Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Wings Over Scotland | Results just in

Wings Over Scotland | Results just in

Scotalnds-Pound.jpg (960×720)

Scotalnds-Pound.jpg (960×720)

Salmond answers the currency question - Darling stumped

Heroes of the Salmond / Darling debate

Wings Over Scotland | A decisive choice

Wings Over Scotland | A decisive choice

Yes will give islands real say in Scotland's future

Yes will give islands real say in Scotland's future

Interessant entrevista de Vilaweb a la nostra... - h.flinging@gmail.com - Gmail

Interessant entrevista de Vilaweb a la nostra... - h.flinging@gmail.com - Gmail

Washington blames UK tax rises for collapsing North Sea oil hopes - Telegraph

Washington blames UK tax rises for collapsing North Sea oil hopes - Telegraph

United Kingdom - Analysis - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

United Kingdom - Analysis - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

North Sea oil and gas projections

North Sea oil and gas projections

Scotland has potential oil windfall worth billions says CEO

Scotland has potential oil windfall worth billions says CEO

The TV debate – From Inside the Beltway

The TV debate – From Inside the Beltway

Controversial BBC reporter suggests NHS stats harm SNP referendum campaign

Controversial BBC reporter suggests NHS stats harm SNP referendum campaign

Allan Grogan - Labour for Independence - Hear the Nation - 18th May 2013

Scottish Independence Glasgow Yes Meeting Dennis Canavan

Scottish independence is about social justice

Getting a good feeling « Wee Ginger Dug

Getting a good feeling « Wee Ginger Dug

Head….Nail….Hit…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Head….Nail….Hit…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Flipper Flopped Flapped and Failed «

Flipper Flopped Flapped and Failed «

NEW SCOTTISH VOTE SHOCKER: Rail network sides with Sassenachs | The Slog.

NEW SCOTTISH VOTE SHOCKER: Rail network sides with Sassenachs | The Slog [@#Smearing for the "Union"]

Militants battle government forces for control of Scottish oil fields | Pride's Purge

Militants battle government forces for control of Scottish oil fields | Pride's Purge

A woman who made up her own mind | furcoatnaenicks

A woman who made up her own mind | furcoatnaenicks [@May her God help her for her moronic, patronising, BT witterings]

The woman who made up her mind

Scottish independence TV debate: Pumped-up Alex Salmond bounces back in bruising second round against Alistair Darling - Scottish independence - UK - The Independent

Scottish independence TV debate: Pumped-up Alex Salmond bounces back in bruising second round against Alistair Darling - Scottish independence - UK - The Independent

Sale of the century: the privatisation scam | Politics | The Guardian

Sale of the century: the privatisation scam | Politics | The Guardian

BREAKING: Alistair Darling recalled to London to face the music for last...

SCOT goes POP!: "Isn't it hard not being independent? If you want...

SCOT goes POP!: "Isn't it hard not being independent? If you want...: I don't know what it is about the London to Glasgow night bus, but every time I'm on it I seem to find myself sitting either behind ...

SCOT goes POP!: ICM poll confirms that a brilliant Alex Salmond st...

SCOT goes POP!: ICM poll confirms that a brilliant Alex Salmond st...: The results of ICM's instant post-debate poll are as follows : As far as you are concerned which one of the two leaders do you think w...

Monday, 25 August 2014

BBC ends Sir Ian Wood oil-challenge blackout following Newsnet Scotland complaint

BBC ends Sir Ian Wood oil-challenge blackout following Newsnet Scotland complaint

Assured Salmond defeats Darling in second TV head-to-head

Assured Salmond defeats Darling in second TV head-to-head

Bargain Basement Britain /

Bargain Basement Britain /

Logic's Rock: Scotland Yet - The revolution has been televised

Logic's Rock: Scotland Yet - The revolution has been televised: I've had the trailers on the blog and the original crowd-funding appeal. Well, here's the whole shebang, complete with a stellar ca...

Wings over Scotland: Rev Stuart Campbell on Salmond versus Darling | Analysis | Scotland Decides

Wings over Scotland: Rev Stuart Campbell on Salmond versus Darling | Analysis | Scotland Decides

The Great British Revival: Identity politics and the IndyRef | Scots Politics

The Great British Revival: Identity politics and the IndyRef | Scots Politics

Dutch football: the Yes campaign’s secret weapon | Scots Politics

Dutch football: the Yes campaign’s secret weapon | Scots Politics



Scotland: a World Leader Again? «

Scotland: a World Leader Again? «

Tarff Advertiser: To me: To you ...

Tarff Advertiser: To me: To you ...: I made an error today. I switched my TV on to watch MotoGP and caught a snap of Jim Murphy blaming John Swinney for the closure of Fergusso...

The Scottish Scaremonger: Health and Fitness Special Offer - Run On The Bank...

The Scottish Scaremonger: Health and Fitness Special Offer - Run On The Bank...: RUN ON THE BANK! With so much talk of economic meltdown and currency crisis after a Yes vote you won't want to miss the opport...

Pride and prejudice « Wee Ginger Dug

Pride and prejudice « Wee Ginger Dug

William Hague claims expenses for organising protest meeting against Tory NHS cuts he voted for - Mirror Online

William Hague claims expenses for organising protest meeting against Tory NHS cuts he voted for - Mirror Online

Jim Sillars challenges Alastair Darling’s “abysmal record” | 10.01 Campaign10.01 Campaign

Jim Sillars challenges Alastair Darling’s “abysmal record” | 10.01 Campaign10.01 Campaign

The Independent Scot

The Independent Scot

Indyref Countdown – 28 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Indyref Countdown – 28 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Sam Bowman discusses new ASI report "Quids In" on BBC Scotland

Just A Bunch Of Bankers…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Just A Bunch Of Bankers…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Your #YesBecause reasons - h.flinging@gmail.com - Gmail

Your #YesBecause reasons - h.flinging@gmail.com - Gmail

The Back Green Bulletin

The Back Green Bulletin

dj.womble Daily

dj.womble Daily

Thompson Daily

Thompson Daily

Indyref Countdown – 29 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Indyref Countdown – 29 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Why I’m Voting Yes «

Why I’m Voting Yes «

Rethink required on ten year land registration goal. | Land Matters

Rethink required on ten year land registration goal. | Land Matters

A Living Wage: Scottish Labour is out of touch with reality | Scots Politics

A Living Wage: Scottish Labour is out of touch with reality | Scots Politics

Life, the Universe and Everything

Life, the Universe and Everything

Adalberto Alvarez y su Son - ¿Y que tu quieres te den?

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Adalberto Alvarez y su Son - ¿Y que tu quieres te ...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Adalberto Alvarez y su Son - ¿Y que tu quieres te ...

Solidarity with Scotland from Pontevedra

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidarity with Scotland from Pontevedra (photos a...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidarity with Scotland from Pontevedra (photos a...: On the 22nd of August Solidarity with Scotland Team was in Pontevedra. Mar de Lumes organized an activity to show support a...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidarity with Scotland from Poland: Przystanek W...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidarity with Scotland from Poland: Przystanek W...: Thank you so much Craig Hendry (Scot expat)  for sharing with us these amazing photos of solidarity from Woodstock Festiv al in  Kost...

