Saturday, 31 March 2012
Munguin's Republic: CRUDIE DOES IT AGAIN!
Munguin's Republic: CRUDIE DOES IT AGAIN!: T his is Munguin's Republic's 1000th post, so I was looking around for something to write about... not so easy if you're bored with Granny...
SCOT goes POP!: A couple of miscellaneous items...
SCOT goes POP!: A couple of miscellaneous items...: First of all, here's the long-overdue confirmation of the result of the Olympic poll from a few days ago... Will you be supporting Team GB...
Gàidhlig ann an Iapan: Bàs den Koala as sìne
Gàidhlig ann an Iapan: Bàs den Koala as sìne: Ann an Su Higashiyama sa mhadainn air an 30mh den Mhàrt thug neach-su an aire gu bheil Ramu air a bhàsachadh. Fhuair e bàs nàdarra. 'S e an ...
Friday, 30 March 2012
aangirfan: THE HUNT FOR KSM; THE REAL MASTERMIND OF 9 11: The Hunt for KSM The mastermind of the 9 11 attacks would appear to be the Pentagon. "In the Pentagon, a top secret team drew up a plan ...
aangirfan: TANIA HEAD - SPOOKY 9 11 FAKE; TOULOUSE MERAH FAKE...: Tania Head with Bloomberg and Giuliani Tania Head was the founder and boss of the World Trade Center Survivors' Network . Tania says tha...
aangirfan: MILLIONAIRES SUBSIDISED: The UK government is making sure that the millionaires in London and the South East continue to be 'heavily subsidised, tax cossetted and f...
SCOT goes POP!: Can the Galloway miracle outgrow Galloway?
SCOT goes POP!: Can the Galloway miracle outgrow Galloway?: I've come to the conclusion that I like George Galloway far more as an English politician. A year ago, I was extremely worried that he woul...
Thursday, 29 March 2012
The Lockerbie Case: Former Lord Advocate ... seriously misled the Megr...
The Lockerbie Case: Former Lord Advocate ... seriously misled the Megr...: [This is the headline over a report published today on the Newsnet Scotland website. It reads in part:] Former Lord Advocate, Colin Boy...
The Lockerbie Case: A clear signal ...
The Lockerbie Case: A clear signal ...: [The following opinion piece is published today on the website of Scottish lawyers’ magazine The Firm . It comes from the pen of the magazi...
The Lockerbie Case: An e-mail from John Ashton to the Crown Office
The Lockerbie Case: An e-mail from John Ashton to the Crown Office: [What follows is an item published this morning on John Ashton’s Megrahi: You are my Jury website:] Below is the text of an email that...
The Lockerbie Case: Lockerbie: Report questions credibility of Maltese...
The Lockerbie Case: Lockerbie: Report questions credibility of Maltese...: [This is the headline over a report by Kurt Sansone in today’s edition of the Maltese newspaper The Times . It reads as follows:] Slie...
The Lockerbie Case: Malta urged to petition for Lockerbie case to be r...
The Lockerbie Case: Malta urged to petition for Lockerbie case to be r...: [This is the headline over a report in today’s edition of the Maltese newspaper The Times . It reads as follows:] The Maltese governme...
The Lockerbie Case: A Scottish show trial has descended into farce
The Lockerbie Case: A Scottish show trial has descended into farce: [This is the headline over an article by physicist and former Church of Scotland minister Dr John Cameron in today’s edition of the Scottis...
The Lockerbie Case: Kenny MacAskill answers Christine Grahame's writte...
The Lockerbie Case: Kenny MacAskill answers Christine Grahame's writte...: Christine Grahame ( Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale ) ( Scottish National Party ): To ask the Scottish Executive , in light of...
Munguin's Republic: DO YOU FANCY A HOT BRIDIE, GRANNY?: J ust a week or so ago it was all so different. There he was being tucked up in bed by one of the world's most important men, in a flying...
Munguin's Republic: DO YOU FANCY A HOT BRIDIE, GRANNY?: J ust a week or so ago it was all so different. There he was being tucked up in bed by one of the world's most important men, in a flying...
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Frankly: The Parable of the Bullfinch
Frankly: The Parable of the Bullfinch: The bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula , is what twitchers call a small passerine bird. It heads south for the winter, but this year's ea...
