Monday, 30 June 2014
Munguin's Republic: THANK HEAVENS FOR A PROPER LABOUR MP... AND SAVE U...: It's noted that Iain Duncan Smith seems to be amused and smirks though the speech like the pompous, unthinking, unfeeling monster he...
Munguin's Republic: BRITISH PENSIONS THE WORST IN EUROPE: AND MOST WON...: The British state pension at a maximum £110.15 a week is the most miserable in Europe. Compared to average income, even Hungary and Slo...
SCOT goes POP!: Seducing Rob Shorthouse
SCOT goes POP!: Seducing Rob Shorthouse: This is not the most riveting Twitter exchange I've ever reposted here, but it's still worth looking at, because you really have to ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidariedade con Escocia #Galiza #solidaritywiths...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidariedade con Escocia #Galiza #solidaritywiths...: Cómo colaborar / How to colaborate:
Politics, Journalism etc: Healing the rift?
Politics, Journalism etc: Healing the rift?: The Scottish Left is famous for splits, ructions and tensions, but a new generation of socialists aligned to the Yes campaign is discussing ...
Sunday, 29 June 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Festas do Barrio de San Pedro - Espazo Cidadán - M...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Festas do Barrio de San Pedro - Espazo Cidadán - M...: O Barrio de San Pedro é sen dúbida un dos mais importantes e activos na cidade de Compostelana. As súas festas e a organización das mesmas...
Tarff Advertiser: Dr Findlay's Headcase Book
Tarff Advertiser: Dr Findlay's Headcase Book: The NHS in England is heading down the Swanney ...... meanwhile in Tannoch Brae: I see one of Dr Cameron's best pals has sucked o'e...
SCOT goes POP!: Bannockburn Live photos
SCOT goes POP!: Bannockburn Live photos: I know it's probably the ultimate nationalist stereotype to attend a reenactment of Bannockburn, but I honestly wasn't planning to g...
Saturday, 28 June 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Why are YouGov so obsessively secretive about the ...
SCOT goes POP!: Why are YouGov so obsessively secretive about the ...: I'm indebted once again to Calum Findlay for pointing out something that I hadn't noticed - YouGov are repeatedly showing a higher N...
Tarff Advertiser: Westminster loses the plot.
Tarff Advertiser: Westminster loses the plot.: The tearing sound you are hearing from Scotland is the last of Labour's ordinary membership ripping their membership cards in half in d...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ORGULLO #28Xuño / PRIDE #28th #LGBT
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ORGULLO #28Xuño / PRIDE #28th #LGBT: Unha enorme aperta da vosa orgullosa amiga! Somos distint@s, somos iguais, viva a diversidade! A huge hug from your proud friend! ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : A PRENSA ESPAÑOLA BATENDO COA REALIDADE ESCOCESA ....
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : A PRENSA ESPAÑOLA BATENDO COA REALIDADE ESCOCESA ....: Cando un xornal fai algo ben, debería estar orgulloso dos seus traballadores, do seu traballo e non esnaquizalo para dar unha imaxe do qu...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : A PRENSA ESPAÑOLA BATENDO COA REALIDADE ESCOCESA ....
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : A PRENSA ESPAÑOLA BATENDO COA REALIDADE ESCOCESA ....: Cando un xornal fai algo ben, debería estar orgulloso dos seus traballadores, do seu traballo e non esnaquizalo para dar unha imaxe do qu...
Frankly Independent: Making the Good Life Impossible
Frankly Independent: Making the Good Life Impossible: Voting No : Newsnet Scotland 's wee doggie has a dream in which he sees Scotland after a No vote in...
Friday, 27 June 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : "Solidarity with Scotland" en #Compostela #Festasd...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : "Solidarity with Scotland" en #Compostela #Festasd...: Contacta con nós no teléfono 646 80 71 65 A Organización das Festas do Barrio de San Pedro, convidounos a participar o sábado 28 de x...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidariedade con Escocia: Recollida Sinaturas Car...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidariedade con Escocia: Recollida Sinaturas Car...: Ola a tod@s : Hola a tod@s : Sabemos que é o tempo é ouro e que agradecedes que vos facilitemos as cousas para participar en cal...