For Scotland, Europe and the world - Editorial - VilaWeb

For Scotland, Europe and the world - Editorial - VilaWeb

CATALUNYA 2014, el somni es complirà

Frankly Independent: For Scotland, Europe and the World

Frankly Independent: For Scotland, Europe and the World: Vicent Partal , the editor of the Catalan online media organization VilaWeb , has provided a translation of his latest editorial, on the S...



Survation | Surveying the Nation

Survation | Surveying the Nation

Why I’m voting YES | CAMERON McNEISH, Writer & Television Presenter

Why I’m voting YES | CAMERON McNEISH, Writer & Television Presenter

Why I’m voting YES | heavywhalley

Why I’m voting YES | heavywhalley

Two of Scotland's wonderful women: Margo and Nicola - Referendum Bill d...

Women in the Referendum Debate (Aug 20th)

Better Together claims on Scottish economy 'probably misleading' admits leading spokeswoman

Better Together claims on Scottish economy 'probably misleading' admits leading spokeswoman

Did Vasily Stalin Kill His Father? | Learnist

Did Vasily Stalin Kill His Father? | Learnist

Lesley Riddoch: Seconds out for Round 2 of debate - The Scotsman

Lesley Riddoch: Seconds out for Round 2 of debate - The Scotsman

Shipbuilding, Poverty and Bribery in Scotland #IndyRef Weekly Review #6

Sunday, 24 August 2014

A doctor explains why a YES vote is imperative

"We're not genetically programmed in Scotland to make political decision...

Why I am voting yes. | Land Matters

Why I am voting yes. | Land Matters

Scots beware: the English backlash is about to begin | The Times

Scots beware: the English backlash is about to begin | The Times

Politics for vegans | FreeScotland

Politics for vegans | FreeScotland

Wings Over Scotland | The Barnett Future

Wings Over Scotland | The Barnett Future

Tickling England’s Tummy «

Tickling England’s Tummy «

Spotlight on the independence referendum: Ayr and Kilmarnock

Postal voting and electoral fraud: a reply to Richard Mawrey QC : Democratic Audit UK

Postal voting and electoral fraud: a reply to Richard Mawrey QC : Democratic Audit UK

THE NUMBERS GAME - Politics & Polling in the Independence Referendum

SCOT goes POP!: The Numbers Game

SCOT goes POP!: The Numbers Game: A few days before I set off on my travels, I caught a train to a top secret location to take part in a short film about opinion polls in the...

Tom Devine: why I now say yes to Independence for Scotland «

Tom Devine: why I now say yes to Independence for Scotland «

Tom Devine: why I now say yes to Independence for Scotland | Bampots Utd

Tom Devine: why I now say yes to Independence for Scotland | Bampots Utd

Bashir Ahmad MSP – my grandfather | Scots Asians For YES to an Independent Scotland

Bashir Ahmad MSP – my grandfather | Scots Asians For YES to an Independent Scotland

Frankly Independent: Predictions

Frankly Independent: Predictions





C'mon Scotland | Successor State

C'mon Scotland | Successor State

Owen Jones on the BBC's pro-establishment bias - Newsnight

Protecting the NHS is crucial | Herald Scotland

Protecting the NHS is crucial | Herald Scotland

First Minister of Scotland: We will win independence referendum

John Jappy: Scotland's Oil

Sunday, Aug. 24, 2014 - The Back Green Bulletin

Sunday, Aug. 24, 2014 - The Back Green Bulletin

Scottish Politics | LinkedIn

Scottish Politics | LinkedIn



Darling’s HS2 blunder to cost Aberdeen and Dundee £316m a year : Business for Scotland.

Darling’s HS2 blunder to cost Aberdeen and Dundee £316m a year : Business for Scotland.

Yes in the Park - Cat Boyd - Scottish Independence Rally Strathclyde Par...

Miriam Brett

todayinscotland | The Referendum Blues

todayinscotland | The Referendum Blues

Wings Over Scotland | The ordinary people

Wings Over Scotland | The ordinary people

Wings Over Scotland | The NHS and the TTIP trap

Wings Over Scotland | The NHS and the TTIP trap

Wings Over Scotland | Why Ed Balls is an idiot

Wings Over Scotland | Why Ed Balls is an idiot

Wings Over Scotland | The wrong direction

Wings Over Scotland | The wrong direction

Search for North Sea assets

Search for North Sea assets

Academics and Industry figures challenge No campaign oil claims

Academics and Industry figures challenge No campaign oil claims

What is Labour's 'Plan B' to halt ConDem cuts?

What is Labour's 'Plan B' to halt ConDem cuts?

Wood's North Sea downgrade forecast is dismissed by Oil & Gas UK | Herald Scotland

Wood's North Sea downgrade forecast is dismissed by Oil & Gas UK | Herald Scotland

Doubts cast over Sir Ian Wood oil claims as industry backs Scottish Govt figure

Doubts cast over Sir Ian Wood oil claims as industry backs Scottish Govt figure

Scotland ahead of rUK even without oil says Credit Suisse report

Scotland ahead of rUK even without oil says Credit Suisse report

How decisions on data and analysis have biased the referendum debate «

How decisions on data and analysis have biased the referendum debate «

Sir William Wallace: 700th Anniversary of Execution in London, 1305-2005

Sir William Wallace: 700th Anniversary of Execution in London, 1305-2005

Wood, oil, and spooky coincidence « Wee Ginger Dug

Wood, oil, and spooky coincidence « Wee Ginger Dug

Ed Balls says Scotland would have to join the euro as 'least bad' option | Politics | The Observer

Ed Balls says Scotland would have to join the euro as 'least bad' option | Politics | The Observer

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Currency Explained /

Currency Explained /

Captain Sensible = More Sensible Than David Bowie | Michael Greenwell

Captain Sensible = More Sensible Than David Bowie | Michael Greenwell

https://api.addthis.com/oexchange/0.8/forward/offer?url=http://derekbateman.co.uk/2014/08/23/standing-up-for-the-union/&title=Standing Up For The Union /&pco=crx-200

https://api.addthis.com/oexchange/0.8/forward/offer?url=http://derekbateman.co.uk/2014/08/23/standing-up-for-the-union/&title=Standing Up For The Union /&pco=crx-200

Tarff Advertiser: Feel the fear .....

Tarff Advertiser: Feel the fear .....: It must be Wednesday .... I can never get the hang of Wednesdays; what with all this love / hate bombing of us Scots - it is really messing...

To Live in the Days of a Better Nation | Auld Acquaintance

To Live in the Days of a Better Nation | Auld Acquaintance

Frankly Independent: Scotland, the Movie

Frankly Independent: Scotland, the Movie:          Scotland Yet: a film about independence (FULL MOVIE) from Scotland Yet on Vimeo .

