Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Iran through the looking glass - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Iran through the looking glass - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Straight from the horse’s mouth, or what Mr. Ed re...

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Straight from the horse’s mouth, or what Mr. Ed re...: Ed Miliband was in Glasgow on the 30th of January, supposedly outlining the Labour case for keeping Scotland in the Union. Between Ed curren...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Gun boats and Royals to an outpost of empire again...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Gun boats and Royals to an outpost of empire again...: Since I first posted this, we’ve had an election, and Westminster and the unionist coalition of Tories/Labour/LibDems under their Great Le...

Munguin's Republic: In which Tris ponders the purpose of the House of ...

Munguin's Republic: In which Tris ponders the purpose of the House of ...: I'm not entirely sure how much the House of Lords costs us taxpayers every year. Many figures are bandied about (and we are told how much ch...

Opposition to independence falls - poll - Politics - Scotsman.com

Opposition to independence falls - poll - Politics - Scotsman.com

Fred Goodwin has knighthood ‘cancelled and annulled’ - UK - Scotsman.com

Fred Goodwin has knighthood ‘cancelled and annulled’ - UK - Scotsman.com

Robespierre: A Revolutionary Life / Non-Fiction / Books / Culture / Home - Morning Star

Robespierre: A Revolutionary Life / Non-Fiction / Books / Culture / Home - Morning Star

Dear Grieve / Non-Fiction / Books / Culture / Home - Morning Star

Dear Grieve / Non-Fiction / Books / Culture / Home - Morning Star

SCOT goes POP!: It's still strictly platonic

SCOT goes POP!: It's still strictly platonic: You may, like me, have noticed that some people with a tendency to always seek the last word in an argument are terribly self-conscious abou...

Editor's Viewpoint: Robinson's move a game-changer - Editors Viewpoint, Opinion - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Editor's Viewpoint: Robinson's move a game-changer - Editors Viewpoint, Opinion - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Civic Scotland, devo max and politics

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Civic Scotland, devo max and politics: Let’s start with a question - who is pushing devo max? If you listen to the unionist parties and commentators, it’s Alex Salmond, who the...

Majority of Britons favour UK break-up - Politics - Scotsman.com

Majority of Britons favour UK break-up - Politics - Scotsman.com

Majority of Britons favour UK break-up - Politics - Scotsman.com

Majority of Britons favour UK break-up - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scotland needs more tailored news bulletins, former BBC boss says - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scotland needs more tailored news bulletins, former BBC boss says - Politics - Scotsman.com

The Lockerbie Case: Eleven years of injustice

The Lockerbie Case: Eleven years of injustice

Monday, 30 January 2012

John McLaren: A question of oiling the wheels of the nation - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

John McLaren: A question of oiling the wheels of the nation - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Civic leaders aim to enable voice of the ordinary Scot - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Civic leaders aim to enable voice of the ordinary Scot - Politics - Scotsman.com

SCOT goes POP!: Another boost for independence in Ipsos-Mori poll

SCOT goes POP!: Another boost for independence in Ipsos-Mori poll: The 'No' side retains the advantage in the latest Ipsos-Mori poll on independence, but the lead has narrowed by some eight points, providing...

Left-footer: Cowardice in the Face of the Enemy

Left-footer: Cowardice in the Face of the Enemy

Scottish government praised as university applicants hold steady - Education - Scotsman.com

Scottish government praised as university applicants hold steady - Education - Scotsman.com

Sodium Chorus: Iran vs the Petrodollar: Wold War Three?

Sodium Chorus: Iran vs the Petrodollar: Wold War Three?: The US is raising tensions with Iran, possibly as part of the build-up to a war which has been threatened, on and off, for at least a decade...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The BBC – its role and its future. The SBC?

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The BBC – its role and its future. The SBC?: The title of this blog is too grand, and appears to signal a major analysis, when in fact it is just a brief comment. But perhaps I’ll get ...

North in ‘united Ireland vote by 2016’ | Irish Examiner

North in ‘united Ireland vote by 2016’ | Irish Examiner

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Ed Miliband says ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ are real issue - Politics - Scotsman.com

Ed Miliband says ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ are real issue - Politics - Scotsman.com

Cameron ‘split unionist parties’ - Politics - Scotsman.com

Cameron ‘split unionist parties’ - Politics - Scotsman.com

I still want to be in UK, says Alex Salmond - Politics - Scotsman.com

I still want to be in UK, says Alex Salmond - Politics - Scotsman.com

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: January 28th 2012 – Cameron tacitly acknowledges the Union is dead.

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: January 28th 2012 – Cameron tacitly acknowledges the Union is dead.

Hugh Reilly: Faithless diva-max hasn’t been keeping abreast of SNP business policies - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Hugh Reilly: Faithless diva-max hasn’t been keeping abreast of SNP business policies - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

SCOT goes POP!: More sneered against than sneering

SCOT goes POP!: More sneered against than sneering: Hell hath no fury like a Lib Dem scorned. For the uninitiated, the proprietor of Political Betting (and occasional mainstream-media electi...

The Universality of Cheese.: 'Time to Get Rid of English Spongers!' Rab puts the boot in...

The Universality of Cheese.: 'Time to Get Rid of English Spongers!' Rab puts the boot in...

SCOT goes POP!: Calling Ms Davidson, calling Ms Davidson : are you...

SCOT goes POP!: Calling Ms Davidson, calling Ms Davidson : are you...: I'm still trying to get my head round how Ruth Davidson thought she could claim a few weeks ago that "every opinion poll in history" has sho...

Munguin's Republic: From Backstage... NYC. Petula continues, in her 70...

Munguin's Republic: From Backstage... NYC. Petula continues, in her 70...: From Backstage... NYC. Petula continues, in her 70th year in show business, to sell out... Petula Clark at Feinstein's at Loews Reg...

Michelle Mone would quit independent Scotland - Edinburgh, East & Fife - Scotsman.com

Michelle Mone would quit independent Scotland - Edinburgh, East & Fife - Scotsman.com

John Curtice: SNP may be opening the door to a new generation of voter apathy - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

John Curtice: SNP may be opening the door to a new generation of voter apathy - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Alex Salmond says second referendum question would ‘confuse the issue’ - Politics - Scotsman.com

Alex Salmond says second referendum question would ‘confuse the issue’ - Politics - Scotsman.com

Argentina accuses Britain of hypocrisy over Falklands - UK - Scotsman.com

Argentina accuses Britain of hypocrisy over Falklands - UK - Scotsman.com

Another Falklands war would be unwinnable now, says ex-Army chief - UK - Scotsman.com

Another Falklands war would be unwinnable now, says ex-Army chief - UK - Scotsman.com

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Trident missiles would have to stay in Scotland

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Trident missiles would have to stay in Scotland

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Objectivity, neutrality and myths - Kenny Farquars...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Objectivity, neutrality and myths - Kenny Farquars...: JOURNALISTS I expect journalists to be objective, but not neutral. I expect news reporting to be factual, and not to spin the facts, but I...

