Friday, 28 February 2014
Frankly Independent: AAA
Frankly Independent: AAA: Assessing an established state's creditworthiness is complicated, very complicated, as you would exp...
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Tarff Advertiser: An ancient survival tactic - but can it really sav...
Tarff Advertiser: An ancient survival tactic - but can it really sav...: I was watching a fascinating Horizon program on how we human's make decisions and further how this programing occurred far back in the ...
Tarff Advertiser: An ancient survival tactic - but can it really sav...
Tarff Advertiser: An ancient survival tactic - but can it really sav...: I was watching a fascinating Horizon program on how we human's make decisions and further how this programing occurred far back in the ...
SCOT goes POP!: Poll of Polls : the long-term trend towards Yes
SCOT goes POP!: Poll of Polls : the long-term trend towards Yes: As the evidence mounts that journalists in the mainstream media (including the BBC, the Scotsman and the Guardian ) have been letting their...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Do RH-Negativo ao ADN escocés // From Rh Negative ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Do RH-Negativo ao ADN escocés // From Rh Negative ...: Unha pensa que xa non pode alucinar mais coas declaracións dos políticos, pero sempre se superan... onte lembreime do RH-Negativo negat...
SCOT goes POP!: Poll of Polls : the long-term trend towards Yes - ...
SCOT goes POP!: Poll of Polls : the long-term trend towards Yes - ...: Huge thanks to Sandy Brownlee for providing this graph, which offers a visual accompaniment to the Poll of Polls long-term trend figures th...
SCOT goes POP!: So should Cameron debate with Salmond, or should h...
SCOT goes POP!: So should Cameron debate with Salmond, or should h...: I can't tell you how honoured I was to start my Tuesday morning by having a brief exchange of views with the "Head of Office" ...
SCOT goes POP!: Am I genetically programmed to review last night's...
SCOT goes POP!: Am I genetically programmed to review last night's...: Derek Bateman's verdict was : "If there's been a worse 'debate' anywhere, I missed it." To which the obvious resp...
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ROSALÍA DE CASTRO #cultura #Galiza #poesía #muller...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ROSALÍA DE CASTRO #cultura #Galiza #poesía #muller...: Rosalía de Castro (English) Rosalía de Castro - VIDEO - (Spanish) Probe Galicia, non debes ...
Monday, 24 February 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Norman Smith : I would say he's lost the plot, but...
SCOT goes POP!: Norman Smith : I would say he's lost the plot, but...: The BBC's Norman Smith, he of the cringe-inducing "Sassenachs" monologue, continues in his fearless one-man quest to bring the...
Sunday, 23 February 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Christy Moore - Viva la Quinta Brigada. Live at Ba...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Christy Moore - Viva la Quinta Brigada. Live at Ba...: Tribute to: Jack Edwards, thank you! NO PASARAN!
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : BIAS / PREXUIZO #indyref #Scotland
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : BIAS / PREXUIZO #indyref #Scotland:
Frankly Independent: Welcome to Catalonia
Frankly Independent: Welcome to Catalonia: 72,000 visitors are expected at Barcelona's Mobile World Congress between February 24th and 27th. Volunteers from the pro-independen...
SCOT goes POP!: New Panelbase poll shows the pro-independence camp...
SCOT goes POP!: New Panelbase poll shows the pro-independence camp...: We know that there will be at least two referendum polls tonight, and the headline figures from the first one have now been released. Panelb...
Saturday, 22 February 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Cunning Scolympians narrowly avoid 'God Save the Q...
SCOT goes POP!: Cunning Scolympians narrowly avoid 'God Save the Q...: It's the age-old curse of the Scolympian - obviously you want to do well, but terrifying dangers lie in store for anyone who gets greedy...