Indyref Countdown – 27 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Indyref Countdown – 27 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Scotland Yet | Michael Greenwell

Scotland Yet | Michael Greenwell

Madness…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Madness…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Mythbusting with evidence 2 – Why the Scottish Parliament can literally never become as corrupt as Westminster | The Science of Independence

Mythbusting with evidence 2 – Why the Scottish Parliament can literally never become as corrupt as Westminster | The Science of Independence

To the YES voter

A Postcard from New Zealand «

A Postcard from New Zealand «

A message for Yes voters « Wee Ginger Dug

A message for Yes voters « Wee Ginger Dug

Friday, 22 August 2014

“If there is the potential of £1.5 trillion wholesale revenue in the North Sea oil fields, how does that transfer to potential tax revenues?” | Ghosts of Darien

“If there is the potential of £1.5 trillion wholesale revenue in the North Sea oil fields, how does that transfer to potential tax revenues?” | Ghosts of Darien

A stroll to the polls « Wee Ginger Dug

A stroll to the polls « Wee Ginger Dug

Features - A Chat with Crawford Beveridge

Features - A Chat with Crawford Beveridge

Referendum Journeys - Matthew Lygate - Bateman Broadcasting

Referendum Journeys - Matthew Lygate - Bateman Broadcasting

Gimme A Break

Gimme A Break

Rethinking Our Politics: The Political and Constitutional Future of Scotland and the UK

Rethinking Our Politics: The Political and Constitutional Future of Scotland and the UK

BBC taking aim at Yes campaign as oil seeps into indyref debate

BBC taking aim at Yes campaign as oil seeps into indyref debate

The AR1500 is the latest tidal power turbine system

Boost for Scottish Renewables as Pentland Firth tidal project set to begin

Boost for Scottish Renewables as Pentland Firth tidal project set to begin

Jim McColl considers Scotland move after Yes vote - The Scotsman

Jim McColl considers Scotland move after Yes vote - The Scotsman

Sturgeon outlines independence guarantees for pensioners

Sturgeon outlines independence guarantees for pensioners

Sir Donald MacKay challenges Sir Ian Wood's remarks on oil and gas

Sir Donald MacKay challenges Sir Ian Wood's remarks on oil and gas


To Live in the Days of a Better Nation | Auld Acquaintance

To Live in the Days of a Better Nation | Auld Acquaintance

#YesBecause hashtag takes twitter by storm as one million sign indy declaration

#YesBecause hashtag takes twitter by storm as one million sign indy declaration

From the Upper Clyde to Independence

From the Upper Clyde to Independence

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Frankly Independent: Scotland Yet

Frankly Independent: Scotland Yet:              Scotland Yet: A film about independence - TEASER         Click here . 

Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas, Film) - Singing Scene

Frankly Independent: Once upon a War

Frankly Independent: Once upon a War:          A hundred years ago a young woman, my maternal grandmother, whose four brothers were in various armed forces, the...

Cantiga da Eira da Xoana

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Cantiga da Eira da Xoana #music #Galiza #songs

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Cantiga da Eira da Xoana #music #Galiza #songs

Why voting ‘No’ is a huge mistake | adamrpollock

Why voting ‘No’ is a huge mistake | adamrpollock

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Recommended article: Why voting ‘No’ is a huge mis...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Recommended article: Why voting ‘No’ is a huge mis...: This is my first blog post and more than likely my last. I’m not big on public declarations, political or otherwise, and hitherto I’ve a...

Frankly Independent: Backlash

Frankly Independent: Backlash:                   Budget Cuts if Vote Is 'No'       " Voters south of the border want a cut to Sco...

The “Scotlandaires” | A wee Sovereign Scot

The “Scotlandaires” | A wee Sovereign Scot

Support for Scottish Independence from Wales. Celebrated author, Catrin...

Tocasaid: Jim Murphy's ordinary followers hit the capital

Tocasaid: Jim Murphy's ordinary followers hit the capital:   Jim Murphy is a thoroughly unpleasant individual. I'm convinced that he is the thin, more conservative version of George Galloway...

No road back

Scottish independence referendum: Alistair Darling accused of defending NHS cuts | Politics | theguardian.com

Scottish independence referendum: Alistair Darling accused of defending NHS cuts | Politics | theguardian.com

Wings Over Scotland | More lying nationalists

Wings Over Scotland | More lying nationalists



BBC News - Wood group earnings up on US shale

BBC News - Wood group earnings up on US shale [#Fracker Wood]

Opinion: Jeremy Cresswell responds to Sir Ian | Energy Voice

Opinion: Jeremy Cresswell responds to Sir Ian | Energy Voice

Wings Over Scotland | The lost treasure of the deep

Wings Over Scotland | The lost treasure of the deep

Gordon Brown on Scottish independence

Wings Over Scotland | Gordon Brown is a liar

Wings Over Scotland | Gordon Brown is a liar

Scottish government says no to Whitehall fracking plans

Scottish government says no to Whitehall fracking plans

New Report shows Independence opportunity for oil and gas

New Report shows Independence opportunity for oil and gas

BBC News - Scottish independence: Rival North Sea oil visions set out

BBC News - Scottish independence: Rival North Sea oil visions set out



Coal Is The New Black Gold Under The North Sea | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)

Coal Is The New Black Gold Under The North Sea | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)

Truth Lies Oil and Scotland

Scotlands Oil is running out?

Sir Ian Wood's oil intervention was political

Sir Ian Wood's oil intervention was political

Control | Scottish Independence 2014 Blog

Control | Scottish Independence 2014 Blog

Just Say Naw tae the Can’ts | Auld Acquaintance

Just Say Naw tae the Can’ts | Auld Acquaintance

What We Are Up Against «

What We Are Up Against «

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Alex Salmond - The Scottish Referendum

ScottishGovernment - News - First Minister statement on Iraq

ScottishGovernment - News - First Minister statement on Iraq

Glasgow Rangers fans on Scottish Independence

No Bigots, Racists or Fascists in our Referendum Campaign

No bigots, Racists or fascists in our referendum campaign - Citizen Smart

No bigots, Racists or fascists in our referendum campaign - Citizen Smart

Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2014 - The Back Green Bulletin

Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2014 - The Back Green Bulletin

Post-independence break up of BBC would be 'devastating' says Curran | Politics | News

Post-independence break up of BBC would be 'devastating' says Curran | Politics | News

Wings Over Scotland | Here comes the love

Wings Over Scotland | Here comes the love

Abiesalba's profile | The Guardian

Abiesalba's profile | The Guardian

Dateline Jockbash

Dateline Scotland: Episode 4

Wings Over Scotland | A little origami swan

Wings Over Scotland | A little origami swan

English voters want Scottish spending cut after no vote, survey shows | Politics | theguardian.com

English voters want Scottish spending cut after no vote, survey shows | Politics | theguardian.com