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Independence would spark general election chaos

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Independence would spark general election chaos

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Three still probed over MPs’ expenses - UK - Scotsman.com

Three still probed over MPs’ expenses - UK - Scotsman.com

Leader: Details must come before a decision on independence - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Leader: Details must come before a decision on independence - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Home sweet home: taking Hansel & Gretel back to its roots for Scottish Opera - Performing Arts - Scotsman.com

Home sweet home: taking Hansel & Gretel back to its roots for Scottish Opera - Performing Arts - Scotsman.com

Theatre review: The Captain’s Collection - Tron Theatre, Glasgow - Theatre reviews - Scotsman.com

Theatre review: The Captain’s Collection - Tron Theatre, Glasgow - Theatre reviews - Scotsman.com

Review: Anna Barriball - Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh - Visual Arts - Scotsman.com

Review: Anna Barriball - Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh - Visual Arts - Scotsman.com

Glimpse of a young Walter Scott on his way to Waverley - Culture - Scotsman.com

Glimpse of a young Walter Scott on his way to Waverley - Culture - Scotsman.com

Great Scots: Gerry Rafferty - Culture - Scotsman.com

Great Scots: Gerry Rafferty - Culture - Scotsman.com

Perth in bid to claim world kilt-running crown at Queen’s Diamond Jubilee party - People - Scotsman.com

Perth in bid to claim world kilt-running crown at Queen’s Diamond Jubilee party - People - Scotsman.com

Tha Schettino airidh air cothrom na Fèinne - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Tha Schettino airidh air cothrom na Fèinne - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

‘Cuairt nan Eilean’, ceóltóiri Éireann, agus òigridh Fèis Rois - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

‘Cuairt nan Eilean’, ceóltóiri Éireann, agus òigridh Fèis Rois - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Bannockburn centre gets £3.9m boost from Lottery - Historic Sites - Scotsman.com

Bannockburn centre gets £3.9m boost from Lottery - Historic Sites - Scotsman.com

Beul na gaoithe - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Beul na gaoithe - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Trip to the anatomy museum will show what you’re made of - Historic Sites - Scotsman.com

Trip to the anatomy museum will show what you’re made of - Historic Sites - Scotsman.com

David Torrance: Big guns primed as battle lines drawn - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

David Torrance: Big guns primed as battle lines drawn - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

No further tax powers for Scotland, says David Cameron - Politics - Scotsman.com

No further tax powers for Scotland, says David Cameron - Politics - Scotsman.com

SCOT goes POP!: My response to the Scottish Government's referendu...

SCOT goes POP!: My response to the Scottish Government's referendu...: It's a sure sign of the genuineness of the Scottish Government's consultation on the referendum that it's so much harder to respond to than ...


Munguin's Republic: INDEPENDENCE REFERENDUM: OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE YOUR ...: I've been tardy (so what's new, I hear you ask), in bringing to people's attention the independence referendum consultation paper launch...


Munguin's Republic: WHERE'S THE TORY PARTY MANIFESTO PLEDGE ON BANKERS...: Even if Stephen Hester still hasn’t got the message that as a Civil Servant he should not be entitled to a bonus of £900,000, it seems his...

Klein Verzet: Coup d' Etat

Klein Verzet: Coup d' Etat

SUBROSA: Take Your Pick

SUBROSA: Take Your Pick

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Popping the question: the space between words - th...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Popping the question: the space between words - th...: I have had this little 48 second clip up since the 15th of January, but kept it private on YouTube because I still don’t know what to make ...

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: A United Kingdom and Northern Ireland wide referen...

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: A United Kingdom and Northern Ireland wide referen...: An issue raising its head again, but being somewhat downplayed in the media, was a proposal for a fully UK wide independence referendum. A r...

The Green Benches: 6 Promises 'word for word' that Nick Clegg & the L...

The Green Benches: 6 Promises 'word for word' that Nick Clegg & the L...: [click to enlarge]

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Poll: Now 51% back independence

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Poll: Now 51% back independence

John O'Groat Journal | News | Gibson blasts Earl of Caithness over self-rule comments

John O'Groat Journal | News | Gibson blasts Earl of Caithness over self-rule comments

The Commentator - Leaving the politics aside, Scotland deserves freedom

The Commentator - Leaving the politics aside, Scotland deserves freedom

More than just a Scottish question

More than just a Scottish question

Friday, 27 January 2012

Analysis: If this were done in another country, we would be outraged - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Analysis: If this were done in another country, we would be outraged - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Tarff Advertiser: A rant against Tory stupidity over housing benefit...

Tarff Advertiser: A rant against Tory stupidity over housing benefit...: 'Its not fair', bleats yet another Tory has been while trousering money left right and centre from the public purse. 'Its not fair' bleat...

SNmr: Our own voice and our own priorities

SNmr: Our own voice and our own priorities: The anti-independence campaign has shifted focus. In their sights, Scottish defence policy. Last week we had Tory Defence Secretary Philip H...

SNmr: Tomorrow

SNmr: Tomorrow: Tomorrow is a day that will go down in Scottish history. In 20 years time, as we look back on how Scotland became independent, 25th Januar...


Munguin's Republic: DAVE SURELY DOESN'T THINK US LITTLE PEOPLE WOULD A...: HMCR chief Dave Hartnett (you remember him, don’t you?), says that it is the public's duty not to pay tradesmen cash in hand, otherwise...

Cairn’s Indian field of dreams - Arts blog - Scotsman.com

Cairn’s Indian field of dreams - Arts blog - Scotsman.com

Andy Murray confident corner has been turned despite defeat - Tennis - Scotsman.com

Andy Murray confident corner has been turned despite defeat - Tennis - Scotsman.com

Tommy Sheridan vows to play his part in Scottish independence referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

Tommy Sheridan vows to play his part in Scottish independence referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

Gagging order to be imposed on Tommy Sheridan as part of parole deal - Politics - Scotsman.com

Gagging order to be imposed on Tommy Sheridan as part of parole deal - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: SNP wins concession from Westminster on ballot supervision - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: SNP wins concession from Westminster on ballot supervision - Politics - Scotsman.com

Fears over pressure on ‘civic Scotland’ to back devo-max - Politics - Scotsman.com

Fears over pressure on ‘civic Scotland’ to back devo-max - Politics - Scotsman.com

Borthlas: Friends like these...

Borthlas: Friends like these...

Llamado de solidaridad de La Vía Campesina con el pueblo de Japón

Llamado de solidaridad de La Vía Campesina con el pueblo de Japón

La Via Campesina: Movimiento Campesino Internacional

La Via Campesina: Movimiento Campesino Internacional

Iskra's Republican Socialist Blog: Beginners Guide To Northern Irish Acronyms

Iskra's Republican Socialist Blog: Beginners Guide To Northern Irish Acronyms

Iskra's Republican Socialist Blog: To The Linen Slaves of Belfast - James Connolly

Iskra's Republican Socialist Blog: To The Linen Slaves of Belfast - James Connolly

Iskra's Republican Socialist Blog: IRSP Protests For Maghaberry Republican Prisoners

Iskra's Republican Socialist Blog: IRSP Protests For Maghaberry Republican Prisoners

Marxist Mid Ulster: Reading Group starts with Value, Price and Profit

Marxist Mid Ulster: Reading Group starts with Value, Price and Profit: A plethora of Radical Reading Groups are sprouting up globally and in Dublin and London there are two currently reading the Grundrisse ...

The Breton Connection: Nationalia - Brittany one step closer to reunification

The Breton Connection: Nationalia - Brittany one step closer to reunification

The Cornish Republican: Skol Veythrin Karenza - ITV West Country News

The Cornish Republican: Skol Veythrin Karenza - ITV West Country News

The Cornish Republican: Tamara

The Cornish Republican: Tamara

The Cornish Republican: Vote on Scottish independence and show some Cornish difference here!

The Cornish Republican: Vote on Scottish independence and show some Cornish difference here!

IMEU: Fact check: Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich blame Palestinians in January 26th debate

IMEU: Fact check: Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich blame Palestinians in January 26th debate

SUBROSA: Proof (If Needed) That An MP's Job Is Only Part-time

SUBROSA: Proof (If Needed) That An MP's Job Is Only Part-time

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Part Two of the BBC Scotland referendum debate - 2...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Part Two of the BBC Scotland referendum debate - 2...: Part Two of the BBC Scotland referendum debate - 25th January 2012 - Burns Night. Johann Lamont MSP - Leader of Scottish Labour Party Ni...

