Thursday, 31 July 2014
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Monday, 28 July 2014
Sunday, 27 July 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Come On In, Scotland! (Or 'My trip to the Commonw...
SCOT goes POP!: Come On In, Scotland! (Or 'My trip to the Commonw...: So, yes, I'm just back from Celtic Park. I hadn't been planning to go to the opening ceremony until a few weeks ago, when I got an ...
SCOT goes POP!: New Panelbase poll shows Yes vote up on last direc...
SCOT goes POP!: New Panelbase poll shows Yes vote up on last direc...: A new Panelbase poll has finally been released - I'm not sure yet whether it's the one that we heard about people being interviewed ...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Irregular verbs
Lallands Peat Worrier: Irregular verbs: The independence campaign is becoming characterised by its irregular verbs. Last month , it was I disagree with you . You shout me down...
Tarff Advertiser: Darling? Nob End or Dickhead?
Tarff Advertiser: Darling? Nob End or Dickhead?: After my burst of creativity in the early part of last week a combination of the sun (a stranger to Scotland), golf and just being so compl...
Saturday, 26 July 2014
SCOT goes POP!: A wild suggestion : why not crowdfund the handing ...
SCOT goes POP!: A wild suggestion : why not crowdfund the handing ...: I don't know if anyone has definitively solved the mystery of who was responsible for handing out the blatantly political "two-face...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : FOTOGRAFIA COLECTIVA : GALIZA CON ESCOCIA #solidar...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : FOTOGRAFIA COLECTIVA : GALIZA CON ESCOCIA #solidar...:
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : THE STATUS QUO by Christopher Carnie #solidaritywi...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : THE STATUS QUO by Christopher Carnie #solidaritywi...: By Chris Carnie (from Catalonia) 22 July 2014 To change a Government, we vote. But how do we chang...
Tocasaid: Happy Birthday George from BBC Tocasaid!
Tocasaid: Happy Birthday George from BBC Tocasaid!: Or, alles Gute zum Geburtstag in your ancestral tongue. It's been a while but what better occasion to take a break from the scorch...
SCOT goes POP!: Is this the best put-down of the campaign so far?
SCOT goes POP!: Is this the best put-down of the campaign so far?: Jonathan Jones (in his "On Art" Guardian blog) : Scotland's art is doing brilliantly as an inflection of British art. Brede...
SCOT goes POP!: TNS-BMRB poll : 'Undecided leaners' are breaking f...
SCOT goes POP!: TNS-BMRB poll : 'Undecided leaners' are breaking f...: As I pointed out a few days ago that the rounding in the ICM poll had flattered No slightly, I should in fairness also point out that the r...
SCOT goes POP!: I wouldn't have thought this was possible, but I'v...
SCOT goes POP!: I wouldn't have thought this was possible, but I'v...: There's been a perception for quite some time that, in broad brush terms, and perhaps because of the personality traits that drive peopl...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : Knowledge is power, in more ...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : Knowledge is power, in more ...: "An independent Scotland could now expect to have massive surpluses both on its budget and on its balance of payments and with the prop...
Friday, 25 July 2014
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Frankly Independent: A Crazy Dream
Frankly Independent: A Crazy Dream: An Indian television news report (in Telugu) on the Scottish Commonwealth Games opening ceremony (TV5 New...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Support for Scotland from Santiago de Compostela #...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Support for Scotland from Santiago de Compostela #...: Banda das Crechas. Manuel Amigo says a few words! (Thank you Jon Scullard for sharing it! ) Photo: La Voz de Galicia, A. Ballestero...
Frankly Independent: Scottish Independence Is Inevitable
Frankly Independent: Scottish Independence Is Inevitable: Have you noticed how the Bitter Together/ Project Fear campaign has taken to indulging in a ritual incantation to the effect that advocat...
Frankly Independent: Getting It Together
Frankly Independent: Getting It Together: Do you remember those complacently self-assured Tory types with bushy tails and one-track minds who self-righteously prated at us that we&...
Tarff Advertiser: Commonwealth Games
Tarff Advertiser: Commonwealth Games: Glasgow is all hyped up with nowhere to go, travel lanes have been marked around the city so VIP's can be whisked from one photo oppor...