Frankly: Independent Scotland and the EU
Frankly: Independent Scotland and the EU: The question of Scottish independence has been heavily debated in the United Kingdom, with one claim against it being that some Eur...
Munguin's Republic: IT TOOK MRS THATCHER A LOT LONGER THAN THIS: Downing Street said that those who rely on cars to get to work should have “contingency plans” for possible disruption of the fuel supply ...
SCOT goes POP!: Poll : will you be supporting "Team GB" this summe...
SCOT goes POP!: Poll : will you be supporting "Team GB" this summe...: A couple of weeks ago, a unionist called Magnus Miller took me to task on Twitter for gently mocking Councillor Alex Gallagher's excitement ...
Another rant: On Trolls
Another rant: On Trolls: Trolling is in the news at the moment – and rightly so – and it was only last night that I was saying that I didn’t know how Dan Hodges cope...
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
The Green Benches: Cameron's Tories have received £159,484,285.40 in ...
The Green Benches: Cameron's Tories have received £159,484,285.40 in ...: Tweet The graph above shows every penny in donations (cash or services) received by the Tory Party under David Cameron, accumulated. In to...
fleet street fox: D'oh!
fleet street fox: D'oh!: ONE of the principal things to admire in politicians is their sheer refusal to admit when they've got it wrong. Yesterday Tory party chair...
Monday, 26 March 2012
jrbrownlie: What's the question??
jrbrownlie: What's the question??: Now that the referendum date appears to have been confirmed as late 2014 much debate will be held as to the form of the question(s) to be as...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Cash for access and influence–don’t forget the Lib...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Cash for access and influence–don’t forget the Lib...: This is the party most distrusted by the electorate, reduced to a pathetic rump in Holyrood by the Scottish electorate last May, and who wo...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Same-sex marriage: Holyrood's impending stramash.....
Lallands Peat Worrier: Same-sex marriage: Holyrood's impending stramash.....: Yesterday , I dipped into the arcana of how Holyrood makes its laws, its weaknesses, and the wages of that weakness. My business in doing so...
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Eeben Barlow's Military and Security Blog: LOCKERBIE BOMBING: ANOTHER BLOG, ANOTHER LIE
Eeben Barlow's Military and Security Blog: LOCKERBIE BOMBING: ANOTHER BLOG, ANOTHER LIE: I am used to being falsely accused of many things although I never expected a so-called Professor Emeritus to allow his blog to be used for...
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Munguin's Republic: TORY TREASURER'S RED FACE IS DUE TO MORE THAN THE ...: "Two hundred grand to 250 is Premier League… what you would get is... when we talk about your donations the first thing we want to do is g...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Strathclyde polis: Operation Rubicon mothballed?
Lallands Peat Worrier: Strathclyde polis: Operation Rubicon mothballed?: Yesterday, Chief Constable Stephen House was giving evidence before Lord Justice Leveson in the High Court in London. Before House got to ...
SCOT goes POP!: The day that proves that the SNP did, indeed, win ...
SCOT goes POP!: The day that proves that the SNP did, indeed, win ...: The Telegraph described Wednesday's events as a "capitulation" by Alex Salmond. Really? I know some rank-and-file Nats were itching for t...
Friday, 23 March 2012
BBC employee just e-mailed me this about its failure to report NHS issue objectively. What do people think? #SaveourNHS
BBC employee just e-mailed me this about its failure to report NHS issue objectively. What do people think? #SaveourNHS: BBC employee just e-mailed me this about its failure to report NHS issue objectively. What do people think? #SaveourNHS
Munguin's Republic: FLIP FLOP ROMNEY'S AIDE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS: T his video speaks for itself. In fact we all know that that is what the potential candidates have to do. They must appeal to the mor...
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Lallands Peat Worrier: The scandal of Scotland's hacking (non)scandal...
Lallands Peat Worrier: The scandal of Scotland's hacking (non)scandal...: Quoth Alex Salmond at FMQs on the 8th of March, in response to a question from Willie Rennie about phone-hacking by newspapers... "I do n...
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Lallands Peat Worrier: "Not a model of draftsmanship either in structure ...