Wings Over Scotland | How Scotland will be robbed

Wings Over Scotland | How Scotland will be robbed

Wings Over Scotland | The other one’s got bells on

Wings Over Scotland | The other one’s got bells on

Devolution alone cannot protect Scottish NHS from Tories says leading union

Devolution alone cannot protect Scottish NHS from Tories says leading union

Scottish Independence: cheaper fuel prices for Scotland? | Auto Express

Scottish Independence: cheaper fuel prices for Scotland? | Auto Express

Brown repeats false indyref claims over transplants and transfusions

Brown repeats false indyref claims over transplants and transfusions

Patrick Harvie warns INEOS against fracking in central Scotland

Patrick Harvie warns INEOS against fracking in central Scotland

Joseph Stiglitz: Austerity Failed, New Approach Needed: Video - Bloomberg

Joseph Stiglitz: Austerity Failed, New Approach Needed: Video - Bloomberg

Stiglitz Says U.K. Would Drop Denial of Pound to Scotland - Bloomberg

Stiglitz Says U.K. Would Drop Denial of Pound to Scotland - Bloomberg

Nobel winning economist says Westminster currency threat is "bargaining" position

Nobel winning economist says Westminster currency threat is "bargaining" position

Better Together chief linked to moves to block Scottish focused news on BBC

Better Together chief linked to moves to block Scottish focused news on BBC

Margaret Curran Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland | Grumpy Scottish Man

Margaret Curran Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland | Grumpy Scottish Man

The Scotsman Has Changed Sides! | Michael Greenwell

The Scotsman Has Changed Sides! | Michael Greenwell

North American Gaelic Heroes? | The Virtual Gael

North American Gaelic Heroes? | The Virtual Gael

Catalonia and Scotland - Solidarity with independence!

Catalan History (2): from defeat to democracy

Catalan History (1): From the Greeks to the Bourbons

Catalan History (3): 30 years into democratic Spain

Frankly Independent: Remember Remember the 9th of November

Frankly Independent: Remember Remember the 9th of November:              Why Catalonia is heading for a self-determination referendum on November 9th         With 99 days ...

Frankly Independent: Remember Remember the 9th of November

Frankly Independent: Remember Remember the 9th of November

A Response from Better Together | Grumpy Scottish Man

A Response from Better Together | Grumpy Scottish Man

Weirder and Weirder | Michael Greenwell

Weirder and Weirder | Michael Greenwell

Taigh Tasgaidh Mara na h-Alba «

Taigh Tasgaidh Mara na h-Alba «

Keiser Report: Dumb Money (E632)

If you are not watching Max Keiser’s Keiser Report, why is that? BBC’s McCarthyism? | WORKERS UNITED

If you are not watching Max Keiser’s Keiser Report, why is that? BBC’s McCarthyism? | WORKERS UNITED

Common Sense, Scottish Thought and Current Politics «

Common Sense, Scottish Thought and Current Politics «

Defence and Foreign Policy in an Independent Scotland «

Defence and Foreign Policy in an Independent Scotland «

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Nothing to Say /

Nothing to Say /

SNP criticise Labour hypocrisy as NHS moves into referendum centre stage

SNP criticise Labour hypocrisy as NHS moves into referendum centre stage

Will it be a Yes For NHS or Currency No Thanks?

Will it be a Yes For NHS or Currency No Thanks?

The 'Missing Million' ... most will say Yes

The 'Missing Million' ... most will say Yes

Tony Abbott Is Following Me! | The Babel Fish

Tony Abbott Is Following Me! | The Babel Fish

Tony Abbott Is Following Me! | The Babel Fish

Tony Abbott Is Following Me! | The Babel Fish

VOTE NO | Auld Acquaintance

VOTE NO | Auld Acquaintance

Proud like a Yes swan « Wee Ginger Dug

Proud like a Yes swan « Wee Ginger Dug

Indyref Countdown – 30 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Indyref Countdown – 30 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Monday, 18 August 2014

Indyref Countdown – 31 (One Month!) To Go | Michael Greenwell

Indyref Countdown – 31 (One Month!) To Go | Michael Greenwell

The Back Green Bulletin

The Back Green Bulletin

Better Together?

Boris Johnson would walk it at general election, says poll - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Boris Johnson would walk it at general election, says poll - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Monday, Aug. 18, 2014 - The Independent Scot

Monday, Aug. 18, 2014 - The Independent Scot

SCOT goes POP!: Yes vote surges to record high in astonishing poll...

SCOT goes POP!: Yes vote surges to record high in astonishing poll...: New YouGov poll : Should Scotland be an independent country? Yes 38% (+3) No 51% (-4) With Don't Knows excluded, it works out as... ...

The dug you can trust « Wee Ginger Dug

The dug you can trust « Wee Ginger Dug

Wings Over Scotland | My vile BritNat assault ordeal

Wings Over Scotland | My vile BritNat assault ordeal

Wings Over Scotland | Bigots Together

Wings Over Scotland | Bigots Together

Wings Over Scotland | Fool you twice, shame on you

Wings Over Scotland | Fool you twice, shame on you

Wings Over Scotland | Wee Blue Update

Wings Over Scotland | Wee Blue Update

The Dirty Dozen - The case against BBC Scotland: Part 1

The Dirty Dozen - The case against BBC Scotland: Part 1

Anger as Glasgow Civil Servants facing redundancy are abandoned by HMRC

Anger as Glasgow Civil Servants facing redundancy are abandoned by HMRC

One opportunity to protect the NHS and build a better Scotland say Yes campaign

One opportunity to protect the NHS and build a better Scotland say Yes campaign

People agree with Scottish Government on currency union

People agree with Scottish Government on currency union

US Banks make plans to move to Ireland as fears grow over UK EU exit

US Banks make plans to move to Ireland as fears grow over UK EU exit

New poll suggests momentum with Yes as No campaign struggles with trust

New poll suggests momentum with Yes as No campaign struggles with trust

Scottish Independence Convention on Livestream

Scottish Independence Convention on Livestream

Wings Over Scotland | Not stopped: Hama time

Wings Over Scotland | Not stopped: Hama time

Embarrassment for Better Together after Darling shares platform with 'Bigoted Tweet' campaigner

Embarrassment for Better Together after Darling shares platform with 'Bigoted Tweet' campaigner



Of Literature, Art, Canons and Constitutions «

Of Literature, Art, Canons and Constitutions «

Iraq, Oil and the Blair Ego «

Iraq, Oil and the Blair Ego «

Sunday, 17 August 2014

​Beyond Bannockburns: Scottish Independence and Literary Imagination

N-56: Oil and Gas – A Pivotal Moment

Why I’m saying No Thanks - Yvonne Hama | Better Together

Why I’m saying No Thanks - Yvonne Hama | Better Together

The Independent Scot

The Independent Scot

Wings Over Scotland | All in the edit

Wings Over Scotland | All in the edit

Scotland's leading historian makes up his mind: it's Yes to independence | Politics | The Observer

Scotland's leading historian makes up his mind: it's Yes to independence | Politics | The Observer

The Back Green Bulletin

The Back Green Bulletin

North Sea find could produce for 35 years | Energy Voice

North Sea find could produce for 35 years | Energy Voice

A Yes vote means genuine democracy in Scotland

Professor Sir Donald MacKay opts for #Yes on economic grounds

Philippa Whitford at #VisionforScotland: Yes Vote will save Scotland's N...