Monday, 21 July 2014
SCOT goes POP!: A-list, at last
SCOT goes POP!: A-list, at last: You might remember that a few months ago, the ex-fascist Daily Mail newspaper started running a series of sinister articles that "named...
Friday, 18 July 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : MY CONTRIBUTION TO #solidaritywithscotland : ROBIN...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : MY CONTRIBUTION TO #solidaritywithscotland : ROBIN...: "I am passionate about seeing my country retake her place on the international stage as a force for peace and prosperity and to se...
Frankly Independent: A Normal Country
Frankly Independent: A Normal Country: Un País Normal (A Normal Country), a Catalan documentary with subtitles in English This...
Tarff Advertiser: Better Together - for whom?
Tarff Advertiser: Better Together - for whom?: To a friend who is a Better Together supporter: Dear ...... Maybe you can make a positive case for the Union because the Better Together ...
Tarff Advertiser: The NHS is safe in my hands ....
Tarff Advertiser: The NHS is safe in my hands ....: Oh how we health care professionals across the UK laughed at that bullshit from Cameron because it was either that or cutting our own throa...
SCOT goes POP!: Remember the day Eddie Izzard campaigned with Elai...
SCOT goes POP!: Remember the day Eddie Izzard campaigned with Elai...: There are already doctored photos doing the rounds on Twitter of the Z-list celebrities from the much-mocked 'Let's Stay Together...
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign make spectacular breakth...
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign make spectacular breakth...: TNS-BMRB have on average been the third most No-friendly out of the six BPC-affiliated firms. Their last poll showed Yes on a new high wate...
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : J. R. Tomlin on Writing and More: I Stand With Sco...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : J. R. Tomlin on Writing and More: I Stand With Sco...: J. R. Tomlin on Writing and More: I Stand With Scotland : I rarely discuss politics in my blog but the referendum on Scottish independenc...
Frankly Independent: National Identity and Social Equality
Frankly Independent: National Identity and Social Equality: Isobel Lindsay , Vice-Chair of Scottish CND , Convener of Scotland's for Peace and a member of the boar...
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Is that it?! ICM poll the No campaign have been c...
SCOT goes POP!: Is that it?! ICM poll the No campaign have been c...: This month's ICM poll has just been released, and shows only margin of error changes. The headline numbers are well within the firm'...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ON THE 25TH OF JULY // O 25 DE XULLO // EL 25 DE J...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ON THE 25TH OF JULY // O 25 DE XULLO // EL 25 DE J...: It will be very easy to find us in Santiago de Compostela on the 25th of July. You are all welcome Vai ser moi doado atoparnos en C...
SCOT goes POP!: ICM poll is better for Yes on the unrounded number...
SCOT goes POP!: ICM poll is better for Yes on the unrounded number...: It's uncanny how often this has happened with ICM - to be fair it's just coincidence/bad luck, but the rounding has yet again flatte...
SCOT goes POP!: Book Club Bonanza
SCOT goes POP!: Book Club Bonanza: I know we all love our anecdotes about finding Yes voters in unexpected places, so I thought you might enjoy this one. For the last four ye...
Frankly Independent: The Truth about the NHS
Frankly Independent: The Truth about the NHS: Dr Philippa Whitford Dr Philippa Whitford, a consultant breast surgeon in Kilmarnock, spoke...
Frankly Independent: Staying in the UK
Frankly Independent: Staying in the UK: Stephen Paton's helpful little video on What Staying in the United Kingdom Means for Scotland , the UK ...
Tarff Advertiser: Enough is Enough
Tarff Advertiser: Enough is Enough: I have just watched what can only be called an offense against humanity. I was persuaded to view footage of an Israeli drone attack of a fu...
Monday, 14 July 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ESES PEQUENOS DETALLES... QUE O DIN TODO #indyref...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ESES PEQUENOS DETALLES... QUE O DIN TODO #indyref...: Sobran exemplos do ridículo que están a facer os medios de comunicación cubrindo o proceso escocés. Ata hai moi pouco limitábanse...