Spectator: Scotland and Defence

Spectator: Scotland and Defence: Scotland's contribution to the Union of the UK has been enormous and, few would argue that the contribution has been well in excess of our p...

As Scottish clamor for independence, English beginning to say 'me too'

As Scottish clamor for independence, English beginning to say 'me too'

Gauging Govan: Scottish Flag Banned At London Olympics

Gauging Govan: Scottish Flag Banned At London Olympics: Amongst the excitement of the week, the announc ement that the Athletes' Village has been handed over to the London Organising Committee of ...

Empey: Scottish split ‘may reignite Troubles’ - Local - News Letter

Empey: Scottish split ‘may reignite Troubles’ - Local - News Letter

Wales finally meets the standard to be known as a country - Need to Read - News from @walesonline

Wales finally meets the standard to be known as a country - Need to Read - News from @walesonline

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Simon Reevell: A fairer Union with Scotland would be worth fighting for - Columnists - Yorkshire Post

Simon Reevell: A fairer Union with Scotland would be worth fighting for - Columnists - Yorkshire Post

SCOT goes POP!: Kilclooney's baloney

SCOT goes POP!: Kilclooney's baloney: I've just caught up with the extraordinary letter to the Scotsman a couple of weeks ago from Lord Kilclooney (former Deputy Leader of the U...

Joyce McMillan: ‘It won’t work’ is not good enough - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Joyce McMillan: ‘It won’t work’ is not good enough - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

I never took bungs, I can barely read, says Redknapp - Europe, World News - Independent.ie

I never took bungs, I can barely read, says Redknapp - Europe, World News - Independent.ie

SUBROSA: A Debate On Scotland's Constitution

SUBROSA: A Debate On Scotland's Constitution

Campbell Martin: What independence means

Campbell Martin: What independence means: With the Scottish Independence Referendum being thrust into the UK media spotlight over the past week or so, the question of what an indepen...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: First half of referendum consultation debate on BB...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: First half of referendum consultation debate on BB...: Here is the first half of the 25 Jan 2012 debate - it took ages to upload and process. You’ll have to wait till tomorrow for Part 2 and las...

Review: Art of Sylvia Wishart RSA - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh - Visual Arts - Scotsman.com

Review: Art of Sylvia Wishart RSA - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh - Visual Arts - Scotsman.com

Scottish Government commits additional funding to V&A gallery - Edinburgh, East & Fife - Scotsman.com

Scottish Government commits additional funding to V&A gallery - Edinburgh, East & Fife - Scotsman.com

Festival preview: Manipulate - Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh - Film - Scotsman.com

Festival preview: Manipulate - Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh - Film - Scotsman.com

Six Nations: Stuart Lancaster outlines respect agenda for ‘arrogant’ England - Club rugby - Scotsman.com

Six Nations: Stuart Lancaster outlines respect agenda for ‘arrogant’ England - Club rugby - Scotsman.com

Webchat: Debate the SNP’s independence referendum plans with Kenny Farquharson - Politics - Scotsman.com

Webchat: Debate the SNP’s independence referendum plans with Kenny Farquharson - Politics - Scotsman.com

Chancellor would welcome post-independence currency union - Alex Salmond - Politics - Scotsman.com

Chancellor would welcome post-independence currency union - Alex Salmond - Politics - Scotsman.com

Danny Alexander questions timing of Scottish independence referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

Danny Alexander questions timing of Scottish independence referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

Slippery Salmond is yet to convince - Editors Viewpoint, Opinion - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Slippery Salmond is yet to convince - Editors Viewpoint, Opinion - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Gàidhlig ann an Iapan: Judo: Spors as Cnnartaiche

Gàidhlig ann an Iapan: Judo: Spors as Cnnartaiche: Tha Ryo Uchida, co-àrd-ollamh de Oilthigh Nagoya air cunntas a thort air sgiorraidh de Judo, ealain mhàirsealach traidiseanta Iapanach sna s...

21stCenturyFix.org: On empowering the poor

21stCenturyFix.org: On empowering the poor

Chicken pox isn’t keeping Moore away from work - Politics - Scotsman.com

Chicken pox isn’t keeping Moore away from work - Politics - Scotsman.com



Wednesday, 25 January 2012

The Logue Blogue: Do you agree that Scotland should be an independen...

The Logue Blogue: Do you agree that Scotland should be an independen...: It’s a hell of a time in old Caledonia with farcical scare stories sprouting like mushrooms in the night, a fresh batch eerily appearing on...

The Logue Blogue: Do you agree that Scotland should be an independen...

The Logue Blogue: Do you agree that Scotland should be an independen...: It’s a hell of a time in old Caledonia with farcical scare stories sprouting like mushrooms in the night, a fresh batch eerily appearing on...

Munguin's Republic: Olympics: Another Day, Another Laugh

Munguin's Republic: Olympics: Another Day, Another Laugh: Because the transport system in London is at breaking point anyway, without the additional 3 million journeys a day anticipated to be made...

SCOT goes POP!: The Lib Dem message to Scotland : stop being so 'd...

SCOT goes POP!: The Lib Dem message to Scotland : stop being so 'd...: I really should know better by now, but given the special occasion, I thought I might as well pop round to PB yesterday to put up some kind ...

SNP forces through budget amid claim of anti-business tax - Politics - Scotsman.com

SNP forces through budget amid claim of anti-business tax - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: The nuts and bolts of the most important vote in 300 years - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: The nuts and bolts of the most important vote in 300 years - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Alex Salmond takes to the world stage to sell Scotland’s story - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Alex Salmond takes to the world stage to sell Scotland’s story - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: One question, ten words, you choose - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: One question, ten words, you choose - Politics - Scotsman.com

ianssmart: An expected response

ianssmart: An expected response: I've been working all day. Proper honest toil: a Child Welfare Hearing; a First Appearance on a serious assault; a new divorce client and qu...

SUBROSA: The Story Of Burns

SUBROSA: The Story Of Burns

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: A glib right-wing Tory intrudes on Burns Day - Ele...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: A glib right-wing Tory intrudes on Burns Day - Ele...: I thought Maggie had returned to the Commons, as this glib, right-wing Tory displayed the contempt for Scotland that typifies the Cameron re...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The only fair referendum ballot paper? - but would...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The only fair referendum ballot paper? - but would...: _____________________________________ CONSULTATIVE REFERENDUM Answer only one question - tick only one box . If you answer more than o...

Robin Tilbrook: Is Plaid Cymru a serious nationalist party?

Robin Tilbrook: Is Plaid Cymru a serious nationalist party?: In mid 2010 I was asked by the blogsite 'Wales Home' to do a guest article questioning Plaid Cymru's effectiveness and credentials as a na...

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Robin Tilbrook: Monmouthshire - English or Welsh?

Robin Tilbrook: Monmouthshire - English or Welsh?: This is an extract from Roy Jenkins' autobiography (click to read the text) The extract tells a significant tale about Monmouthshire's...

Robin Tilbrook: Poll - Most English want an English Parliament!

Robin Tilbrook: Poll - Most English want an English Parliament!: There is a significant new opinion poll from Ipsos MORI for “British Future”, December 2011 which has recently been published. Its results...

Robin Tilbrook: English Nationalism on the rise? Predictions on ne...

Robin Tilbrook: English Nationalism on the rise? Predictions on ne...: I am looking forward to the IPPR's event this Thursday (the 26th): "The dog that finally barked: The new politics of Englishness" http://w...

