Sunday, 29 September 2013
Dispatches from Paisley: Game On?
Dispatches from Paisley: Game On?: A couple of weeks ago, the much belegred Yes Scotland campaign received a boost with a Panelbase poll that showed for the first time in...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: The Westminster Al Qaeda ... You decide.
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: The Westminster Al Qaeda ... You decide.: Something has been troubling me for some time; it did in 1979 before that referendum, it has again for more than a year. It crystalise...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : LETTER OF FM ALEX SALMOND REPLYING TO CAMERON
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : LETTER OF FM ALEX SALMOND REPLYING TO CAMERON: Esta é a carta de resposta do Primeiro Ministro Alex Salmond a Cameron ante a súa negativa de aceptar un debate en directo sobre o Referendu...
SCOT goes POP!: We need to talk about independence
SCOT goes POP!: We need to talk about independence: As I think I've mentioned before, I hardly ever talk about politics in 'real life'. In fact, I sometimes wince when I hear peop...
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Friday, 27 September 2013
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Xente interesante en Compostela
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Xente interesante en Compostela: Mirade a quen me atopei onte na Rua de San Pedro en Compostela: Eduard Punset. Unha fermosisima sorpresa.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Gilleasbuig Aotrom: Gilleasbuig còir a' sìneadh a-mach làimh-cuideacha...
Gilleasbuig Aotrom: Gilleasbuig còir a' sìneadh a-mach làimh-cuideacha...: Rannsaich seo! Soillse/UHI advertise for something-or-other, but don't bother to proofread their ad Bha e na thlachd d...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Rally Scottish Independence
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : Rally Scottish Independence: Rally Scottish Independence , un álbum en Flickr. More pictures
SCOT goes POP!: Photos at 5.54 : Inveraray and thereabouts
SCOT goes POP!: Photos at 5.54 : Inveraray and thereabouts: This is the first post I've prescheduled to keep things ticking over while I'm off on my travels. Well, actually strictly speaking ...
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Frankly Independent: The Whole Truth
Frankly Independent: The Whole Truth: The Fear Factor: The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth The Truth, the Whole ...
Frankly Independent: No Turning Back
Frankly Independent: No Turning Back: President of the Generalitat of Catalonia Artur Mas Opening the General Policy Debate in the Catalan Parlia...
Logic's Rock: Typhoid Johann Spreads Infective Internet Meme
Logic's Rock: Typhoid Johann Spreads Infective Internet Meme: Johann Lamont's disgraceful likening of the Yes Scotland movement to a virus has sparked a particularly effective backlash with &q...
Tarff Advertiser: Seig Heil, Mein Furher!
Tarff Advertiser: Seig Heil, Mein Furher!: According to Joann Lamont in her speech to the Labour Conference, Scots who think independence is a good idea for Scotland have a ' n...
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : #Rally4indyref #indyref #Scotland
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : #Rally4indyref #indyref #Scotland:
Alba Matters: Adam Tomkins School of Impartiality
Alba Matters: Adam Tomkins School of Impartiality: Adam Tomkins, Professor of Public Law at the University of Glasgow, is a semi-regular pundit in the Scottish media. A unionist to the bone, ...
Monday, 23 September 2013
Lallands Peat Worrier: Victim Fantasies
Lallands Peat Worrier: Victim Fantasies: "Now we see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help. I'm being oppressed!" Victim fantasies seem to have become ...
Tocasaid: The Bureau de Change 2013
Tocasaid: The Bureau de Change 2013: Or, the United Colours of Independence go to Calton Hill. Do we only do marches like this because Better Together can't? Could you re...
Logic's Rock: Snake Oil & Something for Nothing
Logic's Rock: Snake Oil & Something for Nothing: Better Together are offering "free" 'limited edition' T-shirts to those who "donate" £10 or more to their campa...
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Frankly Independent: Insurrection
Frankly Independent: Insurrection: The song La Via (The Way) by Pepet and Marieta set to a variety of video clips of the recent Catalan Way hu...
Frankly Independent: Part of the Union
Frankly Independent: Part of the Union: The Fear Factor: Part of the Union The good old anglo-union. You can't beat it. Even th...
