Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Tarff Advertiser: A Living Death ....
Tarff Advertiser: A Living Death ....: I have not blogged for the last two weeks as I have been processing (in psychotherapy speak but otherwise better known as 'thinking ab...
Monday, 29 April 2013
Munguin's Republic: THE UK MUST RETAIN ITS POSITION AS FOURTH LARGEST ...: Hammond the current mishandler of the UK's Defence Dept Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, wants the Treasury to transfer mon...
Sunday, 28 April 2013
The Real McGowan: BetterTogether, Ian Taylor's £500,000 donation and...
The Real McGowan: BetterTogether, Ian Taylor's £500,000 donation and...: A wee call to BetterTogether HQ.. The Sunday Hearld, in it's latest edition, reported that the No campaign had a war chest of £2m...
SCOT goes POP!: Don't these bleedin' Jocks have a sense of humour?...
SCOT goes POP!: Don't these bleedin' Jocks have a sense of humour?...: One of the great taboos on Have I Got News For You is audience interaction. It just doesn't happen - the audience are there to be hear...
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Munguin's Republic: WHAT A FUTURE: WHAT POTENTIAL FOR OUR KIDS AND GRA...: Becoming independent offers Scotland - and its businesses - the opportunity of a lifetime. With control of our economic policy we can f...
Friday, 26 April 2013
SCOT goes POP!: Notes on a non-scandal
SCOT goes POP!: Notes on a non-scandal: In the latest scare story about Scotland's currency that has been concocted by the No campaign (and of course in this respect the UK Tre...
Tocasaid: Gaelic space punks v. Tradfest
Tocasaid: Gaelic space punks v. Tradfest: What was once the Edinburgh Folk Festival has now become ' Tradfest ' after a brief stint as 'Ceilidh Culture'. There...
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Taigh na Croiche: Soitheach fànais
Taigh na Croiche: Soitheach fànais: Nach e tha math nuair a tha tachartas inntinneach san amharc san sgìre agad. Agus leis an-sin, chan eil mi a' ciallachadh àite air be...
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
SCOT goes POP!: Poll : Which Presiding Officer has been best?
SCOT goes POP!: Poll : Which Presiding Officer has been best?: Bit of a random one, this, but I've been thinking about how the reputation of Commons Speakers at Westminster has so rarely matched up t...
Monday, 22 April 2013
Munguin's Republic: SPEAKER BERCOW LIVES IN LA LA LAND: John Bercow was supposed to be the reforming Speaker. He was going to sort out parliament, make it accountable to the people (erm, which i...
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Lallands Peat Worrier: "I've known quite a number of very genuine robbers...
Lallands Peat Worrier: "I've known quite a number of very genuine robbers...: There's an exchange in Rumpole and the Fascist Beast which has been lodged in my head this week. Set in 1979, the episode turns aro...
Lallands Peat Worrier: The inevitable Thatcherite edition...
Lallands Peat Worrier: The inevitable Thatcherite edition...: We couldn't escape it. After a week off, the For A' That podcast is back, and like the rest of the political sphere, we couldn&...
Munguin's Republic: SNAPS ON SATURDAY
Munguin's Republic: SNAPS ON SATURDAY: It was a memorable week. Mrs Thatcher, having died, had to be cremated. Cameron, somewhat foolishly, set a precedent for prime minister...
Murphy's law: Calman looking to reverse devolution
Murphy's law: Calman looking to reverse devolution: Reports that the Calman Commission is looking to possibly reverse powers over energy consenting so that either the current Labour or a futu...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2013: What is Truth? (Pontius Pilate): Labour’s Truth Te...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2013: What is Truth? (Pontius Pilate): Labour’s Truth Te...: Scottish Labour’s strange little black propaganda video has made its appearance on YouTube , timed for the Scottish Conference. I don’t know...
Friday, 19 April 2013
Frankly Independent: Day of the Leaderene, part 1
Frankly Independent: Day of the Leaderene, part 1: On February 11th 1975 'that woman' became leader of the Conservative Party: "It was a supporter of Mrs Thatcher who l...
Frankly Independent: Day of the Leaderene, part 2
Frankly Independent: Day of the Leaderene, part 2: The Scottish Assembly that was not to be (Property Services Agency sketch of the converted Royal High Schoo...
Frankly Independent: Day of the Leaderene, part 3
Frankly Independent: Day of the Leaderene, part 3: Neo-liberalism , which in socio-economic terms is the essence of the Thatcher legacy in the UK, is defined by Pierre Bourdieu as nothing l...
