it wrong. I think they are 100% wrong on this 10...
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Special Report: Scottish Referendum Rigged - The 'How' and the 'Why' -- Puppet Masters --
Special Report: Scottish Referendum Rigged - The 'How' and the 'Why' -- Puppet Masters --
Russian accredited election observers say Scottish referendum badly flawed -- Puppet Masters --
Russian accredited election observers say Scottish referendum badly flawed -- Puppet Masters --
American constitutional expert, and accredited international observer at Scottish independence referendum, doubtful about vote's official outcome -- Puppet Masters --
American constitutional expert, and accredited international observer at Scottish independence referendum, doubtful about vote's official outcome -- Puppet Masters --
Saturday, 11 October 2014
SCOT goes POP!: What does UKIP's breakthrough mean for Scotland?
SCOT goes POP!: What does UKIP's breakthrough mean for Scotland?: Oddly enough, I didn't see Ruth Davidson tweeting the words "Well done, Clacks!" this time. The Tories' crushing defeat ...
Friday, 10 October 2014
Peter A Bell: Millions face tax rises or 'derisory' state pensio...
Peter A Bell: Millions face tax rises or 'derisory' state pensio...: A think tank says money to pay pensioners will run out next year after discovering a “flaw” in the national accounts Peter A Bell '...
Peter A Bell: Davidson interviewed by police over vote claims
Peter A Bell: Davidson interviewed by police over vote claims: SCOTS Tory Party leader Ruth Davidson has been interviewed by police in her Parliament offices in connection with allegations pro-Union ca...
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Tarff Advertiser: Liberal Democrats - who do they think they are foo...
Tarff Advertiser: Liberal Democrats - who do they think they are foo...: Please check: the last time I looked Scotland is predominately voting for a left of centre social democrat party in the SNP but sadly the b...
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Peter A Bell: Gordon Brown and David Cameron accused of 'smashin...
Peter A Bell: Gordon Brown and David Cameron accused of 'smashin...: Labour peer Lord Glasman tells a Tory conference fringe meeting that both parties have acted in their short-term political interests durin...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Utter scumbags
Lallands Peat Worrier: Utter scumbags: The intellectual and political problems with the Tory indictment of the Human Rights Act, the European Convention and the Court of Huma...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2014: 2014AR and GE2015 – a countdown to UK chaos - unle...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2014: 2014AR and GE2015 – a countdown to UK chaos - unle...: Two unelected LibDem peers, overheads on the body politic, Baroness Kramer and Paddy Ashdown duck and weave, bluster and attempt to patron...
Monday, 6 October 2014
Peter A Bell: Police probe postal referendum vote counting claim...
Peter A Bell: Police probe postal referendum vote counting claim...: POLICE SCOTLAND are investigating claims that Better Together campaigners breached electoral law by counting postal votes during the Scott...
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Tarff Advertiser: Have your say ....
Tarff Advertiser: Have your say ....: Dear Smith Commission , The problem you face is to meet the expectations of the Scottish people for full fiscal autonomy and the UK Parli...
SCOT goes POP!: Lies, lies, lies : the evidence that the No campai...
SCOT goes POP!: Lies, lies, lies : the evidence that the No campai...: Before the referendum , Gordon Brown solemnly promised that a No vote would lead automatically to extensive new powers being transferred t...
Friday, 3 October 2014
Pictish Beastie: Gauging Govan: George Foulkes: the violent bigot w...
Pictish Beastie: Gauging Govan: George Foulkes: the violent bigot w...: Gauging Govan: George Foulkes: the violent bigot who epitomises L... : This evening on Newsnicht, the Labour Party in Scotland - unable to u...
Thursday, 2 October 2014
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