Lallands Peat Worrier: "Not a model of draftsmanship either in structure ...: "Not a model of draftsmanship either in structure or in expression" . That was Lord Justice Clerk's Gill's assessment of an Act of the Scott...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Orkney and Shetland – the mandate for Scott and Mc...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Orkney and Shetland – the mandate for Scott and Mc...: Given the extraordinary statements made by the Orkney and Shetland MSPs in recent days about the stance of their respective constituencies i...
Munguin's Republic: IF YOU PAYS PEANUTS, GIDEON, WHAT DO YOU GET?: Has it occurred to George Osborne that if he pays civil servants more in those parts of the country where people are well off, and less in t...
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
SCOT goes POP!: Will Ruth Davidson describe John Redwood as "ignor...
SCOT goes POP!: Will Ruth Davidson describe John Redwood as "ignor...: As we all remember, the Nationalist MSP Joan McAlpine set off an almighty storm a couple of months ago by describing opposition parties as "...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The labourer is worthy of his hire
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The labourer is worthy of his hire: … for the labourer is worthy of his hire So says the Bible. However, a modern version according to Saint Osborne might want to add a few t...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The New Right in Scotland? Brian Monteith, the Sco...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The New Right in Scotland? Brian Monteith, the Sco...: Brian Monteith had an article in the Scotsman yesterday entitled Scottish slant on US group could fill Tory gap My resp0nse is in a lett...
Monday, 19 March 2012
Madam Miaow Says: Tory lords, LibDem peers and MPs with interests in...
Madam Miaow Says: Tory lords, LibDem peers and MPs with interests in...: In the wake of today's shameful vote for the Health and Social Care (NHS) Bill 2011 in the House of Lords, here is a brilliant comprehensive...
The MURDOCH Empire and its Nest of VIPERS: #Leveson: The Express - Dirty Des Continues To SPI...
The MURDOCH Empire and its Nest of VIPERS: #Leveson: The Express - Dirty Des Continues To SPI...: Murdoch's Sun on Sunday began this morning with their usual fabricated storyline and smear campaign against Portugal .... What is the matt...
The MURDOCH Empire and its Nest of VIPERS: #Leveson: #DavidKelly Website Hacked By Police Cam...
The MURDOCH Empire and its Nest of VIPERS: #Leveson: #DavidKelly Website Hacked By Police Cam...: Enlarge Mystery: Dr Kelly was found dead in 2008 A police force has been accused of illegally accessing information from a Facebook gr...
BUSH AND BLAIR BONESMEN IN WAR CRIMES: Dr.David Kelly : Website Hacked By Police Claims !...
BUSH AND BLAIR BONESMEN IN WAR CRIMES: Dr.David Kelly : Website Hacked By Police Claims !...:
Lallands Peat Worrier: Angiolini appointed Oxford Principal...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Angiolini appointed Oxford Principal...: Being an Oxonian myself, and given my interest in Scots law, it would be remiss of me not to remark briefly on an unexpected development. To...
Sunday, 18 March 2012
SCOT goes POP!: Unionist driving instructors need not apply...
SCOT goes POP!: Unionist driving instructors need not apply...: I think at long last I might have found a reasonable definition of that slippery term 'Cybernat', ie. someone who honestly thinks that union...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Double jeopardy & the World's End case...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Double jeopardy & the World's End case...: Only a numpty would fail to discern the semantic difference. Contrast the phrase: “we are investigating the possibility of a retrial” and “a...
Lallands Peat Worrier: The wages of Salmond's blunder in 2007?
Lallands Peat Worrier: The wages of Salmond's blunder in 2007?: During her speech at the weekend's SNP Conference in Glasgow, Nicola Sturgeon made this curious plea in relation to Holyrood's second go at ...
Gauging Govan: The SNP and the British Army
Gauging Govan: The SNP and the British Army: I should, I suppose, firstly declare my credentials. I joined the SNP in 2004 or 2005 – during the period of the Labour/Liberal “Executive...