Frankly Independent: Speculation
Frankly Independent: Speculation: Stewardship of Finance lecture 14 (in English) Speculation: Its Causes, Consequences and History Paul Jorion,...
SCOT goes POP!: Warning : Jock-bashing buffoon ahead
SCOT goes POP!: Warning : Jock-bashing buffoon ahead: I've long suspected that the editor of the blogs section of the Telegraph website is running some kind of internal contest to see which...
SCOT goes POP!: Warning : Jock-bashing buffoon ahead
SCOT goes POP!: Warning : Jock-bashing buffoon ahead: I've long suspected that the editor of the blogs section of the Telegraph website is running some kind of internal contest to see which...
Thursday, 18 April 2013
SCOT goes POP!: Did the Bishop of London feel something on his sho...
SCOT goes POP!: Did the Bishop of London feel something on his sho...: Compare and contrast (well, perhaps not the latter)... Tony Blair at the negotiations that resulted in the Good Friday Agreement - "...
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Tarff Advertiser: Vitol, Central Scottish Councils and 'fracking'.
Tarff Advertiser: Vitol, Central Scottish Councils and 'fracking'.: A wee bird has told me that Iain Taylor's (of 'dirty money' imfamy) company Vitol have a possible share of a 16% holding (alon...
Tocasaid: Mother of a Thousand Dead lives on....
Tocasaid: Mother of a Thousand Dead lives on....: Iron Lady with your stone heart so eager that the lesson be taught That you inflicted, you determines, you created, you ordered - ...
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Munguin's Republic: MAKE TRIDENT HISTORY
Munguin's Republic: MAKE TRIDENT HISTORY: "I was at the anti Trident demo this weekend. It brought back memories of a different time. The last anti nukes demo I went tae Glasg...
SCOT goes POP!: Ding-a-dong listen to it, maybe it's a big hit, ev...
SCOT goes POP!: Ding-a-dong listen to it, maybe it's a big hit, ev...: I couldn't quite make up my mind how I felt about the controversy over whether Radio 1 should broadcast Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead on...
Tarff Advertiser: Vitol and Serbia's National Oil Company
Tarff Advertiser: Vitol and Serbia's National Oil Company: I can not name my sources as they have been threatened by the Serbian Mafia with being 'disappeared' if their uncovering of Serbia...
Peter A Bell: Reasons for voting YES - 1
Peter A Bell: Reasons for voting YES - 1: Those who follow me on Twitter may be aware of my tweets stating reasons why I will be voting YES in Scotland's independence referendum...
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Gauging Govan: Jackie Baillie: a disgrace to Labour and the human...
Gauging Govan: Jackie Baillie: a disgrace to Labour and the human...: The good people of Dumbarton - Labour's northernmost constituency - have the misfortune to be represented in Parliament by a charlatan:...
Gauging Govan: Better Together, Arkan, and a Troubling Financial ...
Gauging Govan: Better Together, Arkan, and a Troubling Financial ...: Concentration Camps On the morning after their existence was revealed to the world, the Daily Mirror described the discovery of the con...
Gauging Govan: Tramp the Dirt Down
Gauging Govan: Tramp the Dirt Down: A sense of relief was felt in Scotland on Monday as the hated former dictator, Margaret Thatcher, finally succumbed to Satan's advances...
Gauging Govan: Better Together's Rightist Inspirations
Gauging Govan: Better Together's Rightist Inspirations: I blogged a couple of days ago on the National Collective 's revelations that fully half of the anti-Scotland campaign's funding ca...
SCOT goes POP!: The "international socialist movement" and its cur...
SCOT goes POP!: The "international socialist movement" and its cur...: Duncan Hothersall, leading Twitter propagandist for what he fondly describes as "the international labour movement" (better known ...
Friday, 12 April 2013
fleet street fox: Ding, dong...
fleet street fox: Ding, dong...: ... banning things is wrong. Even if they are exploitative, annoying songs bought in the worst possible taste, as I explain for the Daily Mi...
It may not be illegal, but......: Qui bono? Who wins when the PM invites the CEO of ...
It may not be illegal, but......: Qui bono? Who wins when the PM invites the CEO of ...: The name of one of the Tory's 'premier league' donors caught my eye when they finally published the list of donors who had bough...
The Real McGowan: BetterTogether, Ian Taylor's £500,000 donation and...