Frankly Independent: Casals
Frankly Independent: Casals: No, not that one. Pablo , whose Catalan name was Pau, which means peace , did speak movingly about Catalonia in public, on at least on...
Logic's Rock: Aye, Have a Dream
Logic's Rock: Aye, Have a Dream: My favourite placard of the day. Photo: Simon Thoumire . Yours truly. Photo: Archie MacFarlane . It was a truly inspiring day yes...
Héraldique européenne... le blog: Commémoration du décès du Roi Jacques (James) IV d...
Héraldique européenne... le blog: Commémoration du décès du Roi Jacques (James) IV d...: Aujourd'hui 9 septembre 2013, commémoration du 500e anniversaire de Roi Jacques (James) IV Stuart , Roi d'Ecosse. Jacques (Jam...
Friday, 20 September 2013
SCOT goes POP!: Up next...
SCOT goes POP!: Up next...: In the highly unlikely event that things have gone according to plan, I should be off on my travels by now. When I get back, I hope to write...
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Peter A Bell: No hate here!
Peter A Bell: No hate here!: If anybody still doubts that the anti-independence campaign is anti-Scottish then they need only read the article by Simon Heffer in today...
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Frankly Independent: Playing with Fire
Frankly Independent: Playing with Fire: Here we are just a year away from the Scottish independence referendum, and yet another European Uni...
Logic's Rock: #1Year2Yes
Logic's Rock: #1Year2Yes: Here's to voting to ditch the troughers in Westminster, Commons and Lords, in 1 year's time. Tell them where to stick their pri...
Editorial: One Year to Yes?
Editorial: One Year to Yes?: On 18 September 2014, a year from today, Scotland will go to the polls on one of its biggest decisions in 300 years. There have been various opinion polls recently […]
RosaMary: L'Ajuntament d'Agramunt obligat a treure les bande...
RosaMary: L'Ajuntament d'Agramunt obligat a treure les bande...: Dimecres, 18 de setembre de 2013 13:30 h El jutjat de Lleida ha sentenciat que l'Ajuntament d'Agramunt ha de posar la bandera es...
Monday, 16 September 2013
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOBERANIA PARA GALIZA // SOVEREIGNTY FOR GALIZA (...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : SOBERANIA PARA GALIZA // SOVEREIGNTY FOR GALIZA (...: 15 de Setembro de 2013 Manifestación celebrada en Compostela na que reafirmamos o dereito á soberanía de Galiza 15th September 2013 ...
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Logic's Rock: David Cameron on Scottish Independence
Logic's Rock: David Cameron on Scottish Independence: David Cameron was invited by The Sunday Herald to write a piece defending the Union to sit opposite a piece by Alec Salmond. Both the P...
Graphical Yes: Scotland is virtually powerless to stop the Tories...
Graphical Yes: Scotland is virtually powerless to stop the Tories...: Download as A4 poster . Download as A4 poster . Election data . Duration data .
SCOT goes POP!: Boost for pro-independence campaign as ICM show a ...
SCOT goes POP!: Boost for pro-independence campaign as ICM show a ...: I was slightly worried earlier this evening when Blair McDougall and Euan McColm eagerly retweeted the news of an impending (and extremely r...
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2013: The Black Ink Art of Spin by Headline – or is it j...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2013: The Black Ink Art of Spin by Headline – or is it j...: I take a keen interest in media, especially print media. I am one of a dying breed – a newspaper subscriber (the the Herald/Sunday Herald )...
Friday, 13 September 2013
Munguin's Republic: FOTOS ON FRIDAY... 'PRIVATISATION OF POST' AND 'B...: SO FIRST THERE IS THIS ODIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT FROM SAINT VINCE... ...and Labour needn't get bent out of shape about it. Peter Mandelson d...
Logic's Rock: Wings & Waffle about LGBT Issues.
Logic's Rock: Wings & Waffle about LGBT Issues.: Wings over Scotland's Rev. Stuart Campbell's (almost) comprehensive fisking of Duncan Hothersall 's opening remarks at the Eq...