SCOT goes POP!: The mass canvass results
SCOT goes POP!: The mass canvass results: A couple of people have asked me to say something about the results of the Radical Independence mass canvass on Sunday, which were as follow...
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Tarff Advertiser: Gordon is a Moron ....
Tarff Advertiser: Gordon is a Moron ....: "Who's this bloke I asked her Goooooordon, she replied Not THAT puff, I said dismayed" Read more: Jilted John - Jilted ...
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : What has the anti-independen...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : What has the anti-independen...: "The Tories, every election, must have a bogey man. If you haven't got a programme, a bogey man will do." Said by Aneurin Be...
Munguin's Republic: RANDOM THOUGHTS...
Munguin's Republic: RANDOM THOUGHTS...: Why is it that the No campaign don't want their arguments for unionism recorded and disseminated? Are they ashamed of them? Are t...
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Frankly Independent: IndyRef Weekly Review 4
Frankly Independent: IndyRef Weekly Review 4: Stephen Paton's fourth Scottish independence weekly review Further Powers ...
Frankly Independent: N-56
Frankly Independent: N-56: N-56 infographic In case you hadn't noticed, it may be worth pointing out that N-56 is ...
Frankly Independent: Making the Good Life Possible
Frankly Independent: Making the Good Life Possible: Fiona Cook, a member of Lawyers for Yes from Inverclyde and a Labour Party activist for 29 years , no...
Logic's Rock: Parliamo Berraragerra
Logic's Rock: Parliamo Berraragerra: So veteran Scots actor and comedian Stanley Baxter has, surprise surprise, come out against independence. I'm a big fan of his and, as ...
SCOT goes POP!: Hey now, hey now, what can I say? Nothing's fair ...
SCOT goes POP!: Hey now, hey now, what can I say? Nothing's fair ...: Just a quick post tonight because I'm very, very sleepy. One of the unexpected side-effects of the fundraiser last month is that when p...
Sunday, 22 June 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : OUR CONTRIBUTION TO #solidaritywithscotland Messag...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : OUR CONTRIBUTION TO #solidaritywithscotland Messag...: Thought I would share something we did the other night. We live in the US in a rural farming area in Illinois. We heard Pippa Middlet...
SCOT goes POP!: No, David Herdson, England's World Cup exit is not...
SCOT goes POP!: No, David Herdson, England's World Cup exit is not...: Even before Mick Pork pointed me in the direction of David Herdson's piece in Political Betting (aka Stormfront Lite) today, I was toyi...
SCOT goes POP!: No, David Herdson, England's World Cup exit is not...
SCOT goes POP!: No, David Herdson, England's World Cup exit is not...: Even before Mick Pork pointed me in the direction of David Herdson's piece in Political Betting (aka Stormfront Lite) today, I was toyi...
Saturday, 21 June 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : LETTER TO SIMON MANLEY . British Embassy in Madrid...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : LETTER TO SIMON MANLEY . British Embassy in Madrid...: Dear Mr Manley I was shocked to see that you had Tweeted, at 21:04 yesterday, 19th June, a statement that "Scotland is part of a...
SCOT goes POP!: Is Wales about to become a permanent member of the...
SCOT goes POP!: Is Wales about to become a permanent member of the...: From the little I've seen of Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones on TV over the years (and the fact I've seen so little speaks volumes...
Frankly Independent: Same Old Same Old
Frankly Independent: Same Old Same Old: The coronation speech delivered by the new king of Spain in the Spanish Congress of Deputies today (The i...
Thursday, 19 June 2014
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov poll shows swing to Yes among definite vote...
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov poll shows swing to Yes among definite vote...: Blair McDougall and his Abominable No-Men will be thanking their lucky stars today that YouGov are one of only two BPC pollsters that do not...