The Real McGowan: BetterTogether, Ian Taylor's £500,000 donation and...: A wee call to BetterTogether HQ.. The Sunday Hearld, in it's latest edition, reported that the No campaign had a war chest of £2m...
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov poll on attitudes to Mrs Thatcher shows sha...
SCOT goes POP!: YouGov poll on attitudes to Mrs Thatcher shows sha...: Here is the regional breakdown of the YouGov poll from a couple of days ago on public perceptions of Mrs Thatcher following her death. Ther...
Thursday, 11 April 2013
fleet street fox: Emergency (n.): Requiring immediate action.
fleet street fox: Emergency (n.): Requiring immediate action.: THE possibility, however small, of nuclear war in North Korea. The fact our few remaining forces in Afghanistan are using mortar shells ma...
SCOT goes POP!: We are all National Collective
SCOT goes POP!: We are all National Collective: I've got a very soft spot for National Collective , partly because I was a contributor to the site in its early days, but mainly because...
SCOT goes POP!: Lib Dems' Moore deliberately lies in the Huffingto...
SCOT goes POP!: Lib Dems' Moore deliberately lies in the Huffingto...: Michael Moore (aka "the man who gave us votes at 16 by opposing it") furiously spins for Blighty in the US edition of the Huffingt...
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
fleet street fox: Margaret Thatcher's funeral...
fleet street fox: Margaret Thatcher's funeral...: ... and what, exactly, the state is happy to pay for, is the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can read here . I ...
SCOT goes POP!: Lib Dems' Moore deliberately lies in the Huffingto...
SCOT goes POP!: Lib Dems' Moore deliberately lies in the Huffingto...: Michael Moore (aka "the man who gave us votes at 16 by opposing it") furiously spins for Blighty in the US edition of the Huffingt...
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Power In Community: Press Release: Honour The Auld Alliance - A Fair P...
Power In Community: Press Release: Honour The Auld Alliance - A Fair P...: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE --------------- CONTACT DETAILS --------------- Email: nick.durie@googlemail.com Telephone: 07798903944 --------------...
Tarff Advertiser: Thatcher is dead ... So?
Tarff Advertiser: Thatcher is dead ... So?: Thatcher had her faults and strengths. I believe she thought she was doing more good than harm and given the decade of politics which pr...
SCOT goes POP!: TNS-BMRB poll : Decrease in opposition to independ...
SCOT goes POP!: TNS-BMRB poll : Decrease in opposition to independ...: Doubtless the above headline will be seen as spin, but when we have Magnus Gardham and his ilk perpetually spinning in the opposite directio...
Monday, 8 April 2013
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Friday, 5 April 2013
SCOT goes POP!: Are you called David?
SCOT goes POP!: Are you called David?: I've just stumbled across a Twitter campaign that unaccountably has just nine followers at present. Called 'Davids for Indy', i...
Tarff Advertiser: An appeal to Social Democrats asleep in England.
Tarff Advertiser: An appeal to Social Democrats asleep in England.: English Social Democrats: I would like you to throw away your unconcious scepticism about Scotland and unde...
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Peter A Bell: Independence: Day One not Year Zero
Peter A Bell: Independence: Day One not Year Zero: March 2016: Doomsday for Scotland? The campaign to deny Scotland the normal constitutional status of a sovereign nation is inherently i...
Tarff Advertiser: The Scottish 'Common Weal' - what is it?
Tarff Advertiser: The Scottish 'Common Weal' - what is it?: The weakness of commentators, such as Gerry Hassan, who reject the Scottish trait of social conservatism or the 'Common Weal' as h...
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Tarff Advertiser: Illiberal Britain - is 'Yes' the answer?
Tarff Advertiser: Illiberal Britain - is 'Yes' the answer?: There is a growing awareness across the UK that Westminster and its media lackeys are illiberal and sustain...
SCOT goes POP!: More befuddlement on Scotland from the London medi...
SCOT goes POP!: More befuddlement on Scotland from the London medi...: In 2011, the Scottish Sun came out in support of the SNP, but made clear that they remained firmly opposed to independence. They were prob...
Monday, 1 April 2013
SCOT goes POP!: Tavish didn't "save our p'lice" - but did he save ...
SCOT goes POP!: Tavish didn't "save our p'lice" - but did he save ...: This seems almost uncannily topical on the day that the merger of Scotland's police forces finally takes effect, but a YouGov survey of ...
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