Calum Cashley SNP: Labour's lies and the liars without shame
Calum Cashley SNP: Labour's lies and the liars without shame: The Bedroom Tax Lie More than a week ago Labour boasted of its 'action' on the Bedroom Tax, Jackie Baillie repeated that she was b...
aangirfan: 'RUSSIA SHOT DOWN TWO US MISSILES': Reportedly, on 3 September 2013, Russia shot down two US ballistic missiles that were heading towards the Syrian coast, allegedly '...
Tarff Advertiser: I hate Wee Eck so .....
Tarff Advertiser: I hate Wee Eck so .....: Here's the problem for the 'I hate Wee Eck, so I'll vote 'no' folk, they are cutting their nose off to spite their fa...
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Frankly Independent: A Fine Yarn
Frankly Independent: A Fine Yarn: The Great Tapestry of Scotland depicting the history of Scotland at the Scottish Parliament ...
Frankly Independent: The Fear Factor
Frankly Independent: The Fear Factor: Scared at the prospect of running your own country? Terrified about what the future holds? Haunted by n...
Frankly Independent: Spanish Nationalists Attack
Frankly Independent: Spanish Nationalists Attack: What Catalans have to put up with in the Spanish state: Rent-a-thug Spanish nationalists violently disrupt a Catalan Na...
Frankly Independent: Reporting Catalonia
Frankly Independent: Reporting Catalonia: Way Overcrowded A Group of Fascists Attacks the Catalan Government Building in Madrid La Vanguard...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2013: The Question and No Answers session – Nicola Sturg...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2013: The Question and No Answers session – Nicola Sturg...: Nicola question: "Give me three specific examples of welfare cuts that Ed Miliband will reverse?" Anas answer: No answer N...
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : AVUI GALIZA ESTÀ AMB CATALUNYA // GALIZA TODAY IS ...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : AVUI GALIZA ESTÀ AMB CATALUNYA // GALIZA TODAY IS ...: BONA DIADA A TOTS http://www.ser...
Tarff Advertiser: Norwegian Blue ... revisited.
Tarff Advertiser: Norwegian Blue ... revisited.: Since I read the Scottish Business for Independence article on the level of US Treasury dollars propping up the City of London's main b...
SCOT goes POP!: Should the SNP endorse a Labour for Independence c...
SCOT goes POP!: Should the SNP endorse a Labour for Independence c...: You might remember that back in March, when it briefly seemed possible that there might be a Falkirk by-election, the PB poster TheUnionDivv...
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Calum Cashley SNP: Fantasy Polling
Calum Cashley SNP: Fantasy Polling: I was ignoring the Ashcroft 'poll' on the basis that it was so schonky that it might have been invented as a tale by CS Lewis during...
Monday, 9 September 2013
Dispatches from Paisley: If Labour Want To Win In 2016, They Need To Dump L...
Dispatches from Paisley: If Labour Want To Win In 2016, They Need To Dump L...: Of all the reactions to the announcement of the date of the Independence referendum a couple of weeks ago, the most… umm.. extreme has ...
SCOT goes POP!: 'Besides, as one of my aunties put it, that Ruth D...
SCOT goes POP!: 'Besides, as one of my aunties put it, that Ruth D...: One observation I made in Michael Greenwell's podcast the other day was that there is, in fact, something positive that campaigners can...
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Munguin's Republic: 'JUST SAY NAW', SAYS THE OTHER GEORGE: I just spotted this advertisement for Grubby Galloway, who is touring Scotland putting his take on independence. Given that he's an ...
Munguin's Republic: GET ANOTHER JOB; GET TWO JOBS. SOME MPs HAVE GOT S...: The Tories and their Liberal Democrat (!?!) friends march relentlessly on with a programme of persecution of people who are unfortunate enou...
Munguin's Republic: THIS, YOU SEE, IS THE KIND OF MESS YOU GET WHEN A ...: (Apologies. I have no idea what happened to the formatting.) I've just been reading a post at WOS which points out the differenc...
Gauging Govan: George Foulkes: the violent bigot who epitomises L...
