Wednesday, 30 April 2014
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov survey puts SNP in pole position for Europe...
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov survey puts SNP in pole position for Europe...: There have been so many different polls over the last few weeks that it's possible I've lost track somewhere along the line, but I&#...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : More from Parnell
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : More from Parnell: "Why should Ireland be treated as a geographical fragment of England? Ireland is not a geographical fragment, but a nation." Sa...
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : FM of Scotland, Alex SALMOND speaks at the College...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : FM of Scotland, Alex SALMOND speaks at the College...: Source: It’s a great ...
SCOT goes POP!: Meet your ill-fitting match
SCOT goes POP!: Meet your ill-fitting match: In the past, 'vote match' and 'political compass' type questionnaires have quite accurately reflected my natural preference ...
Frankly Independent: The Bruges Speech
Frankly Independent: The Bruges Speech: The College of Europe in Bruges , where UK PM Margaret Thatcher issued a Europhobic warning against a ...
Monday, 28 April 2014
SNmr: Choices
SNmr: Choices: Gordon Brown is not a stupid man. He knows that what he is saying today on pensions is nonsense and he has specifically selected his statist...
SCOT goes POP!: Another example of what gives YouGov such a bad na...
SCOT goes POP!: Another example of what gives YouGov such a bad na...: This question appears in today's YouGov poll commissioned by the Sunday Times , and it's certainly not the first time we've seen...
Sunday, 27 April 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Is Ian Smart a malfunctioning android?
SCOT goes POP!: Is Ian Smart a malfunctioning android?: Now don't bite my head off, I'm merely throwing the question out there. I know we've long suspected that Smart isn't quite ...
Saturday, 26 April 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : CBI : ONDE DIXEN DIGO, DIGO DIEGO
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : CBI : ONDE DIXEN DIGO, DIGO DIEGO: Continua o culebrón da CBI, o maior escándalo acontecido ata o de agora nestes últimos meses, referente ao proceso de independencia en E...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Women for Independence with Carolyn Leckie
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Women for Independence with Carolyn Leckie: As mulleres son o 52% da poboación en Escocia. Carolyn Leckie e Women for Independence enfrontan un grande reto, unha grande misión: che...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : LABOUR FOR INDY : Allan Grogan speaking in Auchter...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : LABOUR FOR INDY : Allan Grogan speaking in Auchter...: E xa que a prensa española segue sen informar sobre os laboristas que apoian o YES pola independencia, aqui vos deixo outro video de Allan...
A Fifers Thoughts On Independence: An Evening With Mr Carmichael
A Fifers Thoughts On Independence: An Evening With Mr Carmichael: If you had asked me a year ago if i would like to spend an evening with Allister Carmichael, i would have probably compared the proposal t...
SCOT goes POP!: Who Wants to Be a Laughing-Stock?
SCOT goes POP!: Who Wants to Be a Laughing-Stock?: Well, CBI, this is where it gets very exciting. You're just one question away from being able to spend up to £150,000 campaigning again...
Frankly Independent: Chomsky for Indy
Frankly Independent: Chomsky for Indy: At a time when a UK political leader whose father was a prominent Marxist thinker has been making a frenzied stab at persuading Scottish...
Friday, 25 April 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : 25 DE ABRIL SEMPRE! #OPovoequemmaisordena #Portug...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : 25 DE ABRIL SEMPRE! #OPovoequemmaisordena #Portug...: Grândola, vila morena Terra da fraternidade O povo é quem mais ordena Dentro de ti, ó cidade Dentro de ti, ó cidade O povo ...
SCOT goes POP!: ITV's position is untenable - if this was a UK-wid...
SCOT goes POP!: ITV's position is untenable - if this was a UK-wid...: Make no mistake - if the CBI had registered as an official supporter of either the Yes or No campaign in the AV referendum, ITV would have i...
Tarff Advertiser: Reply to a Unionist ex-serviceman.
Tarff Advertiser: Reply to a Unionist ex-serviceman.: " I am 40 something have served my country in the Forces have traveled far and wide in doing so and have met many...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Expert blasts "reckless" SNP royal policy
Lallands Peat Worrier: Expert blasts "reckless" SNP royal policy: Disaster on disaster. While in the pages of Daily Telegraph the First Sealord warns that independence would hull our maritime security b...
Munguin's Republic: EVERYTHING THEY SAY IS RUBBISH: THEY'VE GIVEN UP O...: Well, they said there was something wrong, so I suppose they were right on something! Darling, as we've said before has no author...
