Sunday, 29 September 2013

Dispatches from Paisley: Game On?

Dispatches from Paisley: Game On?: A couple of weeks ago, the much belegred Yes Scotland campaign received a boost with a Panelbase poll that showed for the first time in...

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: The Westminster Al Qaeda ... You decide.

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: The Westminster Al Qaeda ... You decide.: Something has been troubling me for some time; it did in 1979 before that referendum, it has again for more than a year. It crystalise...

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : LETTER OF FM ALEX SALMOND REPLYING TO CAMERON

A ponte entre Galiza e Escocia // The bridge between Galiza and Scotland : LETTER OF FM ALEX SALMOND REPLYING TO CAMERON: Esta é a carta de resposta do Primeiro Ministro Alex Salmond a Cameron ante a súa negativa de aceptar un debate en directo sobre o Referendu...

SCOT goes POP!: We need to talk about independence

SCOT goes POP!: We need to talk about independence: As I think I've mentioned before, I hardly ever talk about politics in 'real life'.  In fact, I sometimes wince when I hear peop...

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Frankly Independent: The Whole Truth

Frankly Independent: The Whole Truth:              The Fear Factor: The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth         The Truth, the Whole ...

Frankly Independent: No Turning Back

Frankly Independent: No Turning Back:              President of the Generalitat of Catalonia Artur Mas Opening the General Policy Debate in the Catalan Parlia...

Logic's Rock: Typhoid Johann Spreads Infective Internet Meme

Logic's Rock: Typhoid Johann Spreads Infective Internet Meme: Johann Lamont's disgraceful likening of the Yes Scotland movement to a virus has sparked a particularly effective backlash with &q...

The Kelpies sculptures beside M9 near completion - Visual Arts - The Scotsman

The Kelpies sculptures beside M9 near completion - Visual Arts - The Scotsman

Tarff Advertiser: Seig Heil, Mein Furher!

Tarff Advertiser: Seig Heil, Mein Furher!: According to Joann Lamont in her speech to the Labour Conference, Scots who think independence is a good idea for Scotland have a ' n...

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Frankly Independent: Insurrection

Frankly Independent: Insurrection:              The song La Via (The Way) by Pepet and Marieta set to a variety of video clips of the recent Catalan Way hu...

Frankly Independent: Part of the Union

Frankly Independent: Part of the Union:              The Fear Factor: Part of the Union         The good old anglo-union. You can't beat it. Even th...

Frankly Independent: Casals

Frankly Independent: Casals:   No, not that one. Pablo , whose Catalan name was Pau, which means peace , did speak movingly about Catalonia in public, on at least on...

Logic's Rock: Aye, Have a Dream

Logic's Rock: Aye, Have a Dream: My favourite placard of the day. Photo: Simon Thoumire . Yours truly. Photo: Archie MacFarlane . It was a truly inspiring day yes...

Héraldique européenne... le blog: Commémoration du décès du Roi Jacques (James) IV d...

Héraldique européenne... le blog: Commémoration du décès du Roi Jacques (James) IV d...: Aujourd'hui 9 septembre 2013, commémoration du 500e anniversaire de Roi Jacques (James) IV Stuart , Roi d'Ecosse. Jacques (Jam...

Tarff Advertiser: Chauvinistic British Intellectual - moi?

Tarff Advertiser: Chauvinistic British Intellectual - moi?

Friday, 20 September 2013

SCOT goes POP!: Up next...

SCOT goes POP!: Up next...: In the highly unlikely event that things have gone according to plan, I should be off on my travels by now. When I get back, I hope to write...

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Peter A Bell: No hate here!

Peter A Bell: No hate here!: If anybody still doubts that the anti-independence campaign is anti-Scottish then they need only read the article by Simon Heffer in today...

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Frankly Independent: Playing with Fire

Frankly Independent: Playing with Fire:                   Here we are just a year away from the Scottish independence referendum, and yet another European Uni...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2013: One year to go – Scotland the Brave or Scotland th...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2013: One year to go – Scotland the Brave or Scotland th...:

Logic's Rock: #1Year2Yes

Logic's Rock: #1Year2Yes: Here's to voting to ditch the troughers in Westminster, Commons and Lords, in 1 year's time. Tell them where to stick their pri...

Editorial: One Year to Yes?

Editorial: One Year to Yes?: On 18 September 2014, a year from today, Scotland will go to the polls on one of its biggest decisions in 300 years.  There have been various opinion polls recently […]

RosaMary: L'Ajuntament d'Agramunt obligat a treure les bande...

RosaMary: L'Ajuntament d'Agramunt obligat a treure les bande...: Dimecres, 18 de setembre de 2013 13:30 h El jutjat de Lleida ha sentenciat que l'Ajuntament d'Agramunt ha de posar la bandera es...

Friday, 13 September 2013


Munguin's Republic: FOTOS ON FRIDAY... 'PRIVATISATION OF POST' AND 'B...: SO FIRST THERE IS THIS ODIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT FROM SAINT VINCE... ...and Labour needn't get bent out of shape about it. Peter Mandelson d...

Logic's Rock: Wings & Waffle about LGBT Issues.

Logic's Rock: Wings & Waffle about LGBT Issues.: Wings over Scotland's Rev. Stuart Campbell's (almost) comprehensive fisking of Duncan Hothersall 's opening remarks at the Eq...

Calum Cashley SNP: Labour's lies and the liars without shame

Calum Cashley SNP: Labour's lies and the liars without shame: The Bedroom Tax Lie More than a week ago Labour boasted of its 'action' on the Bedroom Tax, Jackie Baillie repeated that she was b...


aangirfan: 'RUSSIA SHOT DOWN TWO US MISSILES': Reportedly, on 3 September 2013, Russia shot down two US ballistic missiles that were heading towards the Syrian coast,  allegedly &#39...