Friday, 21 February 2014
Tocasaid: Bowie 1 - Scotland 2
Tocasaid: Bowie 1 - Scotland 2: Bowie? Or Moss? Who wrote the words? I've never really been a Bowie fan and it would be petty of me to reveal that his shit-anthem ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : PROFESSOR MICHAEL KEATHING IN #COMPOSTELA Lecture ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : PROFESSOR MICHAEL KEATHING IN #COMPOSTELA Lecture ...: Michael Keating in Spanish Question time Thank you Professor Mich...
SCOT goes POP!: More from Survation and TNS-BMRB
SCOT goes POP!: More from Survation and TNS-BMRB: I've been having a look through the newly-released Survation and TNS-BMRB datasets, and here are a few bullet-points - * Survation hav...
Frankly Independent: Riddle in the Sands
Frankly Independent: Riddle in the Sands: Meanwhile in Ukraine, towards which all eyes are now turned and where that nice Mr Barroso will hardly be very likely to enhance the demo...
The Real McGowan: Where is Scottish Labour's logic on the Council Ta...
The Real McGowan: Where is Scottish Labour's logic on the Council Ta...: The Labour Party was established by great leaders like Keir Hardie; however, the Labour leadership in Scotland resembles more of Laurel and...
Thursday, 20 February 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Interview with Ian Hudghton (@theSNP) by @SermosGa...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Interview with Ian Hudghton (@theSNP) by @SermosGa...: Digital version:
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign make huge breakthrough i...
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign make huge breakthrough i...: As far as I can gather, there may be as many as three new referendum polls out tonight, although we only have figures for two so far. Let&#...
Frankly Independent: Currency Union and Independence
Frankly Independent: Currency Union and Independence: Above is the Scottish Television coverage of First Minister Alex Salmond's measured and reasonable sp...
Frankly Independent: Currency Union and Independence
Frankly Independent: Currency Union and Independence: Above is the Scottish Television coverage of First Minister Alex Salmond's measured and reasonable sp...
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : Remember what sparked the de...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : Remember what sparked the de...: "We should never forget that many in our party supported the introduction of a Scottish Assembly in the 70s as a 'tactic' to st...
Tarff Advertiser: You nasty, naughty Jocks - YOU WILL SUFFER!
Tarff Advertiser: You nasty, naughty Jocks - YOU WILL SUFFER!: The Scots sent Westminster a message in 2007 by electing a minority SNP Government that a new Union settlement was required. We were igno...
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Frankly Independent: Barroso Climbs Down
Frankly Independent: Barroso Climbs Down: Europe Changes Its Tune The European Commission says Barroso "did not mean to interfe...
The Scottish Scaremonger: The Big Book of Scares
The Scottish Scaremonger: The Big Book of Scares: A new edition of our ever popular manual of indy scares More than 100 everyday scares to give your friends and family the fright of the...
SCOT goes POP!: Do the funky Gideon
SCOT goes POP!: Do the funky Gideon: Ah, George Gideon Oliver Osborne, bless his little heart. He may have made a catastrophic misjudgement last week by being seen to bully the...
Monday, 17 February 2014
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov misrepresent the results of their own poll
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov misrepresent the results of their own poll: This is how YouGov are summarising the results of the currency poll that I mentioned in my last post - "Voters say no to currency uni...
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov misrepresent the results of their own poll
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov misrepresent the results of their own poll: This is how YouGov are summarising the results of the currency poll that I mentioned in my last post - "Voters say no to currency uni...
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov misrepresent the results of their own poll
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov misrepresent the results of their own poll: This is how YouGov are summarising the results of the currency poll that I mentioned in my last post - "Voters say no to currency uni...
Frankly Independent: Yes, We Can
Frankly Independent: Yes, We Can: Tired of being told what Scotland can't do? This video by upcoming film-makers Jack Foster and Chri...
Sunday, 16 February 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Do a majority of men already support independence?...