Frankly: Alien Invasion
Frankly: Alien Invasion: Illustration by courtesy of Newsnet Scotland "Aha! So it's to be the old Tory bogeyman, is it? Just as Iain Gray , Labour's lost le...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: I woke up this morning - England and Scotland
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: I woke up this morning - England and Scotland: One of the great blues opening lines has always been “ Woke up this morning …”, and it almost became a cliché of the blues lyric. I woke ...
Saturday, 17 March 2012
SCOT goes POP!: Same-sex marriage, and deep comfort
SCOT goes POP!: Same-sex marriage, and deep comfort: Subrosa wrote a piece the other day expressing scepticism about gay marriage. There are a few key points I want to take issue with - ".....
Friday, 16 March 2012
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Afghanistan on Question Time - Humza Yousaf, Willi...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Afghanistan on Question Time - Humza Yousaf, Willi...: As is almost always the case on Question Time , the audience has the heart of the question. Janet Street Porter was irrelevant, Ruth Davids...
forfar-loon's brigadoon: We're doooomed!
forfar-loon's brigadoon: We're doooomed!: I really have heard it all now. For those of you who missed this in the Herald yesterday, another of our ermine-bedecked superiors, aka Lord...
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Munguin's Republic: A COUPLE MORE...
Munguin's Republic: A COUPLE MORE...: Michael Moore and Jobcentre Minus , sorry Plus (must remember the irony in their name), have announced a scheme which will give unemployed...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The ‘Scotsman’ propaganda mill continues to pump o...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The ‘Scotsman’ propaganda mill continues to pump o...: I meant to comment on this piece from the Scotsman anti-independence propaganda conveyor line on Tuesday, but other events got in the way, ...
The Hidden Ireland...: Éist linn, Ruairí Quinn! A deaf and misunderstandi...
The Hidden Ireland...: Éist linn, Ruairí Quinn! A deaf and misunderstandi...: The clouded vision of an Education Minister? In a recent edition of Gaelscéal , the Irish newspaper, our attention was drawn to a piece wr...
The Hidden Ireland...: Pride!
The Hidden Ireland...: Pride!: Extraordinary things have been happening in the last few days. Running for Ireland Fighting for Ireland In the last week we have been le...
Athfhás: Ceadúnas Teilifíse!
Athfhás: Ceadúnas Teilifíse!: Taobh istigh dhá bhliain le cúnamh Dé! Ní féidir ceadúnas teilifíse a íoch tré Ghaeilge ar an bhfón nó ar líne. Roime seo bhí sé de nós a... England would BOMB Scotland ! England would BOMB Scotland !: England could have no choice but to bomb Scottish airports in order to defend itself from attack if Scotland became independent, the form...
Munguin's Republic: "Political Betting" is one of these rather cliquey...
Munguin's Republic: "Political Betting" is one of these rather cliquey...: "Political Betting" is one of these rather cliquey blogs on which there is absolutely no point in posting if you don't belong: I don't the...
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The UK and the Lords – designed to limit democracy...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The UK and the Lords – designed to limit democracy...: The powerful are always seeking ways to limit and constrain the democratic voice of the people. It is a source of constant frustration to...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The referendum questions: “Let’s be clear …” - A...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The referendum questions: “Let’s be clear …” - A...: Lucky Jack, one of the failed Scottish Labour politicians who are now unelected Lords, in between fighting over coal sheds with his neighbou...
A Bankie's Blether.: The BBC - Blatantly Biased Cluster.
A Bankie's Blether.: The BBC - Blatantly Biased Cluster.: I nearly wrote this blog on Thursday 16th February. I nearly wrote it again on Monday 20th February. I find myself unable to maintain my sil...
A Bankie's Blether.: This is (what passes for) The News from The BBC.
A Bankie's Blether.: This is (what passes for) The News from The BBC.: A New Year has arrived and, once again, little seems to have changed, certainly not at Pacific Quay, home to the inappropriately named BBC S...
A Bankie's Blether.: You have cost your constituents £15m a year, Mr Mo...
A Bankie's Blether.: You have cost your constituents £15m a year, Mr Mo...: Last week, I was given some information that truly staggered me. Over the next three years, the economy in the Scottish Borders will fall by...
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
SCOT goes POP!: The "non-aligned" forum Political Betting once aga...