SCOT goes POP!: No Campaign Fib-Watch, Day 452
SCOT goes POP!: No Campaign Fib-Watch, Day 452: Hot on the heels of the No campaign making boastful claims about the new YouGov poll that are utterly irreconcilable with other claims they...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : DEMOCRACY / DEMOCRACIA #ReferendumNow! #ReferendoX...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : DEMOCRACY / DEMOCRACIA #ReferendumNow! #ReferendoX...: Referendum , XA! Referendum NOW! Non me importa cal sexa a tua tricolor, hoxe estamos todos xuntos reclamando DEMOCRACIA ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Spain and Catalonia - Scotland in EU - Patrick Har...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Spain and Catalonia - Scotland in EU - Patrick Har...: Thank you very much, Peter Curran @moridura for this video and Paul Kavanagh @weegingerdug for his analysis http://weegingerdug.wordpre...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLAND: How to collaborate, Sky...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLAND: How to collaborate, Sky...: Hello everyone! Ola a tod@s! ¡Hola a tod@s! Paul and I would like to thank all of you for such an amazing support for this I...
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
The Calum Maclean Project: Angus MacMillan’s Life Story – VI [Mallaig]
The Calum Maclean Project: Angus MacMillan’s Life Story – VI [Mallaig]: A previous blog offered a summary of Angus MacMillan ’s life story. It may be divided into eleven sections of varying lengths. Here is of...
Frankly Independent: Opportunity Knocks
Frankly Independent: Opportunity Knocks: Scottish independence opportunities in taxation, migration, energy policy and exports : Michael Gray, staff researcher ...
SCOT goes POP!: According to Better Together's own logic, the No l...
SCOT goes POP!: According to Better Together's own logic, the No l...: The results of tonight's YouGov referendum poll have just been released, and they show the firm consolidating its status as one of this ...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : Rachel Reeves, look away now...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : Rachel Reeves, look away now...: "We are called upon at the beginning of the 20th century to decide the question propounded in the Sermon on the Mount, as to whether we...
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
SCOT goes POP!: ICM poll : Yes vote at 46.4% after 'undecided lean...
SCOT goes POP!: ICM poll : Yes vote at 46.4% after 'undecided lean...: The datasets for yesterday's ICM poll are now up, and just like last month they make for fascinating reading. Most importantly, they sh...
Frankly Independent: It's That Lad Again
Frankly Independent: It's That Lad Again: This week on the #IndyRef Weekly Review , Stephen Paton takes a look at the reactions to JK Rowling&...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : A CONSTITUCIÓN PARA UNHA ESCOCIA INDEPENDENTE // T...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : A CONSTITUCIÓN PARA UNHA ESCOCIA INDEPENDENTE // T...: Xa se recollía no Libro Branco (White Paper) e tal e como levan anunciando dende hai meses, o Goberno escocés ven de presentar o Borrador ...
Peter A Bell: The constitutional nub
Peter A Bell: The constitutional nub: Freedom Alone (Photo credit: Martin Burns ) Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has unveiled the draft Scottish Independence Bill an...
Peter A Bell: The constitutional nub
Peter A Bell: The constitutional nub: Freedom Alone (Photo credit: Martin Burns ) Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has unveiled the draft Scottish Independence Bill an...
Monday, 16 June 2014
Logic's Rock: When Orange Men go Green
Logic's Rock: When Orange Men go Green: Something different today for a laugh with the marching season almost upon us from Newry singer Finbar Magee : When Orange Men go Green, an...
Logic's Rock: Blòð eða Bjǫð / Fuil 'is Talamh / Blood and Soil
Logic's Rock: Blòð eða Bjǫð / Fuil 'is Talamh / Blood and Soil: A trilingual title? That's a first for this blog! It's quadriligual actually as blood and soil is the same in Scots and English. Fo...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : UNHA RESPOSTA DO GOBERNO ESPAÑOL // A REPLY FROM T...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : UNHA RESPOSTA DO GOBERNO ESPAÑOL // A REPLY FROM T...: Hoxe mesmo recibín resposta á miña carta enviada a Mariano Rajoy. A resposta envíana o Departamento de Comunicación cós Cidadáns da Presid...