Frankly Independent: A Vote of Confidence
Frankly Independent: A Vote of Confidence: A vote of confidence in Scotland in September still looks like a realistic possibility, as yet anot...
Tarff Advertiser: Empty Headed
Tarff Advertiser: Empty Headed: I have seen too many unpleasant sights in my life as part and parcel of my professional career from faces mangled in road traffic accidents...
Frankly Independent: Westminster Takes Note
Frankly Independent: Westminster Takes Note: The UK parliament published a note the other day on the non-binding consultative independence refere...
Friday, 11 July 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Support for independence soars to highest ever lev...
SCOT goes POP!: Support for independence soars to highest ever lev...: The new Survation poll for the Daily Record has just been released, and it shows a strikingly similar picture to Sunday's TNS poll, whi...
Tarff Advertiser: The Cost of a Yes vote ...
Tarff Advertiser: The Cost of a Yes vote ...: Sauntering home along the lanes by the Tarff River from Kirkcudbright I began to muse just how much a Yes vote would cost say ..... Alisda...
Thursday, 10 July 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidarity with Scotland: (Why) Speak Up by Christ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidarity with Scotland: (Why) Speak Up by Christ...: We, the Scots who have chosen to leave, do not get a vote in the Referendum. It is the people who live in Scotland who will vote on...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidaritat amb Escòcia / Solidarity with Scotland...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidaritat amb Escòcia / Solidarity with Scotland...: Fa qualques meses una amiga dels Estats Units me demandèt çò que podiá far per ajudar la causa independentista d’Escòcia. “Pas gaire”...
Westminster’s dark secret: Adultery, homosexuality, sadomasochism and abuse of children were all seemingly lumped together - Crime - UK - The Independent
Frankly Independent: IndyRef Weekly Review 6
Frankly Independent: IndyRef Weekly Review 6: Stephen Paton's Scottish independence referendum weekly review Investment in Glasg...
SCOT goes POP!: Believe me when I say to you, I hope the Middlelan...
SCOT goes POP!: Believe me when I say to you, I hope the Middlelan...: Well, it's now official from the BBC website - the unspoofable Tory MP Rory Stewart has abandoned his "Hands Across the Border"...
Tarff Advertiser: Willfully Missing the Point
Tarff Advertiser: Willfully Missing the Point: Poor Martin writes this fluff in the Gruniad at the same time as yet another British Establishment cover u...
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Tarff Advertiser: May You Live in Interesting Times! (an old Gaelic ...
Tarff Advertiser: May You Live in Interesting Times! (an old Gaelic ...: Take 25% of Sterling's foreign exchange earnings out of this PwC ' Through the Looking Glass ' fantasy and just how screwed is...
SCOT goes POP!: New TNS-BMRB poll shows 2% increase in support for...
SCOT goes POP!: New TNS-BMRB poll shows 2% increase in support for...: Well, the plot thickens. As we were waiting for a poll in the Sunday Post that No campaign staffers seemed to be crowing about on Twitter,...
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Munguin's Republic: Hyndland Secondary School
Munguin's Republic: Hyndland Secondary School [Referendum debate amongst pupils by the pupils]
Friday, 4 July 2014
Peter A Bell: Please stay: A response to Jim Sillars's essay in ...
Peter A Bell: Please stay: A response to Jim Sillars's essay in ...: Jim Sillars: A concerned grandfather Jim Sillars is, of course, fully justified in being deeply concerned about the consequences for Sc...
SCOT goes POP!: Are Peter Kellner and YouGov Yes Scotland’s hidden...
SCOT goes POP!: Are Peter Kellner and YouGov Yes Scotland’s hidden...: A guest post by Alasdair Stirling YouGov's Peter Kellner has written an extraordinary blog article entitled 'Why Do the Polls in S...
SCOT goes POP!: More on Kellner
SCOT goes POP!: More on Kellner: Just to let you know I've written an article for Newsnet Scotland about this week's ongoing YouGov saga - you can read it HERE . T...
Tarff Advertiser: If you love your country.
Tarff Advertiser: If you love your country.: Cameron is making yet another ' big speech ' today to save the Union, today's appeal is to the ' silent majority ' of S...
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