SCOT goes POP!: The "non-aligned" forum Political Betting once aga...: Well, I've had another eventful few days over at On Saturday morning, I was subjected to a series of highly personali...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The ‘experts’ and the referendum questions
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The ‘experts’ and the referendum questions: In my recent blog on the Scotsman’s report of Prof. John Curtice’s reported two question referendum Ask the bloody question(s) I analysed...
Monday, 12 March 2012
The Barefoot Crofter: Bisy Backson
The Barefoot Crofter: Bisy Backson: We are going through a very busy spell right now, so I won't be around much this week. I'm leaving a candle burning for you though. and I...
Munguin's Republic: RANDOM THOUGHTS
Munguin's Republic: RANDOM THOUGHTS: Fair's fair. I'm a republican, but I can praise individual royals' work when it's good. I've always said that Anne is a star with her Sa...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Zip your lip, Darling! Don’t try to rewrite histor...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Zip your lip, Darling! Don’t try to rewrite histor...: The Heral d carries a page two article today Darling lays into Salmond over his RBS judgment , and a featured interview with Anne Simpson an...
Biken Shrestha: Robert Boyle
Biken Shrestha: Robert Boyle: Boyle was born in Ireland.Among the many contenders for the title of "Father of Modern Chemistry" is Robert Boyle (January 25, 1627 - Dece...
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Bytes fae the biddy...: Bank Holidays? Whit's that aw aboot?
Bytes fae the biddy...: Bank Holidays? Whit's that aw aboot?: Ah wis laughin at seein that tweet go past th'day, the yin that goes, "Hey did ye hear? 4th o July is Separation Day! They celebrate it ever...
Bytes fae the biddy...: Here's a thing...
Bytes fae the biddy...: Here's a thing...: Here's a thing, ah complained tae the BBC the other day, a thing ah've nivver done afore, ah had tae fill in a form an everythin. Ah did it ...
Shootin fae the Shin: Flooer o the mountain...
Shootin fae the Shin: Flooer o the mountain...: So here we are then, it's Hogmanay again, an we've made it through anither year. Maist o us made it onyhow, tho many didnae. Hogmanay's aye ...
Saturday, 10 March 2012
SCOT goes POP!: What does the latest YouGov poll mean for the loca...
SCOT goes POP!: What does the latest YouGov poll mean for the loca...: I'm a few days late in tracking down the full figures from this week's Scottish YouGov poll - Holyrood constituency vote SNP 40% (-4) L...
Munguin's Republic: GOOD LORD! IT'S FFFFFOULKES, THE NOBLEMAN: You have to love the good Lord ffoulkes....Who could forget him? And Nicol bless him. Does anyone remember him? Didn't he resign and now...
Munguin's Republic: ALEX'S SPEECH TO SPRING CONFERENCE 2012: Almost a year ago to the day I stood on this very stage and spoke to you about Scotland’s future. We were behind in the polls. The pre...
Gauging Govan: Will Lamont's Cowardice Trump Baillie's Lies in La...
Gauging Govan: Will Lamont's Cowardice Trump Baillie's Lies in La...: On Saturday, as senior figures in what is left of the Scottish Labour Party prepared to give speeches about the SNP and Alex Salmond to a co...
Friday, 9 March 2012
Frankly: Letting the Grass Grow
Frankly: Letting the Grass Grow: A Punch cartoon from January 28th 1920, captioned A Popular Re-appearance, Mr Asquith (the veteran Scots impersonator) At the Sc...
Frankly: The Refrain in Spain
Frankly: The Refrain in Spain: UK ambassador says Westminster may say No to Scottish independence Europa Press, February 28th 2012 What you see above is a report...
SCOT goes POP!: Men and women will be equal when...
SCOT goes POP!: Men and women will be equal when...: I don't know the area around Edinburgh University particularly well (I'm a Glasgow graduate for starters), but I found myself pottering abou...
Munguin's Republic: ASK NICOLA
Munguin's Republic: ASK NICOLA: The SNP is holding its spring conference on Saturday and Sunday, 10th and 11th March, at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre i...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Ask the bloody question(s)–Professor Curtice’s two...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Ask the bloody question(s)–Professor Curtice’s two...: Professor Curtice is an eminent and respected academic, with a long honourable record of commenting on Scottish electoral matters. I am ther...