The Lockerbie Case: Lockerbie bombing inquiry police officer numbers raised

The Lockerbie Case: Lockerbie bombing inquiry police officer numbers raised

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Paxman with Alex Salmond - " certainly the picture...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Paxman with Alex Salmond - " certainly the picture...: Paxo never learns - like the UK, he's past his sell by date, out of touch with the constitutional realities. As Mark Hennessy of the Irish...

"Talk to us," says Hamas in rare visit to Europe

"Talk to us," says Hamas in rare visit to Europe

"We won't be silenced," say students arrested over Peres boycott call

"We won't be silenced," say students arrested over Peres boycott call

Dispatches from Paisley: We Are 5!

Dispatches from Paisley: We Are 5!

SCOT goes POP!: More evidence of the London media's selective atte...

SCOT goes POP!: More evidence of the London media's selective atte...: I'm not really in the strongest position to criticise anyone for talking too much about tiny polling subsamples, although I'm sure Anthony W...

Munguin's Republic: COME DINE WITH US...

Munguin's Republic: COME DINE WITH US...: Sickened as I am by the quality of debate on the independence question, I have looked elsewhere for a subject to post on... and I didn't hav...

SUBROSA: BBC Biase? You Bet!

SUBROSA: BBC Biase? You Bet!

The Lockerbie Case: Lockerbie bombing inquiry police officer numbers raised

The Lockerbie Case: Lockerbie bombing inquiry police officer numbers raised

Monday, 23 January 2012

David Maddox: Westminster parties have begun to recruit top names in the political battle for Scotland - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

David Maddox: Westminster parties have begun to recruit top names in the political battle for Scotland - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Fresh trouble for Alex Salmond over adviser’s damning e-mails - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Fresh trouble for Alex Salmond over adviser’s damning e-mails - Politics - Scotsman.com

Interview: Ruth Davidson, politician - Andrew Eaton-Lewis - Scotsman.com

Interview: Ruth Davidson, politician - Andrew Eaton-Lewis - Scotsman.com

Momentum Builds for Scottish Independence - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Momentum Builds for Scottish Independence - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Scottish First Minister Confident of Energy Policy - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Scottish First Minister Confident of Energy Policy - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Alex Salmond Seeks EU Top Table Seat for Scotland - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Alex Salmond Seeks EU Top Table Seat for Scotland - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Salmond Wants to Play Brave Heart; Cameron Nixes - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Salmond Wants to Play Brave Heart; Cameron Nixes - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Wilf: A New ‘Contract’ Between Nation and State - Latest News Briefs - Israel National News

Wilf: A New ‘Contract’ Between Nation and State - Latest News Briefs - Israel National News

Activists Complain Over ‘Bibi Uber Alles’ Video - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

Activists Complain Over ‘Bibi Uber Alles’ Video - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

5 reasons to attack Iran

5 reasons to attack Iran

Does Scotland want a divorce? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Does Scotland want a divorce? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

SNmr: Another one bites the dust . . .

SNmr: Another one bites the dust . . .: Another independence scare-story bites the dust, or in this case, more precisely, has been explictly denied. The Independent on Sunday, qu...

Munguin's Republic: HA HA HA...

Munguin's Republic: HA HA HA...: I'm sorry about another page of jokes. I'm up to my neck in work at the moment, but I promise a proper post soon! ***** A guy has a ta...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Reflections on defence and the military

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Reflections on defence and the military: ( Note: The ideas below and some of the text derive from earlier blogs. I make no apology for this - I still feel the same way and still wa...

SUBROSA: Scottish Independence Is Being Watched

SUBROSA: Scottish Independence Is Being Watched

Voice Of The Resistance: Common Purpose and Climategate

Voice Of The Resistance: Common Purpose and Climategate

Mark Wadsworth: Alex Salmond

Mark Wadsworth: Alex Salmond

The Courier - Courier deliveries — a message to readers

The Courier - Courier deliveries — a message to readers

Sunday, 22 January 2012



MPs debate selling off Westminster - UK - Scotsman.com

MPs debate selling off Westminster - UK - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence: Backlash warning as English identity rises - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence: Backlash warning as English identity rises - Politics - Scotsman.com

John McLellan: The world needs trouble-makers ready to lift the lid - News - Scotsman.com

John McLellan: The world needs trouble-makers ready to lift the lid - News - Scotsman.com

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: A militaristic British Establishment threatened by...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: A militaristic British Establishment threatened by...: There is now a feeling of inevitability about Scotland’s independence, accompanied by an impotent rage from unionists who can feel the wind ...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Sense on Scotland's defence from Lieut.Col. Stuart...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Sense on Scotland's defence from Lieut.Col. Stuart...: Among all the hysteria from sundry Westminster politicians, Lords, admirals et al , it is a breath of fresh air to hear some calm commentar...

Exploitation rumour shadows Games / Britain / Home - Morning Star

Exploitation rumour shadows Games / Britain / Home - Morning Star

Scottish independence: Alex Salmond claims ‘relationship of equals’ possible under independence - UK - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence: Alex Salmond claims ‘relationship of equals’ possible under independence - UK - Scotsman.com

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Playing the man not the ball

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Playing the man not the ball: From time to time, men – they always are men – present themselves at my door and want to ask me questions. Sometimes they sport an identific...

SUBROSA: A Light-hearted Look At The Case For Scottish Independence

SUBROSA: A Light-hearted Look At The Case For Scottish Independence

This Westminster-Holyrood stupidity has to end - Gerald Warner - Scotsman.com

This Westminster-Holyrood stupidity has to end - Gerald Warner - Scotsman.com



Gerald Warner: Goodbye reality, and welcome to the delusional world of Alex Salmond - Bill Jamieson - Scotsman.com

Gerald Warner: Goodbye reality, and welcome to the delusional world of Alex Salmond - Bill Jamieson - Scotsman.com

Military experts warn SNP defence projections are over the top - Politics - Scotsman.com

Military experts warn SNP defence projections are over the top - Politics - Scotsman.com

SCOT goes POP!: Explanatory note for deceased archbishops : why a ...

SCOT goes POP!: Explanatory note for deceased archbishops : why a ...: It tells you all you need to know about Archbishop Cranmer's rambling attempt last week to paint Alex Salmond as an "evil" anti-English "ra...

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Suez: Cradle of Revolt - Revolution Through Arab Eyes - Al Jazeera English

Suez: Cradle of Revolt - Revolution Through Arab Eyes - Al Jazeera English

Tarff Advertiser: The Hatred of the Cybernats

Tarff Advertiser: The Hatred of the Cybernats: As I do my daily trawl across the internet picking up bits of information here, news there and ideas all over the place I come back to News...

Scotland ‘is a better bet than the UK’ - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scotland ‘is a better bet than the UK’ - Politics - Scotsman.com

RBS moves to stymie legal battle in Texas - Interviews - Scotsman.com

RBS moves to stymie legal battle in Texas - Interviews - Scotsman.com

Auld Reekie’s 18th-century James Dean - News - Scotsman.com

Auld Reekie’s 18th-century James Dean - News - Scotsman.com

‘Today Robert Burns might have been in Barlinnie Prison writing his jail diaries’ - Book reviews - Scotsman.com

‘Today Robert Burns might have been in Barlinnie Prison writing his jail diaries’ - Book reviews - Scotsman.com

Leasan ealain ás na Hearadh - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Leasan ealain ás na Hearadh - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Boinne ann am beul na gaoithe - Litrichean - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Boinne ann am beul na gaoithe - Litrichean - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Thin Lizzy beò agus Celtic Connections a’ tòiseachadh, uil’ air an aon là - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Thin Lizzy beò agus Celtic Connections a’ tòiseachadh, uil’ air an aon là - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Public monument to honour Sir Patrick Geddes in Edinburgh’s Old Town - Culture - Scotsman.com

Public monument to honour Sir Patrick Geddes in Edinburgh’s Old Town - Culture - Scotsman.com

Scottish botanists to restore Garden of Eden - Environment - Scotsman.com

Scottish botanists to restore Garden of Eden - Environment - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Liberal Democrats deputy leader Simon Hughes calls for English devolution - UK - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Liberal Democrats deputy leader Simon Hughes calls for English devolution - UK - Scotsman.com

Study: IDF officers less committed to Jewish values after visits to Nazi death camps - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Study: IDF officers less committed to Jewish values after visits to Nazi death camps - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Religious Israeli soldiers have found a new form of disobedience - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Religious Israeli soldiers have found a new form of disobedience - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Cabinet expected to extend law withholding citizenship from Palestinians who marry Israelis - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Cabinet expected to extend law withholding citizenship from Palestinians who marry Israelis - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Is the Middle East on the verge of cyber war? - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English

Is the Middle East on the verge of cyber war? - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English

Despite video evidence, Israeli soldiers are never held accountable for their crimes

Despite video evidence, Israeli soldiers are never held accountable for their crimes

Tarff Advertiser: A response to the Scottish Affairs Committee 'inve...