Jim Sillars Opens YES Shop In Penicuik 16-8-14

Yes 48% No 52%: record high for indy in 'breakthrough' poll | Herald Scotland

Yes 48% No 52%: record high for indy in 'breakthrough' poll | Herald Scotland

Scottish independence: Investment remains strong despite looming referendum, says report | City A.M.

Scottish independence: Investment remains strong despite looming referendum, says report | City A.M.

Veteran UK Politician Calls for Scottish Parliament to Be Scrapped | World | RIA Novosti

Veteran UK Politician Calls for Scottish Parliament to Be Scrapped | World | RIA Novosti

Scotland's leading historian makes up his mind: it's Yes to independence | Politics | The Observer

Scotland's leading historian makes up his mind: it's Yes to independence | Politics | The Observer

Peter A Bell: It's not complicated

Peter A Bell: It's not complicated: The big day is looming It really isn't. In fact, it's magnificently simple. I seek for Scotland no more than that status and ...

Changing the world with a Yes cake in Shettleston « Wee Ginger Dug

Changing the world with a Yes cake in Shettleston « Wee Ginger Dug

WEEKLY WANKER #037: TONY ABBOTT | A Thousand Flowers

WEEKLY WANKER #037: TONY ABBOTT | A Thousand Flowers

The Architecture of Violence | Grouse Beater

The Architecture of Violence | Grouse Beater

SCOT goes POP!: Reading the runes for tonight's polls

SCOT goes POP!: Reading the runes for tonight's polls: I've just arrived in Brussels, and I've barely had a chance to catch breath, but this is how I see tonight's polling situation. ...

SCOT goes POP!: "Darling win" proves to be myth as Yes vote surges...

SCOT goes POP!: "Darling win" proves to be myth as Yes vote surges...: New Panelbase poll : Yes 48% No 52% More to follow...

SCOT goes POP!: Panicked No campaign "need game-changer" as Yes ju...

SCOT goes POP!: Panicked No campaign "need game-changer" as Yes ju...: We finally have an end to the mystery... Should Scotland be an independent country? Panelbase : Yes 48% (+2) No 52% (-2) ICM : Yes 45%...

Saturday, 16 August 2014

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : As enquisas das que non fala a prensa #masscanvass...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : As enquisas das que non fala a prensa #masscanvass...: Este é o resultado da segunda grande enquisa nacional realizada, porta por porta,  por Radical Indy en 42 áreas de Escocia. Como podedes ve...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : As enquisas das que non fala a prensa #masscanvass...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : As enquisas das que non fala a prensa #masscanvass...: Este é o resultado da segunda grande enquisa nacional realizada, porta por porta,  por Radical Indy en 42 áreas de Escocia. Como podedes ve...

Thank You, Mr President /

Thank You, Mr President /

Frankly Independent: A Godfather Warns

Frankly Independent: A Godfather Warns:              "Scotland is at a Crossroads." (Canon Kenyon Wright)         While one of the Labour Part...

Men of The People? | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Men of The People? | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Sell By Date | Auld Acquaintance

Sell By Date | Auld Acquaintance

SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign stand on brink of victor...

SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign stand on brink of victor...: A new study (as opposed to a conventional poll) conducted by the Economic and Social Research Council has been reported by the Scotsman . S...

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Defence experts: Trident could be moved out of Scotland at 10% of predicted cost | Herald Scotland

Defence experts: Trident could be moved out of Scotland at 10% of predicted cost | Herald Scotland

Relocating Trident after Yes vote 'Financially and Technically Feasible' say experts

Relocating Trident after Yes vote 'Financially and Technically Feasible' say experts

Make a video with Solidarity with Scotland « Wee Ginger Dug

Make a video with Solidarity with Scotland « Wee Ginger Dug

Buy British /

Buy British /

Indyref Countdown – 35 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Indyref Countdown – 35 To Go | Michael Greenwell

The Mr. Marmite of Politics…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

The Mr. Marmite of Politics…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Beep Beep Boop | Auld Acquaintance

Beep Beep Boop | Auld Acquaintance

The audacity of Yes « Wee Ginger Dug

The audacity of Yes « Wee Ginger Dug

Indyref Countdown – 37 To Go | A Greater Stage

Indyref Countdown – 37 To Go | A Greater Stage

Online site exposes 'bogus' referendum leaflets circulated by No campaigners

Online site exposes 'bogus' referendum leaflets circulated by No campaigners

Darling blunders in currency issue as he rules out 'Plan B'

Darling blunders in currency issue as he rules out 'Plan B'

NEW: Survation Polled 1000 Scots Women On Questions Relating To Scottish Indepence - h.flinging@gmail.com - Gmail

NEW: Survation Polled 1000 Scots Women On Questions Relating To Scottish Indepence - h.flinging@gmail.com - Gmail

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Peter A Bell: Alistair Carmichael MP (Photo credit: Wikipedia)Th...

Peter A Bell: Alistair Carmichael MP (Photo credit: Wikipedia)Th...: Alistair Carmichael MP (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) There is actually nothing at all surprising about what Alistair Carmichael has admitt...

From inequality to enlightenment « Wee Ginger Dug

From inequality to enlightenment « Wee Ginger Dug

Catalonia in Scotland's Independence Slipstream

Catalonia in Scotland's Independence Slipstream

No campaign blow as Bank of England Chief confirms indy contingency plans in place

No campaign blow as Bank of England Chief confirms indy contingency plans in place

Row over George Galloway event

Row over George Galloway event: Belfast City Council is facing calls to cancel an 'irresponsible' speaking engagement for the outspoken politician George Galloway amid heightened tensions over the Gaza conflict.

Dateline Scotland: Episode 3

Wings Over Scotland | The Alex Salmond Fan Club

Wings Over Scotland | The Alex Salmond Fan Club

Irene Anderson

Indyref Countdown – 43 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Indyref Countdown – 43 To Go | Michael Greenwell

VOTING FOR INDEPENDENCE? | Scots Asians For YES to an Independent Scotland

VOTING FOR INDEPENDENCE? | Scots Asians For YES to an Independent Scotland

South Kessock for YES by Jonathon Shafi | Scots Asians For YES to an Independent Scotland

South Kessock for YES by Jonathon Shafi | Scots Asians For YES to an Independent Scotland

A Very Disunited Unequal Kingdom | Auld Acquaintance

A Very Disunited Unequal Kingdom | Auld Acquaintance

Why we can be confident that Scotland will keep the pound

BBC News - Scottish independence: Free healthcare 'guaranteed' in constitution

BBC News - Scottish independence: Free healthcare 'guaranteed' in constitution

dj.womble Daily

dj.womble Daily

Independence is key to creating more jobs in Scotland

'With independence we can improve ordinary peoples' lives'

Currency, Trade and Celebrities in an Independent Scotland #IndyRef Week...