Frankly Independent: The Common Weal
Frankly Independent: The Common Weal: AllOfUsFirst web from Common Weal on Vimeo . Click here .
SCOT goes POP!: The unrounded Panelbase figures are even better fo...
SCOT goes POP!: The unrounded Panelbase figures are even better fo...: Panelbase have got into the rather refreshing habit of releasing the datasets for their Sunday polls on the Sunday itself. With ICM it'...
Sunday, 15 June 2014
The Calum Maclean Project: Angus MacMillan’s Life Story – II [His Father]
The Calum Maclean Project: Angus MacMillan’s Life Story – II [His Father]: A previous blog offered a summary of Angus MacMillan ’s life story. It may be divided into eleven sections of varying lengths. Here is offe...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : MY CONTRIBUTION TO #solidaritywithscotland #YesSco...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : MY CONTRIBUTION TO #solidaritywithscotland #YesSco...: Hello! I wanted to share this picture with you. These are the shirts we had made to help raise awareness here in the USA. We are goin...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : POPE FRANCIS AND #INDYREF // O PAPA FRANCISCO E A...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : POPE FRANCIS AND #INDYREF // O PAPA FRANCISCO E A...: Algunhas persoas preguntáronme sobre as declaracións do Papa Francisco en La Vanguardia, xornal catalán. Aquí tendes a tradución da única...
SCOT goes POP!: Coming soon, to a blog near you...
SCOT goes POP!: Coming soon, to a blog near you...: In case you haven't heard, we'll shortly be discovering the results of two new referendum polls - the monthly ICM poll in the Scotla...
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign surge to 48% in spectacu...
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign surge to 48% in spectacu...: The Sunday Herald have just tweeted the results of this weekend's new Panelbase poll (with Don't Knows excluded). It shows the Yes...
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign close the gap to just 7%...
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign close the gap to just 7%...: The second referendum poll of this evening is now out, from the firm that is often regarded as the UK's "gold standard" pollin...
Frankly Independent: Freedom for Catalonia
Frankly Independent: Freedom for Catalonia: London was the first city outside Catalonia to host a huge human Estelada , as the Catalan independe...
Saturday, 14 June 2014
Friday, 13 June 2014
Frankly Independent: Butterflies
Frankly Independent: Butterflies: Don't crush the butterfly, even though, in chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive d...
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Lallands Peat Worrier: Feart
Lallands Peat Worrier: Feart: Back in 2011, the Flying Rodent composed this majestic diatribe , detailing a doer's guide to Concern Trolling. The target of the Rode...
Lallands Peat Worrier: The Great Dictator
Lallands Peat Worrier: The Great Dictator: Microphones plugged in, earphones on, green room liberally stocked with complementary Midori, on Sunday we finally got around to recordin...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Keeping the Peat fires burning...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Keeping the Peat fires burning...: I could do with a hand. I love writing. I haven't yet found a way to make it pay to any remotely sustaining extent, but few pleasur...
The Calum Maclean Project: Angus MacMillan’s Life Story – I [Family History]
The Calum Maclean Project: Angus MacMillan’s Life Story – I [Family History]: A previous blog offered a summary of Angus MacMillan ’s life story. It may be divided into eleven sections of varying lengths. Here is offe...
Frankly Independent: Catalonia Today
Frankly Independent: Catalonia Today: The recent European parliamentary general election has highlighted a widening gap between Madrid and Catalonia . A clear majority of Catal...
Tarff Advertiser: Potter, Pooter, Poorer ....
Tarff Advertiser: Potter, Pooter, Poorer ....: So Ms Rowlings has given Slavering (Head of House - Didimus Darling) a million points. This some how is a disaster for the Yes Campaign ac...