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The Union – is there any case for it?
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The Union – is there any case for it?: We’ve been in it for 305 years, it’s nice to be British – and we’re stronger together weaker apart. That appears to be about the sum total ...
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The tragedy – and folly – of Afghanistan
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The tragedy – and folly – of Afghanistan: The tragic deaths today point up the continuing folly of the UK’s presence in Afghanistan. I report these blogs from 2009 and 2010, and th...
Munguin's Republic: BAD NEWS AT HOME AND IN AFGHANISTAN...: OK, so I've been really busy today, and it's not that nothing has happened in the world... These young guys killed in Afghanistan in t...
SCOT goes POP!: The latest confected Joan McAlpine 'controversy'
SCOT goes POP!: The latest confected Joan McAlpine 'controversy': As a result of my slight mishap the other night, I'm a bit late on catching up with the latest confected 'controversy' about a Joan McAlpine...
Munguin's Republic: WHAT A BUNCH OF NO HOPERS...
Munguin's Republic: WHAT A BUNCH OF NO HOPERS...: If ever there was a bunch of second raters, full of bitterness because their fiefdom is falling apart, this was it. They have been ru...
SCOT goes POP!: Thrills and spills on the Glasgow subway
SCOT goes POP!: Thrills and spills on the Glasgow subway: It may be Super Tuesday over in my 'other' country, but I haven't got the energy for anything other than a very short post tonight. A few h...
Professors blogg: WikiLeaks releases statement on recent fabricated ...
Professors blogg: WikiLeaks releases statement on recent fabricated ...: Professors blog has in the last days published several analyses ( i , ii , ii , iv ) on the media campaign implemented in Sw...
Lallands Peat Worrier: On the UK Supreme Court's "striking anomaly"
Lallands Peat Worrier: On the UK Supreme Court's "striking anomaly": After the consuming ballyhoo about the jurisdiction of the UK Supreme Court in Scottish criminal cases, you may recall that Alex Salmond app...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Abortion: A conscience about conscience?
Lallands Peat Worrier: Abortion: A conscience about conscience?: Last week, some of you may have read reports in the press about two senior midwives working in Glasgow's Southern General Hospital, who lost...
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Munguin's Republic: DID THE LIBERALS JUST WANT MORE DEVOLUTION WHEN TH...: The Liberal Democrats seem to me to be a little inconsistent in their requests for a more devolved Scotland, most particularly on the fo...
SCOT goes POP!: What would an authentically 'non-unionist' Liberal...
SCOT goes POP!: What would an authentically 'non-unionist' Liberal...: The Liberal Democrat blogger Caron Lindsay left a comment on the previous thread , and I thought I'd respond properly in a fresh post - "W...
SCOT goes POP!: What would an authentically 'non-unionist' Liberal...
SCOT goes POP!: What would an authentically 'non-unionist' Liberal...: The Liberal Democrat blogger Caron Lindsay left a comment on the previous thread , and I thought I'd respond properly in a fresh post - "W...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Nick Clegg and Isabel Fraser - Sunday Politics - 4...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Nick Clegg and Isabel Fraser - Sunday Politics - 4...: This is an edit from a 12m clip to 9m or so. The essence of Clegg is maintained, but since he is guilty of the 'torrent of words' approach t...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The SNP’s mortal sin – pragmatism – so say the uni...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The SNP’s mortal sin – pragmatism – so say the uni...: I mentioned recently that we were perhaps in another phoney war period, only to be sharply reminded by some SNP activists that while I was s...
Monday, 5 March 2012
Tarff Advertiser: Why stop at devolution?
Tarff Advertiser: Why stop at devolution?: The Scottish population is the same as the Greater London area (6.8 million) spread over an area of approximately a third of the main island...
Munguin's Republic: YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO BE ON THE SAME PLANET AS SOME...: Photo courtesy of War on Want While companies like Nike, Puma and Adidas make millions from the London Olympics, their workers are paid ...
Munguin's Republic: A PATRONISING GIT LOOKING OUT AT THE SILVERY TAY: This is Labour's Shadow Defence Secretary being tied in knots by Brillo, despite quoting almost word for word what his leader (or is s...