Gauging Govan: George Foulkes: the violent bigot who epitomises L...: This evening on Newsnicht, the Labour Party in Scotland - unable to utilise its barely-recognised and cowardly leader Johann Lamont during...
Gauging Govan: Gordon Brown's Speech is an Embarrassment to Tory-...
Gauging Govan: Gordon Brown's Speech is an Embarrassment to Tory-...: I often find it difficult to distinguish between Howard Hughes and the sociopath Gordon Brown. One is a wealthy man, noted for his biz...
Gauging Govan: "BetterTogether" Silence on Violence to Blame for ...
Gauging Govan: "BetterTogether" Silence on Violence to Blame for ...: On Tuesday, a BetterTogether-supporting extremist attacked an octogenarian pro-Independence campaigner with such violence and ferocity that...
Logic's Rock: Psychopathic Delusions of Grandeur
Logic's Rock: Psychopathic Delusions of Grandeur: Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of the role Scotland, the UK, the Empire, the Commonwealth and our allies played in World War 2. I&#...
SCOT goes POP!: He's terrific, he's magnific, he's the greatest se...
SCOT goes POP!: He's terrific, he's magnific, he's the greatest se...: Just a quick note to let you know that I'm one of the participants in this week's For A' That podcast, alongside Michael Greenw...
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Friday, 6 September 2013
Tocasaid: Pet Shop Boys v. John Kerry
Tocasaid: Pet Shop Boys v. John Kerry: John Kerry has come the full circle. He famously told a Congree inquiry into the Vietnam War: Someone has to die so that President Ni...
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Peter A Bell: Of flags and feelings
Peter A Bell: Of flags and feelings: A political statement As someone with a bit of a passion for live music, one of the highlights of my year is Perth's annual Souther...
SCOT goes POP!: Cameron's Syria setback - what impact on the indep...
SCOT goes POP!: Cameron's Syria setback - what impact on the indep...: I have a new article up at the International Business Times (in fact it's been up for over 24 hours now, but I forgot to check). It co...
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : THE WINGS OF THE SCOTTISH BUTTERFLY IN SPANISH MED...
A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : THE WINGS OF THE SCOTTISH BUTTERFLY IN SPANISH MED...: THE WINGS OF THE SCOTTISH BUTTERFLY IN SPANISH MEDIA There is nothing like reading the right wing Spanish press to know how terrib...
Tarff Advertiser: Clann a' Ched ........ (Children of the Mist)
Tarff Advertiser: Clann a' Ched ........ (Children of the Mist): “We became one when the Clann a’ Romaidh beat on our doors to look for our gold and wealth. We stopped our raiding. We knew our code...
SCOT goes POP!: McDougall still in no particular rush to find a le...
SCOT goes POP!: McDougall still in no particular rush to find a le...: I've just spotted this truly extraordinary tweet from the anti-independence campaign troll-in-chief Blair McDougall - "he [Salmon...
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
ianssmart: More Power to our Enemies
ianssmart: More Power to our Enemies: It is easy to forget that in the History of the SNP they have not always been in favour of a devolved Scottish Parliament. Going back as f...
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign storms back into the lea...
SCOT goes POP!: Pro-independence campaign storms back into the lea...: It was fairly obvious from the hints being dropped on Twitter last night that a new Panelbase poll on the independence referendum was on its...
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Logic's Rock: Carry on Screaming: the Heady Heights of Hypocrisy...
Logic's Rock: Carry on Screaming: the Heady Heights of Hypocrisy...: I thought I'd be inured, having seen the heady heights of hypocrisy soared many a time in my 49 years. However, Project Fear beggars ...
Logic's Rock: Clout Syria as Part of UK says Alistair Darling
Logic's Rock: Clout Syria as Part of UK says Alistair Darling: The Guardian reports that Independent Scotland would struggle on world stage, says Alistair Darling . It is a PA piece. How disappointin...
SCOT goes POP!: Battle of the pollsters
SCOT goes POP!: Battle of the pollsters: When I first heard whispers a couple of hours ago that there was a new poll out showing a substantial No lead, I can honestly say the first ...
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