SCOT goes POP!: Do a majority of men already support independence?...: As far as I'm aware, this is the first Sunday for a few weeks that hasn't seen the publication of a referendum poll (although there ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : INTERVIEW WITH TASMINA AHMED-SHEIKH IN COMPOSTELA ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : INTERVIEW WITH TASMINA AHMED-SHEIKH IN COMPOSTELA ...: Today we had the honour and great pleasure to receive the visit of Ian Hudghton and Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh (SNP) in Compostela Hoxe tivemo...
Frankly Independent: The Right to Decide
Frankly Independent: The Right to Decide: The Malta Independent on Sunday February 9th 2014 Six European newspapers have published ...
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Fwd: This week's @newsundayherald front cover #scotpapers
Fwd: This week's @newsundayherald front cover #scotpapers: Fwd: This week's @newsundayherald front cover #scotpapers
Tarff Advertiser: Dear Mr Darling - I need 'Better Together' to answ...
Tarff Advertiser: Dear Mr Darling - I need 'Better Together' to answ...: Dear Mr Darling, As leader of Better Together there are many questions about staying in the UK I need Better Together to answer, maybe y...
SCOT goes POP!: Sagacity on Saturday : Little paws, fair play and ...
SCOT goes POP!: Sagacity on Saturday : Little paws, fair play and ...: "Moore was considered a 'soft' in opposition to Scottish independence campaign while Carmichael has taken to teach little paws....
Frankly Independent: Britannia Waives the Rules
Frankly Independent: Britannia Waives the Rules: Professor Tom Devine , of the University of Edinburgh, gave the Emden Lecture at St Edmund Hall, ...
Friday, 14 February 2014
Logic's Rock: Raw Power understands only one thing: Raw Power.
Logic's Rock: Raw Power understands only one thing: Raw Power.: The Mainstream Media, the Blogosphere and Twitter have been fixated on George Osborne today, to a lesser extent Edward Balls and, rightly, ...
Munguin's Republic: WHY NOT SCOTLAND?
Munguin's Republic: WHY NOT SCOTLAND?: These countries have all been allowed to be part of the Sterling Zone. Can I ask Mr Osborne... do we smell, or something? Gideon Ge...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : VOCES DE ESCOCIA / VOICES FROM SCOTLAND: PART 6: T...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : CONCERNING CURRENCY AND PROJECT FEAR: KEEP YOURSEL...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : CONCERNING CURRENCY AND PROJECT FEAR: KEEP YOURSEL...: YOU SHOULD READ THIS:
SCOT goes POP!: UK teeters on the brink of dictatorship as Tory go...
SCOT goes POP!: UK teeters on the brink of dictatorship as Tory go...: There's a very good word to describe a situation where a government sustains its power in direct contravention of a democratic vote, and...
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Dispatches from Paisley: The UKIP Effect
Dispatches from Paisley: The UKIP Effect: Last Friday saw the “Better Together” campaigners out in force in Paisley pushing their latest leaflet, which was disingenuous to say the l...
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Tarff Advertiser: Down Days ...
Tarff Advertiser: Down Days ...: The problem with writing a 'commentary' style blog is there are days where there is nothing much worth commentating on. Today has s...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : RECOMENDACIÓN : #BNG #SNP #Scotland #Escocia #Time...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : RECOMENDACIÓN : #BNG #SNP #Scotland #Escocia #Time...: Con Tasmina Ahmed-Sheik e Ian Hudghton! Todo un luxazo, non volo perdades!! VENRES 14 ÁS 10,45 NO AUDITORIO DE GALICIA! Tasmina Ah...
Tocasaid: Joe Strummer, Class War and Welsh language revival...
Tocasaid: Joe Strummer, Class War and Welsh language revival...: Retro time. I recently had the good fortune to come across the welshnot site on which was a comprehensive interview with Welsh music man ...
Tocasaid: Joe Strummer, Class War and Welsh language revival...
Tocasaid: Joe Strummer, Class War and Welsh language revival...: Retro time. I recently had the good fortune to come across the welshnot site on which was a comprehensive interview with Welsh music man ...