SCOT goes POP!: The worst type of parochial, faux 'internationalis...
SCOT goes POP!: The worst type of parochial, faux 'internationalis...: It would be overly-generous to talk about the "meat" of Ed Miliband's speech to the Scottish Labour conference the other day, but if such a ...
SCOT goes POP!: The worst type of parochial, faux 'internationalis...
SCOT goes POP!: The worst type of parochial, faux 'internationalis...: It would be overly-generous to talk about the "meat" of Ed Miliband's speech to the Scottish Labour conference the other day, but if such a ...
SCOT goes POP!: Willie Rennie and the art of timing
SCOT goes POP!: Willie Rennie and the art of timing: Let's see if I can get this straight - 1) Willie Rennie reminds us that the Liberal Democrats have been passionate Home Rulers for 100 ye...
The Green Benches: Wow! Leaked video footage of Lansley running scare...
The Green Benches: Wow! Leaked video footage of Lansley running scare...: . . This is a leaked video of Lansley's visit to the Royal Free Hospital today. It is a disgraceful example of modern day censorship that s...
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Gauging Govan: Questions, Answers, SLabbers and Sudan
Gauging Govan: Questions, Answers, SLabbers and Sudan: The Government's question for the referendum is straightforward, concise, and will elicit a clear answer in either direction. It is, quite s...
Gauging Govan: The First Parliamentary Attempt By Unionists to Pa...
Gauging Govan: The First Parliamentary Attempt By Unionists to Pa...: Last week, I predicted that the British would use every trick at their disposal to maintain the southern flow of subsidies, and suggested th...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Comment on the Johann Lamont Speech–Labour Confere...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Comment on the Johann Lamont Speech–Labour Confere...: And Alex Massie's devastating analysis in The Spectator - Dinosaur Labour is back!
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: A stark and humiliating contrast – Alex Salmond an...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: A stark and humiliating contrast – Alex Salmond an...: Can anyone imagine Lamont , Rennie or Davidson - or Cameron , Clegg or Miliband - arguing economically and fiscally with such competence...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Michael Gove: Tarrrrrtan Burrrlesque!
Lallands Peat Worrier: Michael Gove: Tarrrrrtan Burrrlesque!: When I was younger, and in an act of maximum political open-mindedness, I allowed myself to be dragged along by an arch-Tory school chum to ...
Lallands Peat Worrier: Bill Walker: (Sunday) Heralding trouble?
Lallands Peat Worrier: Bill Walker: (Sunday) Heralding trouble?: Most of you will have read today's Sunday Herald revelations about SNP MSP Bill Walker, who has now been suspended from the party and parli...
Saturday, 3 March 2012
SCOT goes POP!: UK Eurovision choice : a hump-dincker?
SCOT goes POP!: UK Eurovision choice : a hump-dincker?: Four years ago, when Andy Abraham was picked to represent the UK at Eurovision, I checked through the records and discovered that, at the a...
Friday, 2 March 2012
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Douglas Alexander’s speech to conference - takes r...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Douglas Alexander’s speech to conference - takes r...: Douglas Alexander’s theme is simple – an independent Scotland would be narrowly nationalistic. The UK - i.e. Labour in government or Labou...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Consultation, devo this and devo that …
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Consultation, devo this and devo that …: The factoid has taken root, and is now stated as fact – Alex Salmond wants a second question, and is happy to accept devo-something as secon...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Jim Murphy looks foolish on who leads for Labour o...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Jim Murphy looks foolish on who leads for Labour o...: Even by Murphys' standards, this was a bummer. " The BBC will pick the Labour Leader for the referendum debate " Goad help us a' ... His p...
Thursday, 1 March 2012
SCOT goes POP!: Blow for Cameron's 'jam tomorrow' deception as pub...
SCOT goes POP!: Blow for Cameron's 'jam tomorrow' deception as pub...: There's a new Ipsos-Mori poll out that doesn't offer much solace for the Prime Minister and others who think that two referendum questions w...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Devo plus–a “contribution to the debate” – or some...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Devo plus–a “contribution to the debate” – or some...: The First Minister, Alex Salmond has gave his official reaction – through a spokesperson - to the devo plus launch yesterday in a press re...
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