Tarff Advertiser: A response to the Scottish Affairs Committee 'inve...: It is clear to this author that Westminster has lost the plot as far as its North Briton region is concerned and the Scottish Affairs Commi...

Tarff Advertiser: A Scottish Defence Force? – a leaner, meaner vie...

Tarff Advertiser: A Scottish Defence Force? – a leaner, meaner vie...: Scotland’s sovereign people do not want Trident nor are they too keen about Afghanistan so in an independent Scotland just what would our d...

Dispatches from Paisley: The Week Labour Lost The Next Election

Dispatches from Paisley: The Week Labour Lost The Next Election

SUBROSA: Take Your Pick

SUBROSA: Take Your Pick

The perils of 2012 - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

The perils of 2012 - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Syrian deserters take suburb near Damascus, activists say - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Syrian deserters take suburb near Damascus, activists say - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Pakistan's power struggle - Frost Over the World - Al Jazeera English

Pakistan's power struggle - Frost Over the World - Al Jazeera English

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Nuclear waste bill threat to Scotland

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Nuclear waste bill threat to Scotland


Munguin's Republic: BRAND NEW, FULL COLOUR TABLOID...SAME OLD BIAS: Today we get the first edition of the new tabloid-sized Dundee "Courier", which they euphemistically term “compact”. I would like to say ...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The panic over UK nuclear weapons turns to threats...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The panic over UK nuclear weapons turns to threats...: I have complained for three years that defence was the elephant in the room in the great debate, with politicians and media sedulously avoid...

Friday, 20 January 2012

forfar-loon's brigadoon: Harrbrian tells it how it is

forfar-loon's brigadoon: Harrbrian tells it how it is

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: In defence of the [Scottish] realm.

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: In defence of the [Scottish] realm.: There has been much hysteria and scaremongering in the mainstream media the over future “defense” of Scotland recently. Combine that with th...

Dr Liam Fox's vision to "save the 'Union'" (pace HOOTSMON - bastard sibling of THE DAILY TELEGRAPH)

This vision of the sacked and disgraced UK foreign-stooge-of-a-Zionist-collaborating-minister did not last very long although the game is still in play.

Is he now directly employed by Mossad?

Liam Fox unveils defence plan 'to save Union' - News - Scotsman.com

Liam Fox unveils defence plan 'to save Union' - News - Scotsman.com

The base line: What next for Scottish defence? - News - Scotsman.com

The base line: What next for Scottish defence? - News - Scotsman.com

Alex Salmond reveals vision for Scottish armed forces - Politics - Scotsman.com

Alex Salmond reveals vision for Scottish armed forces - Politics - Scotsman.com

Black Op(eration)s Reportage

Tons of it, of course, ad infinitum. Past and present on-going, and the Brits fancy themselves "dab-hands" at it.

Black Ops Reportage 101 Brit-style homework:

1 Research Alan Cochrane, "Scottish News Editor" of the Chinese People's Army Anglo-Brit- military- "elite" mouthpiece equivalent: THE DAILY TELEGRAPH. A glottally-stopped infantilist - intellectually - compared to Herr Doktor Goebbels;

2 Generalist, anti-Scottish propaganda disguised as "news" "homegrown" in Jockland - as opposed to the Daily Telegraph's Anglo-Brit manufactured fantasies - may be found in the pseudo THE SCOTSMAN newspaper (for get-down-dirty-naked-in the-mud distortions, please consult these two Anglo tabloids/yellow sheets: THE DAILY EXPRESS & THE DAILY MAIL) - were they all also hacking?

British organs at their best.

Scottish independence referendum: SNP ‘accepts’ Electoral Commission role in referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: SNP ‘accepts’ Electoral Commission role in referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

Adventurer trying to live like Bear Grylls in Scottish wilderness found dead - News - Scotsman.com

Adventurer trying to live like Bear Grylls in Scottish wilderness found dead - News - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence: Former Nato head George Robertson attacks SNP defence plan as ‘incoherent’ - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence: Former Nato head George Robertson attacks SNP defence plan as ‘incoherent’ - Politics - Scotsman.com

Shamed Stephen Purcell escapes charges - News - Scotsman.com

Shamed Stephen Purcell escapes charges - News - Scotsman.com

SUBROSA: Why I Hate The Sixties

SUBROSA: Why I Hate The Sixties



SCOT goes POP!: Six shamelessly trivial reasons to vote for indepe...

SCOT goes POP!: Six shamelessly trivial reasons to vote for indepe...: Most of us who support independence do so for weighty reasons - a belief in a more equal society, a detestation of the presence of inhuman w...

Munguin's Republic: LIGHTEN UP...IT'S THE WEEKEND

Munguin's Republic: LIGHTEN UP...IT'S THE WEEKEND: I'm sorry about the lack to postings over the last few days. I've been having some work done on the flat and it's involved a shed load of ...

Munguin's Republic: LIGHTEN UP...IT'S THE WEEKEND

Munguin's Republic: LIGHTEN UP...IT'S THE WEEKEND: I'm sorry about the lack to postings over the last few days. I've been having some work done on the flat and it's involved a shed load of ...

Four Days in Guantanamo - Witness - Al Jazeera English

Four Days in Guantanamo - Witness - Al Jazeera English

Uproar after Jewish newspaper publisher suggests Israel assassinate Barack Obama - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Uproar after Jewish newspaper publisher suggests Israel assassinate Barack Obama - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Accused war criminal Taylor 'worked with CIA' - Features - Al Jazeera English

Accused war criminal Taylor 'worked with CIA' - Features - Al Jazeera English

Tarff Advertiser: Dear David - How are you saving the Union?

Tarff Advertiser: Dear David - How are you saving the Union?: I was chuntering about this to the ex-wife the other day, wondering how could Cameron who claims he is going to save the ‘Union’, could be s...

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Attack on SNP's 'barmy' army

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Attack on SNP's 'barmy' army

Noted French theorist Jacques Rancière cancels Israel lecture, heeding boycott call

Noted French theorist Jacques Rancière cancels Israel lecture, heeding boycott call

National Museum in Sarajevo close to closure - Sarajevo

National Museum in Sarajevo close to closure - Sarajevo

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The UK’s nuclear panic - and devo max

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The UK’s nuclear panic - and devo max: To see oorsel’s as ithers see us - Al Jazeera - Breaking up Britain? 19th Jan 2012 Among the many perceptive insights in this article are...