Support for No vote in referendum has stalled finds new survey | News | Scotland Decides

Support for No vote in referendum has stalled finds new survey | News | Scotland Decides

The Independent Scot

The Independent Scot

The Back Green Bulletin

The Back Green Bulletin

Danny Alexander slips up on Referendum Debate on BBC TWO Scotland 12/08/14

BBC Scotland Investigates - The Men Who Own Scotland

Pete Wishart on Scottish Independence - 'The Speech They Tried to Shout ...

Scotland's Smoking Gun [Episode 1] Scottish Referendum Documentaries

Iconic Union Jack makeover looms as Scotland Independence referendum nears

Keiser Report: Scots, Get Rid of Westminster Losers! (E597)

Keiser Report: Farce of Scottish Independence (E561)

'Scottish Independence a question of democracy' - Braveheart actor Brian...

The Back Green Bulletin

The Back Green Bulletin

cameron scots stupid

Memo to Mr Cameron – look to Scotland, where unemployment is falling | Left Foot Forward

Memo to Mr Cameron – look to Scotland, where unemployment is falling | Left Foot Forward

Fury as laughing Cameron brands Scots ‘stupid’

Fury as laughing Cameron brands Scots ‘stupid’

What’s in a flag? Scotland, pubs and politics. | Scots Politics

What’s in a flag? Scotland, pubs and politics. | Scots Politics

No campaign inundated with cash after debate | Politics | The Guardian

No campaign inundated with cash after debate | Politics | The Guardian [#Ha Ha]

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

The Back Green Bulletin

The Back Green Bulletin

(309) Twitter

(309) Twitter [Borders?]

Now is the Hour: Schiehallion

Alba Gu Brath! My Road to Independence Linda Wilson | The vote on the 18th of September 2014 is probably one of the biggest decisons of your life.....

Alba Gu Brath! My Road to Independence Linda Wilson | The vote on the 18th of September 2014 is probably one of the biggest decisons of your life.....

Independence and the Economy - The Facts

BBC News - Scottish independence: What's a constitution and should it be written?

BBC News - Scottish independence: What's a constitution and should it be written?

BBC News - Scottish independence: Northern Ireland's attitudes to vote

BBC News - Scottish independence: Northern Ireland's attitudes to vote

The Wee Blue Book: everything you’re being told is wrong | Bigmouth Strikes Again

The Wee Blue Book: everything you’re being told is wrong | Bigmouth Strikes Again

Wings of Independence | the mirror@wordpress.com

Wings of Independence | the mirror@wordpress.com



Actor Brian Cox launches 'Spirit of Independence' in Dundee

Actor Brian Cox launches 'Spirit of Independence' in Dundee

Childcare Is Already A Game Changer

Childcare Is Already A Game Changer

Fresh doubts over more powers pledge as Lib Dems rule out different UK tax rates

Fresh doubts over more powers pledge as Lib Dems rule out different UK tax rates

Labour MP Ian Davidson warns plans to devolve tax-raising powers to Holyrood would be detrimental to Scotland - Daily Record

Labour MP Ian Davidson warns plans to devolve tax-raising powers to Holyrood would be detrimental to Scotland - Daily Record

More tensions emerge within Unionist ranks as senior Tory calls for English only parliament

More tensions emerge within Unionist ranks as senior Tory calls for English only parliament


lril.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/08/12/lril.lru007.full.pdf [Alternative legal view re a re-independent Scotland's legal status]



Should Scotland be an Independent Country? - Glasgow Skeptics

ScottishGovernment - News - Jobs plan for an independent Scotland

ScottishGovernment - News - Jobs plan for an independent Scotland

Boris Johnson accused of letting slip Tory plans to renege on more powers for Holyrood in event of No vote - Daily Record

Boris Johnson accused of letting slip Tory plans to renege on more powers for Holyrood in event of No vote - Daily Record

The Scotland Daily

The Scotland Daily

The Independent Scot

The Independent Scot

Shy bunnies « Wee Ginger Dug

Shy bunnies « Wee Ginger Dug

Well Done William Hill…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Well Done William Hill…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

What to do when Nationalists move in next door

What to do when Nationalists move in next door

Reclaiming reality and the referendum – christophersilver.co.uk

Reclaiming reality and the referendum – christophersilver.co.uk

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2014: Curran’s Core Concepts on Currency!

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2014: Curran’s Core Concepts on Currency!: This is my perspective as a Scottish voter, neither currency expert, economist, politician nor banker, but very definitely a nationalist, ...

SCOT goes POP!: Boost for Yes as the gap narrows by 2% among defin...

SCOT goes POP!: Boost for Yes as the gap narrows by 2% among defin...: As I pointed out in last night's post, YouGov are unusual in that they don't filter or weight their headline results by likelihood t...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : MY CONTRIBUTION TO #solidaritywithscotland from Ne...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : MY CONTRIBUTION TO #solidaritywithscotland from Ne...:   I'm Rev Jim Rooney, a Glaswegian and Scot now living in New York. I support Scotland to realize it's full potential by be...

My Scotland, your Scotland, everyone’s Scotland « Wee Ginger Dug

My Scotland, your Scotland, everyone’s Scotland « Wee Ginger Dug

Vaudeville Britain Speaks «

Vaudeville Britain Speaks «

Scottish Independence – How Cameron sold England down the river with the Edinburgh Agreement | England calling

Scottish Independence – How Cameron sold England down the river with the Edinburgh Agreement | England calling

New Statesman | The flaw in Osborne’s pre-emptive strike against a currency union

New Statesman | The flaw in Osborne’s pre-emptive strike against a currency union

Currency and Fear | Grumpy Scottish Man

Currency and Fear | Grumpy Scottish Man

dj.womble Daily

dj.womble Daily

stewartwhyte.jpg (597×348)

stewartwhyte.jpg (597×348) [For a capitalist Jesus]

Boris Johnson, born with a silver foot in his mouth, throws Better Together under the bus | We Ourselves

Boris Johnson, born with a silver foot in his mouth, throws Better Together under the bus | We Ourselves

William Hill Bookmakers - 79% Of Scots Backing Yes

William Hill Bookmakers - 79% Of Scots Backing Yes

William Hill Bookmakers - 79% Of Scots Backing Yes

William Hill Bookmakers - 79% Of Scots Backing Yes

Monday, 11 August 2014

Alex Salmond – Statesman or Politician? «

Alex Salmond – Statesman or Politician? «



They Live (in Scotland) - A Scottish Independence Parody

Actor Brian Cox launches 'Spirit of Independence' in Dundee

Actor Brian Cox launches 'Spirit of Independence' in Dundee

BBC Scotland reporter accused of using bogus figures in NHS scare story

BBC Scotland reporter accused of using bogus figures in NHS scare story

Scotland Decides - Discussion - Bateman Broadcasting

Scotland Decides - Discussion - Bateman Broadcasting

SCOT goes POP!: Setback for the No campaign as new YouGov poll fai...