Thursday, 24 April 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ESCOCIA: ENTRE SERIES DE FICCIÓN E CONTUNDENTES RE...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ESCOCIA: ENTRE SERIES DE FICCIÓN E CONTUNDENTES RE...: As pensións estarán en perigo nunha Escocia independente, a economía vaise ver comprometida, Escocia non poderá formar parte da Unión ...
SCOT goes POP!: The mad, mad world of Rory Stewart MP
SCOT goes POP!: The mad, mad world of Rory Stewart MP: You've really got to hand it to Rory Stewart, the half-Scottish Tory MP for Penrith. There aren't many 41-year-olds from these pa...
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : FELIÇ SANT JORDI AMICS DE CATALUNYA #SantJordi2014...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : FELIÇ SANT JORDI AMICS DE CATALUNYA #SantJordi2014...: Fa molt i molt de temps, el poble de Montblanc era devastat per un monstre ferotge i terrible, que podia caminar, volar i nedar, i te...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Солидарность с Шотландией / Solidarity with Scotl...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Солидарность с Шотландией / Solidarity with Scotl...: Solidarity with Scotland / Solidaridad con Escocia / Solidaritat amb Escòcia / Solidariedade con Escocia / Солидарность с Шотландией ...
SCOT goes POP!: Concerns mount over the pollsters' apparent failur...
SCOT goes POP!: Concerns mount over the pollsters' apparent failur...: In some quarters, ICM's Martin Boon has been widely praised for his piece in Scotland on Sunday explaining the thinking behind his comp...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : The eleventh commandment was...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : The eleventh commandment was...: "But no man has the right to fix the boundary to the march of a nation. No man has a right to say to his country: 'Thus far shalt ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidarnost sa Škotskom / Solidarity with Scotland...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Solidarnost sa Škotskom / Solidarity with Scotland...: Solidarity with Scotland / Solidaridad con Escocia / Solidaritat amb Escòcia / Solidariedade con Escocia / Solidarnost sa Škotskom A...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITAT AMB ESCÒCIA - SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLAND...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITAT AMB ESCÒCIA - SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLAND...: Solidarity with Scotland / Solidaridad con Escocia / Solidaritat amb Escòcia / Solidariedade coa Escocia Fa uns mesos una amiga...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : YES, YOU SCOTS CAN!! #SolidaritywithScotland #Let...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : YES, YOU SCOTS CAN!! #SolidaritywithScotland #Let...: Pois imos alá! Xa temos as traducións a alemán, árabe, catalán, galego, inglés, italiano, chinés, euskera, croata, letonio, holandés,.....
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : YES, YOU SCOTS CAN!! #SolidaritywithScotland #Let...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : YES, YOU SCOTS CAN!! #SolidaritywithScotland #Let...: Pois imos alá! Xa temos as traducións a alemán, árabe, catalán, galego, inglés, italiano, chinés, euskera, croata, letonio, holandés,.....
Frankly Independent: Catalonia Votes
Frankly Independent: Catalonia Votes: On April 21st, with 201 days to go until November 9th, DiploCAT launched its new website, Catalonia...
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
SNmr: No basis in reality
SNmr: No basis in reality: No matter how hard they try, the No (thanks) campaign just can't escape their negativity. I almost feel sorry for them. This week they...
SCOT goes POP!: Recalculating the Poll of Polls and long-term tren...
SCOT goes POP!: Recalculating the Poll of Polls and long-term tren...: First things first - Survation have released the datasets for yesterday's referendum poll, and they show that on the unrounded figures (...
Monday, 21 April 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Landmark Survation poll confirms that pro-independ...
SCOT goes POP!: Landmark Survation poll confirms that pro-independ...: As it's Easter Sunday, I'll just keep this brief and give you the figures - Should Scotland be an independent country? Yes 38% (...
The Scottish Scaremonger: The "Lord George" Gentleman's Overcoat
The Scottish Scaremonger: The "Lord George" Gentleman's Overcoat: A coat for all seasons A coat for the sophisticated "man-about-town" A coat for the glamourous international travell...
Sunday, 20 April 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Independence rises this Easter, as Yes campaign cl...
SCOT goes POP!: Independence rises this Easter, as Yes campaign cl...: Santa was rather kind to us by delivering a swing to Yes in the last batch of polls before Christmas, and I'm delighted to say that the ...
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Pictish Beastie: Victory for Business for Scotland as CBI is forced...