The Courier - Independence referendum: Scotland facing constitutional chaos

The Courier - Independence referendum: Scotland facing constitutional chaos

The Courier - Former Tory chairman says Gordon Brown is man to lead anti-independence campaign

The Courier - Former Tory chairman says Gordon Brown is man to lead anti-independence campaign

The Courier - Campaign to give expats a vote in independence referendum

The Courier - Campaign to give expats a vote in independence referendum

The Courier - BBC Scotland told closing blog comments leaves it open to accusation of censorship

The Courier - BBC Scotland told closing blog comments leaves it open to accusation of censorship

EUROPE - Scots leader: Scotland must run independence vote

EUROPE - Scots leader: Scotland must run independence vote

EUROPE - Britain shows off its guns ahead of Olympics

EUROPE - Britain shows off its guns ahead of Olympics

EUROPE - UK, Scots spar over vote

EUROPE - UK, Scots spar over vote

EUROPE - UK, Scotland to meet on referendum

EUROPE - UK, Scotland to meet on referendum

EUROPE - EU faces struggle to bridge divide with Britain

EUROPE - EU faces struggle to bridge divide with Britain

Thursday, 19 January 2012

ARCHAEOLOGY - Byzantine ship of Middle Ages set to sail in Turkey

ARCHAEOLOGY - Byzantine ship of Middle Ages set to sail in Turkey

The Lockerbie Case: My trip to bid dying bomber goodbye

The Lockerbie Case: My trip to bid dying bomber goodbye

Tom Peterkin: If it’s true anti-English sentiment is on the increase, there is only one reasonable response - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Tom Peterkin: If it’s true anti-English sentiment is on the increase, there is only one reasonable response - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Shipbuilding ‘put at risk’ - Politics - Scotsman.com

Shipbuilding ‘put at risk’ - Politics - Scotsman.com

The World War on Democracy | Truthout

The World War on Democracy | Truthout

Argentina and UK spar over Falklands - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Argentina and UK spar over Falklands - Americas - Al Jazeera English

George Kerevan: Debate is sliding down a slip-of-tongue slope - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

George Kerevan: Debate is sliding down a slip-of-tongue slope - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Breaking-up Britain? - Features - Al Jazeera English

Breaking-up Britain? - Features - Al Jazeera English

First Minister’s Questions: Labour on the offensive over Scotland’s unemployment figures - Politics - Scotsman.com

First Minister’s Questions: Labour on the offensive over Scotland’s unemployment figures - Politics - Scotsman.com

Edinburgh to build £43m Curriculum for Excellence school - Education - Scotsman.com

Edinburgh to build £43m Curriculum for Excellence school - Education - Scotsman.com

Jim Swire makes final “goodbye visit” to Lockerbie bomber - International - Scotsman.com

Jim Swire makes final “goodbye visit” to Lockerbie bomber - International - Scotsman.com

Help Us Challenge the Main & Quasi-Alternative Stream

Help Us Challenge the Main & Quasi-Alternative Stream

SUBROSA: Doom And Gloom

SUBROSA: Doom And Gloom

SUBROSA: Vote Britain - Essential Viewing For Those Interested In Scottish Independence

SUBROSA: Vote Britain - Essential Viewing For Those Interested In Scottish Independence

Cardinal O’Brien is surely right about Scottish independence from England: but what about English independence from the Scots?  | CatholicHerald.co.uk

Cardinal O’Brien is surely right about Scottish independence from England: but what about English independence from the Scots? | CatholicHerald.co.uk

SUBROSA: German Label At Risk

SUBROSA: German Label At Risk

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Lamentable Labour and lamentable Lamont – and a ma...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Lamentable Labour and lamentable Lamont – and a ma...: This lamentable performance from Johann Lamont , with its laboured scripted one-liners and prepared insults, demonstrates why Labour is unfi...

SNmr: Nostalgia meets the cold light of day

SNmr: Nostalgia meets the cold light of day: I was fascinated by Douglas Alexander's approach on Question Time last week. Not so much his demeanour and behaviour (as someone born just d...

Welsh devolution: 13 years on / Features / Home - Morning Star

Welsh devolution: 13 years on / Features / Home - Morning Star

Explained: The SNP versus Westminster / Features / Home - Morning Star

Explained: The SNP versus Westminster / Features / Home - Morning Star

The Lockerbie Case: A deathbed farewell to Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi

The Lockerbie Case: A deathbed farewell to Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Heart-rending unionist drivel

If that's your thing, track down Michael Ignatieff via James Kelly's SCOT GOES POP forensic rebuttal re-posted here.

Should you be particularly masochistic and favour the attack dog flapping it's toothless gums, go directly to The Bearded One - Alan "Glottal Stop with Edge" Cochrane (Scottish political editor) of the "esteemed" DAILY TELEGRAPH.

A suggestion, do not encounter his scribblings whilst on an acid trip. His rantings of themselves and of their demented own logical curlicues are sufficient to induce simultaneous trips and flashbacks whilst watching Hitchcock's "Psycho".

Good luck with that, but one must seek "balance".

SCOT goes POP!: Michael Ignatieff's A-Z guide on how to lose votes...

SCOT goes POP!: Michael Ignatieff's A-Z guide on how to lose votes...: If unionists are looking for advice on how to prevail in the independence referendum, they might do well to be wary of taking it from the ma...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The working class can kiss my **** - I’ve got a La...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The working class can kiss my **** - I’ve got a La...: I’ve been banging on about the Scottish trades unions, the political levy and affiliation to the Labour Party for some years now. For the re...

Editor's Viewpoint: Don't overlook the power of Scotland - Editors Viewpoint, Opinion - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Editor's Viewpoint: Don't overlook the power of Scotland - Editors Viewpoint, Opinion - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Let us have an election without the ‘R’ word - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Let us have an election without the ‘R’ word - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

David Cameron ‘backs new bid to strip Sir Fred Goodwin of his title’ - UK - Scotsman.com

David Cameron ‘backs new bid to strip Sir Fred Goodwin of his title’ - UK - Scotsman.com

SNP plans closer Scandinavian ties after Scotland's independence - UK, Local & National - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

SNP plans closer Scandinavian ties after Scotland's independence - UK, Local & National - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Majority back Scottish independence - UK, Local & National - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Majority back Scottish independence - UK, Local & National - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Where will Scottish independence leave Ulster unionists? - News Analysis, Opinion - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Where will Scottish independence leave Ulster unionists? - News Analysis, Opinion - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Give justiciary in Scotland equal powers, urges judge - Politics - Scotsman.com

Give justiciary in Scotland equal powers, urges judge - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scotland recession latest: Economy is No1 priority, not independence, says business - Edinburgh, East & Fife - Scotsman.com

Scotland recession latest: Economy is No1 priority, not independence, says business - Edinburgh, East & Fife - Scotsman.com

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

SCOT goes POP!: Publish or be damned, UK government warned over re...

SCOT goes POP!: Publish or be damned, UK government warned over re...: The title of this post is of course just a minor modification of the headline on a Scotsman article that claims Alex Salmond is "under moun...

A rebuttal of Advocate General's legal argument

Please see WEEGIEWARBLER 's article (NEWSNET SCOTLAND. COM, Ponsonby article, also).

To wit, Tankerness, Baron, "tanking" re constitutional argument.

Nota bene, however, 14000 UK troops to be billeted in Scotland: The "law" to be backed up with might (see letters comment, Ponsonby, NEWSNET SCOTLAND.COM).

Press and Journal - Article - Polls show more people are backing home rule

Press and Journal - Article - Polls show more people are backing home rule

SUBROSA: What's Not To Like?

SUBROSA: What's Not To Like?

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The YouTube debate - TAofMoridura

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The YouTube debate - TAofMoridura: I have a YouTube channel, TAofMoridura . Since starting my new blog and channel after my medical problems (I took down the old blog and ch...

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: The biggest con in history.