Tarff Advertiser: I hate Wee Eck so .....

Tarff Advertiser: I hate Wee Eck so .....: Here's the problem for the 'I hate Wee Eck, so I'll vote 'no' folk, they are cutting their nose off to spite their fa...

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Frankly Independent: A Fine Yarn

Frankly Independent: A Fine Yarn:                 The Great Tapestry of Scotland depicting the history of Scotland at the Scottish Parliament       ...

Frankly Independent: The Fear Factor

Frankly Independent: The Fear Factor:                  Scared at the prospect of running your own country? Terrified about what the future holds? Haunted by n...

Frankly Independent: Spanish Nationalists Attack

Frankly Independent: Spanish Nationalists Attack: What Catalans have to put up with in the Spanish state:      Rent-a-thug Spanish nationalists violently disrupt a Catalan Na...

Frankly Independent: Reporting Catalonia

Frankly Independent: Reporting Catalonia:               Way Overcrowded   A Group of Fascists Attacks the Catalan Government Building in Madrid   La Vanguard...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2013: The Question and No Answers session – Nicola Sturg...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2013: The Question and No Answers session – Nicola Sturg...: Nicola question: "Give me three specific examples of welfare cuts that Ed Miliband will reverse?" Anas answer: No answer N...

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Calum Cashley SNP: Fantasy Polling

Calum Cashley SNP: Fantasy Polling: I was ignoring the Ashcroft 'poll' on the basis that it was so schonky that it might have been invented as a tale by CS Lewis during...

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Who Is Going To Buy Our Debt If This War Causes China, Russia And The Rest Of The World To Turn On Us?

Who Is Going To Buy Our Debt If This War Causes China, Russia And The Rest Of The World To Turn On Us?


Munguin's Republic: 'JUST SAY NAW', SAYS THE OTHER GEORGE: I just spotted this advertisement for Grubby Galloway, who is touring Scotland putting his take on independence. Given that he's an ...


Munguin's Republic: GET ANOTHER JOB; GET TWO JOBS. SOME MPs HAVE GOT S...: The Tories and their Liberal Democrat (!?!) friends march relentlessly on with a programme of persecution of people who are unfortunate enou...


Munguin's Republic: THIS, YOU SEE, IS THE KIND OF MESS YOU GET WHEN A ...: (Apologies. I have no idea what happened to the formatting.)  I've just been reading a post at WOS which points out the differenc...

Gauging Govan: George Foulkes: the violent bigot who epitomises L...

Gauging Govan: George Foulkes: the violent bigot who epitomises L...: This evening on Newsnicht, the Labour Party in Scotland - unable to utilise its barely-recognised and cowardly leader Johann Lamont during...

Gauging Govan: Gordon Brown's Speech is an Embarrassment to Tory-...

Gauging Govan: Gordon Brown's Speech is an Embarrassment to Tory-...: I often find it difficult to distinguish between Howard Hughes and the sociopath Gordon Brown.  One is a wealthy man, noted for his biz...

Gauging Govan: "BetterTogether" Silence on Violence to Blame for ...

Gauging Govan: "BetterTogether" Silence on Violence to Blame for ...: On Tuesday, a BetterTogether-supporting extremist attacked an octogenarian pro-Independence campaigner with such violence and ferocity that...

Logic's Rock: Psychopathic Delusions of Grandeur

Logic's Rock: Psychopathic Delusions of Grandeur: Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of the role Scotland, the UK, the Empire, the Commonwealth and our allies played in World War 2.  I&#...

SCOT goes POP!: He's terrific, he's magnific, he's the greatest se...

SCOT goes POP!: He's terrific, he's magnific, he's the greatest se...: Just a quick note to let you know that I'm one of the participants in this week's For A' That podcast, alongside Michael Greenw...

Thursday, 5 September 2013

US Push For Syria Invasion Meets Strong Inner Opposition

US Push For Syria Invasion Meets Strong Inner Opposition

Peter A Bell: Of flags and feelings

Peter A Bell: Of flags and feelings: A political statement As someone with a bit of a passion for live music, one of the highlights of my year is Perth's annual Souther...

British Troops 'Fired into Bodies of Wounded Rebels and Stamped on Head of Dead Iraqi' - IBTimes UK

British Troops 'Fired into Bodies of Wounded Rebels and Stamped on Head of Dead Iraqi' - IBTimes UK

Scottish Independence: How Syria Vote Reveals Argument the No Campaign can Never Make [BLOG] - IBTimes UK

Scottish Independence: How Syria Vote Reveals Argument the No Campaign can Never Make [BLOG] - IBTimes UK

SCOT goes POP!: Cameron's Syria setback - what impact on the indep...

SCOT goes POP!: Cameron's Syria setback - what impact on the indep...: I have a new article up at the International Business Times (in fact it's been up for over 24 hours now, but I forgot to check). It co...

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Logic's Rock: Carry on Screaming: the Heady Heights of Hypocrisy...

Logic's Rock: Carry on Screaming: the Heady Heights of Hypocrisy...: I thought I'd be inured, having seen the heady heights of hypocrisy soared many a time in my 49 years. However, Project Fear beggars ...

Logic's Rock: Clout Syria as Part of UK says Alistair Darling

Logic's Rock: Clout Syria as Part of UK says Alistair Darling: The Guardian reports that Independent Scotland would struggle on world stage, says Alistair Darling .  It is a PA piece. How disappointin...

SCOT goes POP!: Battle of the pollsters

SCOT goes POP!: Battle of the pollsters: When I first heard whispers a couple of hours ago that there was a new poll out showing a substantial No lead, I can honestly say the first ...