Pictish Beastie: Victory for Business for Scotland as CBI is forced...: Victory for Business for Scotland as CBI is forced to register as part of the No Campaign
Logic's Rock: Defence? De man wid de nails am comin' to fix it.
Logic's Rock: Defence? De man wid de nails am comin' to fix it.: As a relic of Empire kicked out of more than one newly independent country in my youth, and later as one who spent his military career conf...
Logic's Rock: Defence? De man wid de nails am comin' to fix it.
Logic's Rock: Defence? De man wid de nails am comin' to fix it.: As a relic of Empire kicked out of more than one newly independent country in my youth, and later as one who spent his military career conf...
Munguin's Republic: MORE RANDOM THOUGHTS
Munguin's Republic: MORE RANDOM THOUGHTS: Letter to the Honourable Mr Docherty MP Dear The Honourable Mr Docherty, I understand that you have recently made a comment about peo...
Frankly Independent: Shaping the Future
Frankly Independent: Shaping the Future: Trade union members at the Scottish Trades Union Congress in Dundee this week (April 14th-16th) ...
Friday, 18 April 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : 声援苏格兰/ // SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLAND
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : 声援苏格兰/ // SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLAND: @ScotlandAbroad 声援苏格兰 / 几个月前有位美国朋友曾问我,她能为苏格兰独立做些什么。 “不必做什么”,我回答说,然后跟她解释,这是苏格兰的内...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Librería AENEA: FESTAS E FEIRAS DO LIBRO 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Librería AENEA: FESTAS E FEIRAS DO LIBRO 2014: Librería AENEA: FESTAS E FEIRAS DO LIBRO 2014 : DÍA DO LIBRO 23 DE ABRIL 2014 Se o tempo o permite estaremos na rúa como é costume, s...
Frankly Independent: Mars Attacks
Frankly Independent: Mars Attacks: The latest from Project Fear (Click on image to enlarge.) Hysteria rises as the Yes campaign ga...
Thursday, 17 April 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLAND // التضامن مع إسكتلندا
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLAND // التضامن مع إسكتلندا: @ScotlandAbroad Solidarity with Scotland / Solidaridad con Escocia / Solidarit...
Munguin's Republic: YES T-SHIRTS ANYONE?
Munguin's Republic: YES T-SHIRTS ANYONE?: In Albert Street, Dundee, today, I was walking past Dundee Tech Repair , where Munguin gets his many computers repaired, when I noticed tha...
SNmr: A very (un)British intervention
SNmr: A very (un)British intervention: I thought we lived in a country where the military didn’t tell us how to vote or who should govern us. And, yet, that is what has just happe...
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Munguin's Republic: IT'S UP TO YOU...
Munguin's Republic: IT'S UP TO YOU...: Even the press think it is mad When on earth are they going to learn?
Munguin's Republic: SCANDAL OF THE 400% RISE IN FOODBANK USE: These figures are UK wide But at least we are still punching above our weight when it comes to running the world and causing wars. ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Break time / Descanso
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Break time / Descanso: Que si, que de cando en vez hai que parar. Non ven mal descansar un pouco, que quedan uns meses moi axetreados e hai que coll...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : LET'S DO IT! #SolidaritywithScotland #Internacion...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : LET'S DO IT! #SolidaritywithScotland #Internacion...: Sample letter. Find your language: Modelo de carta. Atopa o teu idioma: Modelo de carta. Encuentra tu idioma:
SCOT goes POP!: Dramatic TNS-BMRB poll shows pro-independence camp...
SCOT goes POP!: Dramatic TNS-BMRB poll shows pro-independence camp...: This is hugely significant, more so than any Panelbase or even ICM poll. TNS-BMRB are different because they are one of only two non-online...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITAET MIT SCHOTTLAND / SOLIDARITY WITH SCOT...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITAET MIT SCHOTTLAND / SOLIDARITY WITH SCOT...: Solidaritaet mit Schottland / Solidarity with Scotland / Solidaridad con Escocia / Solidaritat amb Escòcia / Solidariedade con Escocia ...
The Scottish Scaremonger: The "Indy-Monstered" Kit
The Scottish Scaremonger: The "Indy-Monstered" Kit: Don't miss out on this Scaremonger Special Offer! Did you feel left out when you read about your colleagues are being "monst...