SCOT goes POP!: TNS-BMRB poll : Support for independence stands at...
SCOT goes POP!: TNS-BMRB poll : Support for independence stands at...: As I said last night, the aspect of the new TNS-BMRB poll that will be of most interest to the Yes campaign (indeed, for the opposite reaso...
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign close the gap to just 5%...
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign close the gap to just 5%...: Based only on some very insubstantial straws in the wind, I've had a slight feeling that the direction of travel in the aftermath of the...
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Frankly Independent: Project Bullshit
Frankly Independent: Project Bullshit: Even that nice Mr Brown has been complaining about the stink coming out of the Project Fear campaign for the Scottish independence refere...
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Frankly Independent: L'Ecosse en route vers l'indépendance ?
Frankly Independent: L'Ecosse en route vers l'indépendance ?: Now that we are approaching the Scottish independence referendum , basic information and indeed misinformation on the subject is being in...
Sunday, 8 June 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Populus poll : Most Scots think they would regret ...
SCOT goes POP!: Populus poll : Most Scots think they would regret ...: The mist has cleared somewhat on the Populus poll that we heard the early details of last night, and there's plenty in it that will be o...
SCOT goes POP!: Those in glass houses and all that...
SCOT goes POP!: Those in glass houses and all that...: Kenny Farquharson of Scotland on Sunday , in a tweet about the Populus poll which so far has been retweeted 26 times - "The SNP ther...
Friday, 6 June 2014
SCOT goes POP!: SNP retain commanding Holyrood lead over Labour in...
SCOT goes POP!: SNP retain commanding Holyrood lead over Labour in...: I was beginning to wonder if the Holyrood numbers from this week's Ipsos-Mori poll were ever going to appear, but they've finally tu...
Thursday, 5 June 2014
SCOT goes POP!: No, Alex Massie, people who care about more powers...
SCOT goes POP!: No, Alex Massie, people who care about more powers...: Right-wing commentator Alex Massie is continuing with his regular-as-clockwork routine as an "equal opportunities irritant", with ...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : Project Fear's silver lining...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : Project Fear's silver lining...: "Fear is static that prevents me from hearing myself." And if it prevents everyone else from hearing you as well, Mr McDougall, ...
Tarff Advertiser: Bad war / Good war
Tarff Advertiser: Bad war / Good war: I watched Max Hasting's the ' Necessary War ' and his attempt to explain why the First World War had not been avoidable, why th...
Frankly Independent: Today in Parliament
Frankly Independent: Today in Parliament: There was, as you will doubtless have noticed, a major government statement today, which every UK citizen should be aware of but which mos...
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Tarff Advertiser: Trains, planes and automobiles ....
Tarff Advertiser: Trains, planes and automobiles ....: So the usual media suspects - Carrell in the Gurniad, Cochrane in the Torygaff - have had a rant about Edinburgh's quarter of a tram sy...
Tarff Advertiser: Trains, planes and automobiles ....
Tarff Advertiser: Trains, planes and automobiles ....: So the usual media suspects - Carrell in the Gurniad, Cochrane in the Torygaff - have had a rant about Edinburgh's quarter of a tram sy...
Frankly Independent: The Reign in Spain
Frankly Independent: The Reign in Spain: You will doubtless have noticed yesterday's announcement that the ailing Bourbon king of Spain, Juan Carlos , is to step down from his...
SCOT goes POP!: Ipsos-Mori say that the Yes campaign have drawn le...
SCOT goes POP!: Ipsos-Mori say that the Yes campaign have drawn le...: The Ipsos-Mori representative who appeared on Scotland Tonight was clearly making an admirable effort to be even-handed in his analysis of ...
Monday, 2 June 2014
Tommy Ball's Blog: BBC crisis deepens over CBI "cover-up"
Tommy Ball's Blog: BBC crisis deepens over CBI "cover-up": The BBC is in a state of crisis tonight over the revelation that it has been a member of the right-wing Confederation of British Industry f...
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