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: The biggest con in history.

'Oh no! It's the Daily Telegraph!' says Scotland

'Oh no! It's the Daily Telegraph!' says Scotland

Monday, 16 January 2012

Hacker brings down Israeli websites - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Hacker brings down Israeli websites - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

SCOT goes POP!: YouGov poll : SNP retain lead in Westminster votin...

SCOT goes POP!: YouGov poll : SNP retain lead in Westminster votin...: Although it's the headline figures on independence and Devo Max that have caught most attention, one extraordinary finding from last night's...

IMEU: Palestine in Photos: Boycott Expansion: 'First steps to fascism are quiet'

IMEU: Palestine in Photos: Boycott Expansion: 'First steps to fascism are quiet'

Scotland on Sunday cartoon - 15/01/2012 - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Scotland on Sunday cartoon - 15/01/2012 - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

David Maddox: Ed Miliband has the title of leader, but who is really following whom in the Labour Party? - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

David Maddox: Ed Miliband has the title of leader, but who is really following whom in the Labour Party? - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

David Maddox: Ed Miliband has the title of leader, but who is really following whom in the Labour Party? - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

David Maddox: Ed Miliband has the title of leader, but who is really following whom in the Labour Party? - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Ed Miliband is leading Labour to destruction says union - UK - Scotsman.com

Ed Miliband is leading Labour to destruction says union - UK - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: don’t try to force timetable on us, SNP warns - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: don’t try to force timetable on us, SNP warns - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Holyrood ‘has no power to hold vote on independence’ - UK - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Holyrood ‘has no power to hold vote on independence’ - UK - Scotsman.com

No Diamond Jubilee yacht for Queen, says David Cameron - UK - Scotsman.com

No Diamond Jubilee yacht for Queen, says David Cameron - UK - Scotsman.com

Labour MP Tom Harris quits media post over SNP ‘Downfall’ video - Politics - Scotsman.com

Labour MP Tom Harris quits media post over SNP ‘Downfall’ video - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: CBI Scotland urges early vote - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: CBI Scotland urges early vote - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scots would back ‘devo-max’ according to poll - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scots would back ‘devo-max’ according to poll - Politics - Scotsman.com


Munguin's Republic: NO POLITICIANS, NO EXCEPTIONS, NO APOSTROPHES: It seems to me that some places in small town New Hampshire (is there any other kind of New Hampshire, I wonder) have it about right. Dan...

Munguin's Republic: This will choke you up... it really will.

Munguin's Republic: This will choke you up... it really will.: We're in a recession (almost undoubtedly); everything costs more than we reckon we should spend; it's getting worse; unemployment is risin...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The Glasgow East Regeneration Agency and the Deals...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The Glasgow East Regeneration Agency and the Deals...: UNHAPPY TWEETING TIME A necessary reminder – click link The Sun's report on the horrifying forced eviction of the Jaconelli's by 80 po...

Exposé: How the Mossad Killed Iranian Scientist - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Exposé: How the Mossad Killed Iranian Scientist - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

The Lockerbie Case: London's Imperial War Museum to exhibit Lockerbie trial witness box

The Lockerbie Case: London's Imperial War Museum to exhibit Lockerbie trial witness box

SUBROSA: Could Independence Supporters Become The 'Nice' Side?

SUBROSA: Could Independence Supporters Become The 'Nice' Side?

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Keeping the pound would be ‘ludicrous’, says Darling - Politics - Scotsman.com

Keeping the pound would be ‘ludicrous’, says Darling - Politics - Scotsman.com

MoD drawing up plans to withdraw Trident from Scotland - Politics - Scotsman.com

MoD drawing up plans to withdraw Trident from Scotland - Politics - Scotsman.com

Bill Jamieson: Who gets RBS if the UK breaks up? - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Bill Jamieson: Who gets RBS if the UK breaks up? - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Customers ‘would pay £4.20 a month for digital banking’ - Banking - Scotsman.com

Customers ‘would pay £4.20 a month for digital banking’ - Banking - Scotsman.com

Gove wants public to buy a new yacht for the Queen - UK - Scotsman.com

Gove wants public to buy a new yacht for the Queen - UK - Scotsman.com

Gove wants public to buy a new yacht for the Queen - UK - Scotsman.com

Gove wants public to buy a new yacht for the Queen - UK - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Work with David Cameron or face defeat, SNP warned - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Work with David Cameron or face defeat, SNP warned - Politics - Scotsman.com

SCOT goes POP!: Time to call another Lib Dem bluff?

SCOT goes POP!: Time to call another Lib Dem bluff?: As any of you who occasionally read the Guardian 's editorials will know, that paper loathes the idea of Scottish nationhood with as much of...

Rick Perry: Marines who urinated on dead bodies are 'kids'

Rick Perry: Marines who urinated on dead bodies are 'kids'

Scottish independence referendum: Greater support for independence south of the Border - UK - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Greater support for independence south of the Border - UK - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: An independent Scotland ‘could keep the pound’ - UK - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: An independent Scotland ‘could keep the pound’ - UK - Scotsman.com

SUBROSA: An Amusing Typo

SUBROSA: An Amusing Typo

Munguin's Republic: DON'T MENTION THE TORIES...

Munguin's Republic: DON'T MENTION THE TORIES...: In an article today in the paper edition of the Herald (apparently unavailable on-line), Michael Forsyth, one of Scotland's least liked To...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Nonsense on negotiation and James MacMillan/Joan M...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Nonsense on negotiation and James MacMillan/Joan M...: The papers today - Scotland on Sunday has a piece on page 7 - Lecturer sparks race row by linking absence of riots to lack of minorities ....

SUBROSA: Sunday Smile

SUBROSA: Sunday Smile

British-Irish Council stooshie

Mick's yir man: Offers Stormont Castle for negotiations between Scots and Brits (see IRISH INDEPENDENT on side-bar).

Lise Hand: Last king of Ireland spins in his grave as Enda ends up reffing red-blue clash - Analysis, Opinion - Independent.ie

Lise Hand: Last king of Ireland spins in his grave as Enda ends up reffing red-blue clash - Analysis, Opinion - Independent.ie

EU membership post-independence

rUK would be required to renegotiate terms (see GOOGLE NEWS & NEWS NET SCOTLAND & SCOTTISH TIMES sites).

Hürriyet Daily News | PHOTO Gallery

Hürriyet Daily News | PHOTO Gallery

Heads-ups re State of the Union

Shambles 1: Henry MacLeish states it is unfit for purpose (see PLAID W blog on side-bar);

Shambles 2: See SLUGGER O' TOOLE blog for some "Ulster pseudo-Scot" advocating partition of Scotland (history repeats itself "once as tragedy and once as farce", indeed).

Mike Small: Day to day, we didn’t exist. Yet all of a sudden, here we are - Bill Jamieson - Scotsman.com

Mike Small: Day to day, we didn’t exist. Yet all of a sudden, here we are - Bill Jamieson - Scotsman.com

Plaid Wrecsam: The Alternative Unionist!

Plaid Wrecsam: The Alternative Unionist!: Not all Scottish Unionist politicians want to join Johann Lamont in supporting the Miliband/Cameron/Clegg position of picking a fight with t...

Gàidhlig ann an Iapan: Korea Tuath air Tri Astais a chur a-mach do Mhuir ...

Gàidhlig ann an Iapan: Korea Tuath air Tri Astais a chur a-mach do Mhuir ...: Sa mhadainn air an 13, tha Korea Tuath air tri astais a chur a-mach do Mhuir Iapan. 'S coltach gur iad KN02, na astais a tha air a dhèanamh ...

Ideas of Civilisation: The Old Firm and Independence

Ideas of Civilisation: The Old Firm and Independence

Alba Matters: A different quality of debate? Not likely.