SCOT goes POP!: What the Yes campaign should do if the three Londo...
SCOT goes POP!: What the Yes campaign should do if the three Londo...: 1) Although this would be the bluff of the century on the part of the London parties, and although we know that as soon as there was a Yes v...
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Logic's Rock: First Minister wipes the floor with condescending ...
Logic's Rock: First Minister wipes the floor with condescending ...: Jon Snow, please come back soon. Have your haggis and eat it? Oh my sides! I'll bet this is one Porage Wog that Matt Frei wishes he ...
Logic's Rock: Miss Streisand is clearing her throat ...
Logic's Rock: Miss Streisand is clearing her throat ...: I was interested today to read that Wings Over Scotland had been subjected to a sustained attempted Denial of Service attack in the week a...
Tarff Advertiser: EU: To be or not to be ...
Tarff Advertiser: EU: To be or not to be ...: I have long bounced between sitting outside the EU like Norway or inside like Denmark. If you stack up the positive and negatives: Inp...
SCOT goes POP!: Breaking : Panelbase confirm that they have used a...
SCOT goes POP!: Breaking : Panelbase confirm that they have used a...: You might remember that Calum Findlay revealed in a comment on this blog that Panelbase secretly use the following preamble to the actual re...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : CAMERON, O CHOROMICAS
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : CAMERON, O CHOROMICAS: Van de sobrados, todos eles, Cameron, Rajoy, Osborne, Barroso, Van Rompuy, Alistair Darling… todos eles, os do Better Together (me...
Tocasaid: Luftballons
Tocasaid: Luftballons: Seems like victims/ scapegoats are much in demand. In Russia, it's gay people. In Spain, it's bulls, Basques and Catalans. In Eng...
SCOT goes POP!: Curling : A Scolympian Story
SCOT goes POP!: Curling : A Scolympian Story: The men's and women's curling competitions are getting underway today at the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Great Britain are as usual r...
SCOT goes POP!: New Panelbase referendum poll
SCOT goes POP!: New Panelbase referendum poll: There's a new Panelbase poll out tonight on referendum voting intentions, which as you'd expect shows a more favourable picture for ...
Tocasaid: FilmG
Tocasaid: FilmG: G - not for George, gorgeous or Galloway or even Gilleasbuig Aotrom but Gàidhlig . FilmG is a project aimed at stimulating the use of Sco...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ESCOCIA: O XOGO LIMPO SÓ É PARA OS DEMÓCRATAS
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : ESCOCIA: O XOGO LIMPO SÓ É PARA OS DEMÓCRATAS: Hai días nos que todo vai á velocidade da luz, e que aínda que queiras parar é imposible. Todo son novidades importantes e nalgú...
Monday, 10 February 2014
Saturday, 8 February 2014
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Pete Wishart on Scottish Independence - 'The Speec...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Pete Wishart on Scottish Independence - 'The Speec...: Non o teñen fácil os Deputados do SNP na Casa dos Comúns en Westminster para poder intervir, e cando poden facelo, non son escoitados có re...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Ivan McKee BBC News - surprises interviewer with s...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Ivan McKee BBC News - surprises interviewer with s...: O sector empresarial tamén está implicado no proceso de independencia de Escocia. Aquí tendes a Ivan McKee de Business for Scotland nunha e...
SCOT goes POP!: What to do if an English person phones you to beg ...
SCOT goes POP!: What to do if an English person phones you to beg ...: 1) Gently point out that Scotland isn't "going" anywhere, because it will retain the exact same geographical position after in...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Sobre o discurso que Cameron deu dende Londres: Al...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Sobre o discurso que Cameron deu dende Londres: Al...: E esto é o que di Alex Salmond ao discurso feito por Cameron dende London para "convencer" aos escoceses que non deixen Reino Uni...
Friday, 7 February 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Support for independence rises to its highest leve...
SCOT goes POP!: Support for independence rises to its highest leve...: Just when we were feeling mildly disappointed that YouGov had broken the seemingly relentless sequence of polls since the publication of the...