Monday, 14 April 2014
Glasgow pub tragedy 'Catholics' tweet woman may face charges
Glasgow pub tragedy 'Catholics' tweet woman may face charges[Boneheaded Unionist bigot from Pale Belfast]
Munguin's Republic: MoD fire depleted uranium shells into Scottish wat...
Munguin's Republic: MoD fire depleted uranium shells into Scottish wat...: THE MoD has used a legal loophole to fire thousands of depleted uranium shells into Scottish waters. Military bosses dodged an inter...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARIETÀ CON LA SCOZIA / SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLA...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARIETÀ CON LA SCOZIA / SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLA...: Solidarietà con la Scozia / Solidaridad con Escocia / Solidaritat amb Escocia / Solidariedade con Escocia A few months ago, a ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITEIT MET SCHOTLAND / SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTL...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITEIT MET SCHOTLAND / SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTL...: Solidarity with Scotland / Solidaridad con Escocia / Solidaritat amb Escòcia / Solidariedade con Escocia / Solidariteit met Schotland A fe...
Peter A Bell: Hot air from blimps
Peter A Bell: Hot air from blimps: Colonel Blimp (Photo credit: psd ) Apparently, a bunch of mothballed military types have seen fit to write a threatening letter...
Sunday, 13 April 2014
Logic's Rock: The Third Seal
Logic's Rock: The Third Seal: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 1887 by Victor Vasnetsov A nd when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come an...
Scottish independence: an exemplary or cautionary foreign policy Rorschach Test? » Spectator Blogs
Scottish independence: an exemplary or cautionary foreign policy Rorschach Test? » Spectator Blogs [Massie's musings on Robertson of Islay's "Dark Forces" 'analysis' in Washington]
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : MY CONTRIBUTION TO // A MIÑA CONTRIBUCIÓN PARA : ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : MY CONTRIBUTION TO // A MIÑA CONTRIBUCIÓN PARA : ...: Estas son as cartas que enviei a Embaixada de Reino Unido en Madrid e a Mariano Rajoy, presidente do Goberno español. These are the lette...
SCOT goes POP!: What Better Together would be saying about their Y...
SCOT goes POP!: What Better Together would be saying about their Y...: What Better Together actually said : This latest poll, which saw 1148 adults surveyed in Scotland between 8 and 11 April 2014, also confirm...
Frankly Independent: Taking the Future
Frankly Independent: Taking the Future: First Minister Alex Salmond addressing the Scottish National Party spring conference April 12th 2014 ...
Saturday, 12 April 2014
Unusual Historicals: Money Matters: The Tally Stick System
Unusual Historicals: Money Matters: The Tally Stick System: By Lisa Marie Wilkinson Throughout the centuries people have paid their debts and bought and sold goods using forms of exchange ranging fr...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2014: The media discovers the nuclear negotiating issues...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2014: The media discovers the nuclear negotiating issues...: The media, as ever well behind the curve on the essence of the independence debate, has suddenly discovered that defence , the nuclear deter...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2014: Speech – Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon Fri...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2014: Speech – Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon Fri...: Speech – Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon 15:00- 15:35, Friday 11 April – SNP Conference Check against delivery Fello...
SCOT goes POP!: Sagacity on Saturday : A Non-Wisdom Special
SCOT goes POP!: Sagacity on Saturday : A Non-Wisdom Special: "A world without nuclear weapons would be less stable and more dangerous for all of us." Said by former Prime Minister Margaret ...
SCOT goes POP!: Poll commissioned by anti-independence campaign ba...
SCOT goes POP!: Poll commissioned by anti-independence campaign ba...: One day, very very soon, we're going to start calling a brass neck a 'McDougall'. Just 24 hours after mocking the Yes campaign f...
Scots and English are the same people, with different accents. Why pretend otherwise? » The Spectator
Scots and English are the same people, with different accents. Why pretend otherwise? » The Spectator [Emotionally driven, infantilist, Anglocentric drivel]
Friday, 11 April 2014
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov continues to cynically mislead its own resp...
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov continues to cynically mislead its own resp...: Terribly mysterious thing, this - Blair McDougall has decided to ignore the results of a new poll showing his anti-independence campaign ar...
State visit seals the end of an era for Ireland - State Visit | The Irish Times - Wed, Apr 09, 2014
State visit seals the end of an era for Ireland - State Visit | The Irish Times - Wed, Apr 09, 2014 ["Separate but equal" as will Scotland and the rUK soon be again]
Frankly Independent: Convergence and Divergence
Frankly Independent: Convergence and Divergence: New Poll: Yes 47% - Strong majority would vote Yes in #indyref if better off. Click here . ...