SCOT goes POP!: Setback for the No campaign as new YouGov poll fai...: It's been a night of frustration for Blair McDougall, the No camp's embarrassment of a campaign chief.  He must have hoped that the ...

Power share | Holyrood Magazine

Power share | Holyrood Magazine

The Independent Scot

The Independent Scot

Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Astonishing Coincidence

Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Astonishing Coincidence

Wings Over Scotland | The Wee Blue Book

Wings Over Scotland | The Wee Blue Book

The visceral hatred of Westminister politics | Snowblog | Snowblog

The visceral hatred of Westminister politics | Snowblog | Snowblog

The big independence lie: Why Scotland could keep the pound | City A.M.

The big independence lie: Why Scotland could keep the pound | City A.M.

English law cannot stop Scots being sterling squatters - FT.com

English law cannot stop Scots being sterling squatters - FT.com

Indyref Countdown – 40 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Indyref Countdown – 40 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Braveheart Oil And Alex Salmond May Be The Diet Of The Unionist But Equal Rights In A Fairer Land Are My Badges Of Identity | Tartantights's Blog

Braveheart Oil And Alex Salmond May Be The Diet Of The Unionist But Equal Rights In A Fairer Land Are My Badges Of Identity | Tartantights's Blog

Siol nan Gaidheal : Think Tank Document 21

Siol nan Gaidheal : Think Tank Document 21




The Back Green Bulletin

The Back Green Bulletin

dj.womble Daily

dj.womble Daily

McLeish hits out at Labour’s currency union vow - The Scotsman

McLeish hits out at Labour’s currency union vow - The Scotsman

dj.womble Daily

dj.womble Daily

Clydebank's Parrot says YES

Darling stumbles on further powers claim

Salmond: there is literally nothing anyone can do to stop an independent Scotland using the pound | Herald Scotland

Salmond: there is literally nothing anyone can do to stop an independent Scotland using the pound | Herald Scotland

Thompson Daily

Thompson Daily

Why I’m hanging up the red rosette | Like a Red Red Rose

Why I’m hanging up the red rosette | Like a Red Red Rose

What Alex Salmond must say on Scotland’s currency if he wants to win Scottish independence | WORKERS UNITED

What Alex Salmond must say on Scotland’s currency if he wants to win Scottish independence | WORKERS UNITED

Inequality's Steep Economic and Social Price Tag

Frankly Independent: Small Is Beautiful

Frankly Independent: Small Is Beautiful:              Professor Joseph Stiglitz on the price of inequality         " If you allow some of your riche...

WEEKLY WANKER #036: DAVID MEIKLE | A Thousand Flowers

WEEKLY WANKER #036: DAVID MEIKLE | A Thousand Flowers

There’s Something About Clair | A Greater Stage

There’s Something About Clair | A Greater Stage

Towards a Fifth Estate «

Towards a Fifth Estate «

Frankly Independent: A Helvetian Perspective

Frankly Independent: A Helvetian Perspective:            A francophone Swiss television news report on the Catalan independence referendum (RTS evening news, August 8th...

Dirty tactics by Westminster

Sunday, 10 August 2014

The Sad and Ugly End of British Socialism «

The Sad and Ugly End of British Socialism «

Tocasaid: A season like no other kicks off

Tocasaid: A season like no other kicks off: Though I still think of it as Division One, the new Scottish Championship is where it's at this year. The Club Formerly Known as Gla...

A Yes vote is logical; a No vote defies logic. | Scottish Pokemon – What do you believe in?

A Yes vote is logical; a No vote defies logic. | Scottish Pokemon – What do you believe in?

A Currency Union….What’s The Problem? | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

A Currency Union….What’s The Problem? | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Hope and trust « Wee Ginger Dug

Hope and trust « Wee Ginger Dug

Scotland, we love you. Honest. | furcoatnaenicks

Scotland, we love you. Honest. | furcoatnaenicks

Indyref Countdown – 39 To Go | Michael Greenwell

Indyref Countdown – 39 To Go | Michael Greenwell [New Legatum list on top 10 most prosperous world countries - 7 small]

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : A unión monetaria nunha Escocia independente e o x...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : A unión monetaria nunha Escocia independente e o x...: Os partidos unionistas escoceses andan envoltos nunha campaña pueril e mesmo insultante, tratando de focalizar toda a atención nun ataque p...

THE BIGGER THE LIE - Media Bias in the Scottish Independence Referendum

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : THE BIGGER THE LIE - Media Bias in the Scottish In...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : THE BIGGER THE LIE - Media Bias in the Scottish In...

JIm Murphy 100 streets in Nairn 5th August 2014

Jim Murphy Making An Arse Of Himself | Michael Greenwell

Jim Murphy Making An Arse Of Himself | Michael Greenwell



Wings Over Scotland | Dear Alistair

Wings Over Scotland | Dear Alistair

From Project Fear to Project Panic! |

From Project Fear to Project Panic! |

Westminster’s Psychological Warfare on Scotland |

Westminster’s Psychological Warfare on Scotland |

Exposed! The Evil Criminal Establishment that Rules Over Scotland! |

Exposed! The Evil Criminal Establishment that Rules Over Scotland! |

Twitter / piersmorgan: OK, Scotland, you've had your ...

Twitter / piersmorgan: OK, Scotland, you've had your ...

Labour fears brain drain with 15% of MPs ready to quit | Politics | The Observer

Labour fears brain drain with 15% of MPs ready to quit | Politics | The Observer

Wings Over Scotland | Lie back and think of England

Wings Over Scotland | Lie back and think of England

Wings Over Scotland | Hobson’s Choice

Wings Over Scotland | Hobson’s Choice

Wings Over Scotland | The subhumans

Wings Over Scotland | The subhumans

Wings Over Scotland | And smile, smile, smile

Wings Over Scotland | And smile, smile, smile

First Minister: No Currency Deal, no Debt Deal

No Deal on currency union ... No deal on debt

No Deal on currency union ... No deal on debt

DWP refuses to reply to MSPs as Iain Duncan Smith's welfare reforms condemned

DWP refuses to reply to MSPs as Iain Duncan Smith's welfare reforms condemned

Former Labour First Minister criticises party's currency threat

Former Labour First Minister criticises party's currency threat

No campaign devo pledge undermined as Boris Johnson says 'No reason for more powers'

No campaign devo pledge undermined as Boris Johnson says 'No reason for more powers'

Teachers for Yes launches with 'hands off' message to Westminster

Teachers for Yes launches with 'hands off' message to Westminster

Miliband admits currency threat will cost English businesses 'hundreds of millions'

Miliband admits currency threat will cost English businesses 'hundreds of millions'

Electoral Commission 'neutral' guidance booklet contains partisan referendum claims

Electoral Commission 'neutral' guidance booklet contains partisan referendum claims

Tarff Advertiser: Dear 200 Lovies ....