Thursday, 6 February 2014
SCOT goes POP!: Celtic Connections photos
SCOT goes POP!: Celtic Connections photos: Last night I finished off two weeks of immersion in Celtic Connections by going to the Young Traditional Musician of the Year final at the C...
Tarff Advertiser: The Ascent of Man ... we never learn.
Tarff Advertiser: The Ascent of Man ... we never learn.: This is from a program made before Facebook or the Internet, as we now know it, was born. Please watch it, it lasts only 4 minu...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Scotland passes equal marriage: A special message ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Scotland passes equal marriage: A special message ...: Escocia ven de aprobar o matrimonio entre persoas do mesmo sexo por unha amplísima maioría. Fabulosa noticia para Escocia e para o resto do...
SCOT goes POP!: Political Betting moderator "The Screaming Eagles"...
SCOT goes POP!: Political Betting moderator "The Screaming Eagles"...: Some of you may have seen the comment left by pro-independence Political Betting poster Mick Pork on the previous thread - "Just th...
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov's 'phantom poll' comes in from the cold - b...
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov's 'phantom poll' comes in from the cold - b...: Thanks to Calum Findlay for pointing out that YouGov have furtively released the datasets for their 'phantom' referendum poll from t...
Carmichael claims pro-union businesses face 'heavy influence' to stay out of indyref debate | Herald Scotland
Carmichael claims pro-union businesses face 'heavy influence' to stay out of indyref debate | Herald Scotland [Pot, kettle, black accusation and Freudian projection]
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : Identifying the non-identifi...
SCOT goes POP!: Wisdom on Wednesday : Identifying the non-identifi...: "All the calculations about who gets what slice of the public cake are based on what the Treasury warlocks call 'identifiable expen...
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Tocasaid: Gegen Gälisch: the new German purists
Tocasaid: Gegen Gälisch: the new German purists: Incredible but true - punk band Oi Polloi have been banned from a 'culture centre' in Srausberg, part of the former DDR in German...
Tarff Advertiser: Wee things that matter ...
Tarff Advertiser: Wee things that matter ...: In December I sought to distill down into around 2,000 words what my research into the actual constitutional position of Scotland within t...
SCOT goes POP!: Trying to make sense of YouGov's latest idiocy (it...
SCOT goes POP!: Trying to make sense of YouGov's latest idiocy (it...: A little flurry of excitement tonight, because YouGov have released a table showing that a poll conducted between the 21st and 27th of Janua...
Sunday, 2 February 2014
SCOT goes POP!: More drama as TNS-BMRB poll suggests the pro-indep...
SCOT goes POP!: More drama as TNS-BMRB poll suggests the pro-indep...: There are two new referendum polls out tonight, one from a polling company that is a veteran of this campaign, and another from a pollster t...
Frankly Independent: Article 48
Frankly Independent: Article 48: " A situation where Scotland was outside the European Union and not applying European rules wou...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : DE RALLY A RALLY 3º PARTE / FROM RALLY TO RALLY PA...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : DE RALLY A RALLY 3º PARTE / FROM RALLY TO RALLY PA...: LABOUR FOR INDY: UNHA GRANDE MISIÓN, UN GRANDE RETO LABOUR FOR INDY: A BIG MISSION, A GREAT CHALLENGE O Rally do 21 de setem...
Saturday, 1 February 2014
Logic's Rock: "Proud Cybernat" badges on sale now - As advertise...
Logic's Rock: "Proud Cybernat" badges on sale now - As advertise...: They're here! You too can now have the distinguished honour of being hated by the Daily Mail in real life as well as in Cyberspace. C...
Tarff Advertiser: Snatching defeat from the Jaws ....
Tarff Advertiser: Snatching defeat from the Jaws ....: The UK papers and media had set the scene. They had created an entirely negative message around Mark Kearney's finely judged speech on ...
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