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Tommy Ball's Blog: The European elections and a worrying democratic d...
Tommy Ball's Blog: The European elections and a worrying democratic d...: The nation awaits, agape and expectant, searching frantically for information on the various prospectuses. The feeling of anticipation is ta...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Independence & Freedom of Religion #indyref #Scotl...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Independence & Freedom of Religion #indyref #Scotl...: @Christians4Indy
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Rajoy: "And don't speak to me about Scotland" #Cat...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Rajoy: "And don't speak to me about Scotland" #Cat...: (1:10) Rajoy: "And don't speak to me about Scotland. If Scotland had half of the half of the powers that Catalonia has, they wo...
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Tocasaid: Better Together, cataclysmic apart...
Tocasaid: Better Together, cataclysmic apart...: In the Gaelic of Islay, thank you is not ' tapadh leat ' but ' gu robh math agad ' So, to Lord George of Port Ellen, &#...
British police officer infiltrated in campaign groups exposed
British police officer infiltrated in campaign groups exposed [Undercover British copper and agent provocateur]
BrusselsLeaks the European Union leaks website
BrusselsLeaks the European Union leaks website [Even' all: British policing at its finest]
Frankly Independent: Another No
Frankly Independent: Another No: Antena 3 Noticias, April 8th 2014 Yesterday the lower house of the Spanish parliament, the Congress of ...
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
The Calum Maclean Project: Peter Grant, ‘Auld Dubrach’: The King’s Oldest Ene...
The Calum Maclean Project: Peter Grant, ‘Auld Dubrach’: The King’s Oldest Ene...: A short extract from an interview conducted by Calum Maclean and Dr John MacInnes on a fieldwork trip to Braemar in 1959, local man John ...
Monday, 7 April 2014
Tocasaid: Fun at the fitba with Leigh Griffiths and The Rang...
Tocasaid: Fun at the fitba with Leigh Griffiths and The Rang...: Scottish football has been all shook up but some things have stayed just the way they always were. Such as... Rangers fans bringing viol...
Logic's Rock: Comic Trumps Academic in "Evil Cybernat" Publicity...
Logic's Rock: Comic Trumps Academic in "Evil Cybernat" Publicity...: As the storm in a teacup that was the utterly contrived Susan Calman "abuse" and "death threats" stooshie was subsidin...
SCOT goes POP!: More details from today's Panelbase poll
SCOT goes POP!: More details from today's Panelbase poll: Many thanks to Oldnat for pointing me in the direction of the datasets for today's Panelbase/ Wings Over Scotland poll, which have been ...
Sunday, 6 April 2014
The Calum Maclean Project: The Sweetest Bite: Cameron of Lochiel and the Engl...
The Calum Maclean Project: The Sweetest Bite: Cameron of Lochiel and the Engl...: Sir Ewen Dubh Cameron (1629–1719) who was referred to by the historian Thomas Babington Macaulay as the Ulysses of the Highlands was undo...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : TRIBUTE TO MARGO MaCDONALD // HOMENAXE A MARGO MaC...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : TRIBUTE TO MARGO MaCDONALD // HOMENAXE A MARGO MaC...: Falar de Margo McDonald é falar deses heroes da historia escocesa e do inicio do camiño cara á independencia. Ela, ao igual que ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : TRIBUTE TO MARGO MaCDONALD // HOMENAXE A MARGO MaC...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : TRIBUTE TO MARGO MaCDONALD // HOMENAXE A MARGO MaC...: Falar de Margo McDonald é falar deses heroes da historia escocesa e do inicio do camiño cara á independencia. Ela, ao igual que ...
Frankly Independent: Scotland Is on the Way
Frankly Independent: Scotland Is on the Way: The late Margo MacDonald MSP in 2012, supporting the Yes campaign in the Scottish independence referendum ...
Tocasaid: Margo: clach air a càrn
Tocasaid: Margo: clach air a càrn: She knew what Scotland needed to flourish and she knew what Scotland needed was to share its wealth and use it for the benefit of all. He...
SCOT goes POP!: Panic stations for anti-independence campaign as P...
SCOT goes POP!: Panic stations for anti-independence campaign as P...: When a polling organisation produces a poll showing something out of the ordinary, as Panelbase did last month by showing the No campaign a...