Tarff Advertiser: Dear 200 Lovies ....: Dear 200 'Lovies', Thanks for your heartfelt, if poorly thought through, concerns for poor, wee, stupid Scotland. The Scots will vo...

SCOT goes POP!: Reasons to be sceptical about the changes in the n...

SCOT goes POP!: Reasons to be sceptical about the changes in the n...: I've been away all day, but I've finally had a chance to catch up with the way Survation are reporting the findings of their own pol...

A Great Scot – Listen AND Watch /

A Great Scot – Listen AND Watch /

The crumbling castle of can’t « Wee Ginger Dug

The crumbling castle of can’t « Wee Ginger Dug

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Alex Salmond is Scotland’s good cop, Jim Sillars our bad cop. Together, they’ll get the job done. | WORKERS UNITED

Alex Salmond is Scotland’s good cop, Jim Sillars our bad cop. Together, they’ll get the job done. | WORKERS UNITED

Wings Over Scotland | We, a few of the people

Wings Over Scotland | We, a few of the people

Devolution just an empty promise

Devolution just an empty promise

Former No campaign councillor defects to Yes

Former No campaign councillor defects to Yes

The media has abandoned us, so we should now abandon them

The media has abandoned us, so we should now abandon them

Brian Cox in Edinburgh – Scotland’s Path To Re-Enlightenment «

Brian Cox in Edinburgh – Scotland’s Path To Re-Enlightenment «

SCOT goes POP!: Marking your card for tonight's Survation poll

SCOT goes POP!: Marking your card for tonight's Survation poll: There's a new Survation poll on its way tonight, but unless it appears very soon I'm not going to be able to cover it with any speed...

Free! My Plan B /

Free! My Plan B /

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

(It is likely that…) The first independent parliament will be governed by a Left/Green coalition | The Science of Independence

(It is likely that…) The first independent parliament will be governed by a Left/Green coalition | The Science of Independence

Yes vote will distance us from bloody foreign policy | Scots Asians For YES to an Independent Scotland

Yes vote will distance us from bloody foreign policy | Scots Asians For YES to an Independent Scotland

Referendum TV «

Referendum TV «

Gmail - New Battleground Marginals Polling Reveals Strength Of Feeling Over The NHS

Gmail - New Battleground Marginals Polling Reveals Strength Of Feeling Over The NHS

Drop The Dead Donkey | A Greater Stage

Drop The Dead Donkey | A Greater Stage

Avoiding a Political Trap: Why Alex Salmond didn’t articulate a Plan B on currency «

Avoiding a Political Trap: Why Alex Salmond didn’t articulate a Plan B on currency «

Wings Over Scotland | In all your newspapers tomorrow

Wings Over Scotland | In all your newspapers tomorrow

Scotland can send 'historic and monumental' message to the world with Trident removal

Scotland can send 'historic and monumental' message to the world with Trident removal

Indy Scotland could flourish with or without currency agreement says respected institution

Indy Scotland could flourish with or without currency agreement says respected institution

Alex Salmond….Let’s Get Rid…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Alex Salmond….Let’s Get Rid…. | EezyPeezyLemonSqeezy

Tarff Advertiser: How was it for you?

Tarff Advertiser: How was it for you?: Well the big debate came and went, the two sides claimed their man won and yet what was actually achieved beyond the kettle calling the pot...

Post Mortem (Corpse Twitches) /

Post Mortem (Corpse Twitches) /

I’d Sooner Take A Salmond Leap With A Man Who Cares For Scotland Than Be Stuck In A Past That We Made For Ourselves When We Pointed The Finger Of Fear | Tartantights's Blog

I’d Sooner Take A Salmond Leap With A Man Who Cares For Scotland Than Be Stuck In A Past That We Made For Ourselves When We Pointed The Finger Of Fear | Tartantights's Blog

The Jeremy Clarkson of the independence debate « Wee Ginger Dug

The Jeremy Clarkson of the independence debate « Wee Ginger Dug

A few thoughts on TV debates | The Science of Independence

A few thoughts on TV debates | The Science of Independence

Scotland’s Story | A Wilderness of Peace

Scotland’s Story | A Wilderness of Peace

Wings Over Scotland | The only stat that matters

Wings Over Scotland | The only stat that matters

Wings Over Scotland | Last night news happened

Wings Over Scotland | Last night news happened

Margo Mobile Hits the Road

Margo Mobile Hits the Road

Inductive Bluetooth Glasses and Spy Earpiece

Inductive Bluetooth Glasses and Spy Earpiece - YouTube

Inductive Bluetooth Glasses and Spy Earpiece - YouTube

ICM snap poll shows Yes support boosted by TV debate

ICM snap poll shows Yes support boosted by TV debate

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Chaos for YES as Norse Gods Back Better Together – North British Post | Scottish Pokemon – What do you believe in?

Chaos for YES as Norse Gods Back Better Together – North British Post | Scottish Pokemon – What do you believe in?

Devolution architect dismisses offer of more powers for Scotland as 'desperate bribe'

Devolution architect dismisses offer of more powers for Scotland as 'desperate bribe'

Salmond edges debate but no game changer

Salmond edges debate but no game changer

Bismark’s Dictum | A Greater Stage

Bismark’s Dictum | A Greater Stage

Internet tennis with Greg – the “It is likely that…” series | The Science of Independence

Internet tennis with Greg – the “It is likely that…” series | The Science of Independence

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Democracy according to the Spanish Goverment #spa...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Democracy according to the Spanish Goverment #spa...: A Vanguardia ven de publicar a seguinte noticia:   "El Gobierno confía en que un 'no' a la independencia en Escocia &quot...

How dare you Scotland! by Manmohan Tagore | Scots Asians For YES to an Independent Scotland

How dare you Scotland! by Manmohan Tagore | Scots Asians For YES to an Independent Scotland

Truth, Lies, Oil and Scotland | Michael Greenwell

Truth, Lies, Oil and Scotland | Michael Greenwell

The Scottish Independence Podcast 87 – Sergio Casci | Michael Greenwell

The Scottish Independence Podcast 87 – Sergio Casci | Michael Greenwell

Britain Is Not A Nation (?!) /

Britain Is Not A Nation (?!) /

Yes Scotland is the real “Project Fear” | Scottish Pokemon – What do you believe in?

Yes Scotland is the real “Project Fear” | Scottish Pokemon – What do you believe in?

Again and again and again

Again and again and again

Glasgow 2014 – Team BBC, Team Scotland and Team GB

Glasgow 2014 – Team BBC, Team Scotland and Team GB

21st century Britain is glaringly unjust and getting worse

21st century Britain is glaringly unjust and getting worse

Westminster Establishment Airbrushing Scottish Nationhood

Westminster Establishment Airbrushing Scottish Nationhood

Westminster parties wreath squabble marrs WW1 commemorations

Westminster parties wreath squabble marrs WW1 commemorations

No campaign bank and currency scares 'nonsense' says former bank chief

No campaign bank and currency scares 'nonsense' says former bank chief