Saturday, 5 April 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Thoughts of Margo, plus a graph
SCOT goes POP!: Thoughts of Margo, plus a graph: I always feel at moments like this that I should be paying my own personal tribute, but there's nothing I could say about Margo MacDonal...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2014: Currency creates crisis – the Better Together melt...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2014: Currency creates crisis – the Better Together melt...: A few facts - QUESTION: What is the “ optimal currency arrangement " for Scotland and the rest of the UK (rUK)? Murdo Fraser put...
SNmr: Flight of fancy
SNmr: Flight of fancy: There’s been a flurry of concern online this morning over a memo, supposedly from Bill Munro of Barrhead Travel. Part of me wonders whether ...
SNmr: The No campaign's women problem
SNmr: The No campaign's women problem: In a parallel referendum universe, there is discussion of what has become known as the No campaign’s ‘men problem’. That is, the situation...
jrbrownlie: Oxymoron
jrbrownlie: Oxymoron: A lady buys a top of the range Rolls Royce but took it back to the dealer the next day because the radio did not work. The dealer explained...
Munguin's Republic: MARGO
Munguin's Republic: MARGO: I was going to write something long and serious about Margo who died today. But many other people have done a far better job that I wou...
Friday, 4 April 2014
Munguin's Republic: DO SAVAGES LIKE THIS DESERVE A SIRHOOD?: The good guy lost this particular battle; the savage won. Pity. This is Millionaire Banker, Tory Advisor and member and supporter of ...
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Scottish Nationalism is Built on a Big Lie | Standpoint
Scottish Nationalism is Built on a Big Lie | Standpoint [The guff Massie of The Spectator filleted]
The Scottish Scaremonger: The Scaremonger Paint Range
The Scottish Scaremonger: The Scaremonger Paint Range: The Scaremonger in association with world famous decorative consultant Naymor Oyal The "NaySayer" Paint Range Choos...
SCOT goes POP!: Concerns raised over Ipsos-Mori's methodology
SCOT goes POP!: Concerns raised over Ipsos-Mori's methodology: An anonymous poster left this rather troubling comment on last night's post about polling accuracy - "James this is an excellent...
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Peter A Bell: Silencing the proles
Peter A Bell: Silencing the proles: It's not difficult to see what is behind the latest inane rant from an increasingly frenzied and incoherent Alistair Darling as he bera...
SCOT goes POP!: How much credibility do the polls have?
SCOT goes POP!: How much credibility do the polls have?: Over the last couple of days, I've been contacted by three different people asking for my thoughts on this blogpost from Auld Acquainta...
Tarff Advertiser: England is Screwed! (No not the Dutch 20/20 win)
Tarff Advertiser: England is Screwed! (No not the Dutch 20/20 win): "All this highlights two issues: the no campaign is in difficulty – polls show the yes vote increasing – and England is indifferent. ...
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Logic's Rock: From Carry On Screaming to Carry On Camping
Logic's Rock: From Carry On Screaming to Carry On Camping: Is Project Fear trying a new image with its choice of celebrity endorsements? First, the Krankies, then John Barrowman's cringeworthy I...
Logic's Rock: Da Vinci Code Expert called to Edinburgh to collar...
Logic's Rock: Da Vinci Code Expert called to Edinburgh to collar...: By no means the most shocking news to come out of Edinburgh today was this shocking tweet from Edinburgh South Labour MP Ian Murray: ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ARRANCA LA CAMPAÑA INTERNACIONAL "SOLIDARITY WITH ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ARRANCA LA CAMPAÑA INTERNACIONAL "SOLIDARITY WITH ...: En Enero del presente año el periódico escocés Sunday Herald se hacía eco de la siguiente noticia: news/...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ARRANCA A CAMPAÑA INTERNACIONAL "SOLIDARITY WITH S...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ARRANCA A CAMPAÑA INTERNACIONAL "SOLIDARITY WITH S...: En Xaneiro do presente ano o xornal escocés Sunday Herald facíase eco da seguinte noticia: news/home-news/...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITET MED SKOTTLAND /SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLAN...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOLIDARITET MED SKOTTLAND /SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLAN...: Solidarity with Scotland / Solidaridad con Escocia / Solidaritat amb Escòcia / Solidariedade coa Escocia /Solidaritatet med Skottland ...
SCOT goes POP!: Brit Nat Tomkins isn't quite the king of the castl...
SCOT goes POP!: Brit Nat Tomkins isn't quite the king of the castl...: Not for the first time, Professor Adam Tomkins took part in a discussion on Newsnight Scotland last night without having his hard-line anti...
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