Alba Matters: A different quality of debate? Not likely.: It's depressing how quickly the independence debate has descended into petty squabbling, character assassination and downright lies. I'm tal...

Daily Telegraph independence snafu

Latest poll - by them - has it a statistical ba' hair between pro and anti-independence opinion despite their attempt to massage the numbers ( see SCOT GOES POP blogspot ). "Shitting bricks" springs to mind.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

SCOT goes POP!: Cameron's blunder in numbers : dramatic ICM poll p...

SCOT goes POP!: Cameron's blunder in numbers : dramatic ICM poll p...: If there was any lingering doubt that the UK government's brazen interference in an exercise in Scottish self-determination was going to hav...

Romania anti-austerity protest turns violent - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Romania anti-austerity protest turns violent - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Niko's Bar: Labour Hame Yep! home of the Unionist bullys if ...

Niko's Bar: Labour Hame

Yep! home of the Unionist bullys
if ...
: Labour Hame Yep! home of the Unionist bullys if they dont like yer comments they hide it away like the bullying yeller cowards they ar...

The world is watching us - Bill Jamieson - Scotsman.com

The world is watching us - Bill Jamieson - Scotsman.com

Calum Cashley SNP: Supreme Havers

Calum Cashley SNP: Supreme Havers: An interesting development in the Supreme Court debacle as Jim Wallace comes barging in, unarmed, to a battle of wits. The good Lord Wallac...

Calum Cashley SNP: How soon they forget

Calum Cashley SNP: How soon they forget: mMost interested was I to hear Johann Lamont demand that Labour & co be involved in the arrangements for the independence referendum. She ap...

Calum Cashley SNP: Typical! They always want to trump you!

Calum Cashley SNP: Typical! They always want to trump you!: You say nothing for a wee while and you get some peace, you make a tiny wee observation and ... Yesterday I pointed out that Labour was wh...

Japanese PM Shuffles Cabinet To Speed Tax Hike - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Japanese PM Shuffles Cabinet To Speed Tax Hike - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Col·lectiu Emma: Regional governments are responsible for less than...

Col·lectiu Emma: Regional governments are responsible for less than...: (Recommended article published at the Catalan News Agency ) Barcelona (ACN).- In the last number of weeks, the Autonomous Community govern...

The Universality of Cheese.: Reflections on a folly.

The Universality of Cheese.: Reflections on a folly.

London 2012: A global prospect for harmony - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

London 2012: A global prospect for harmony - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

U.S. army chief heads to Israel as fears over attack on Iran mount - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

U.S. army chief heads to Israel as fears over attack on Iran mount - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Ministry of Defence is ‘systematically incompetent’, says former general - UK - Scotsman.com

Ministry of Defence is ‘systematically incompetent’, says former general - UK - Scotsman.com

A Bankie's Blether.: 2 Questions. Are we seen as stupid or are they jus...

A Bankie's Blether.: 2 Questions. Are we seen as stupid or are they jus...: We reach the end of a momentous week, yet again, in Scottish politics, a week in which our small but suddenly vibrant and recognised country...

Burns lost on a generation - News - Scotsman.com

Burns lost on a generation - News - Scotsman.com

Bard poetry? More like bad poetry as Scots prepare to celebrate ‘alternative’ Burns Night - Culture - Scotsman.com

Bard poetry? More like bad poetry as Scots prepare to celebrate ‘alternative’ Burns Night - Culture - Scotsman.com

Puinnsean a nì feum– agus cron - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Puinnsean a nì feum– agus cron - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Dà shàr Ghaidheal, dà shàr sgeul beatha - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Dà shàr Ghaidheal, dà shàr sgeul beatha - Gaelic - Scotsman.com

Edinburgh’s Henry Littlejohn was also inspiration for Sherlock Holmes - Culture - Scotsman.com

Edinburgh’s Henry Littlejohn was also inspiration for Sherlock Holmes - Culture - Scotsman.com

Sir James George Frazer: an author of many destinies - Book reviews - Scotsman.com

Sir James George Frazer: an author of many destinies - Book reviews - Scotsman.com

SNP’s Joan McAlpine insists ‘anti-Scottish’ attack was aimed at unionist parties not individuals - Politics - Scotsman.com

SNP’s Joan McAlpine insists ‘anti-Scottish’ attack was aimed at unionist parties not individuals - Politics - Scotsman.com

Wales First Minister fears English MPs would dominate parliament - UK - Scotsman.com

Wales First Minister fears English MPs would dominate parliament - UK - Scotsman.com

SUBROSA: Take Your Pick

SUBROSA: Take Your Pick


Munguin's Republic: PERHAPS THEY SHOULD JUST MERGE AND SAVE ON THE ADM...: There are rumours that Ed Miliband is on the way out. The bookies have cut the odds on his not leading Labour into the next election. Goss...


Munguin's Republic: YOU SHOULD HAVE MARRIED AIR MILES, RICHARD: The extradition request from Turkey for Sarah Ferguson (right) has been turned down. Well, I never! I suppose that the judge will be ...

Ahmadinejad: Iran will respond 'firmly' to a U.S. strike - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Ahmadinejad: Iran will respond 'firmly' to a U.S. strike - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Councillor ditched over protest insult - Scotland - Scotsman.com

Councillor ditched over protest insult - Scotland - Scotsman.com

Report: U.S. preparing for an Israeli strike on Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Report: U.S. preparing for an Israeli strike on Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Friday, 13 January 2012

There is no need for two tribes to go to war - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

There is no need for two tribes to go to war - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Salmond claims links to Irish freedom struggle - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Salmond claims links to Irish freedom struggle - Politics - Scotsman.com

forfar-loon's brigadoon: Nationality

forfar-loon's brigadoon: Nationality

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Dissecting the McCrone Report, the official secret of Westminster’s

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Dissecting the McCrone Report, the official secret of Westminster’s

forfar-loon's brigadoon: Sea change

forfar-loon's brigadoon: Sea change

forfar-loon's brigadoon: George Osborne: a UK Chancellor damaging Scotland's reputation

forfar-loon's brigadoon: George Osborne: a UK Chancellor damaging Scotland's reputation











Grandma's Tattoos - Witness - Al Jazeera English

Grandma's Tattoos - Witness - Al Jazeera English

SCOT goes POP!: Devo Maxers for Indy?

SCOT goes POP!: Devo Maxers for Indy?: After I posted my planned submission to the UK government's consultation on an independence referendum, a commenter pointed out that Westmi...

The American Conservative

The American Conservative

SUBROSA: Is This What We Want?

SUBROSA: Is This What We Want?

SUBROSA: Independence Referendum - A Few Links

SUBROSA: Independence Referendum - A Few Links

The Universality of Cheese.: Genius animation of Salmond v Cameron.

The Universality of Cheese.: Genius animation of Salmond v Cameron.

The Universality of Cheese.: Genius animation of Salmond v Cameron.

The Universality of Cheese.: Genius animation of Salmond v Cameron.

The Universality of Cheese.: Cameron tries the softly softly approach.

The Universality of Cheese.: Cameron tries the softly softly approach.

The Breton Connection: The reunification of Brittany a step closer?

The Breton Connection: The reunification of Brittany a step closer?

The Cornish Republican: Regionalism - a response from John Baxendale

The Cornish Republican: Regionalism - a response from John Baxendale

Core syllabus: An ambitious plan to plant an orchard in every nursery, primary and secondary school in Scotland is underway - Arts blog - Scotsman.com

Core syllabus: An ambitious plan to plant an orchard in every nursery, primary and secondary school in Scotland is underway - Arts blog - Scotsman.com

Six Nations: SRU vows to fight verdict as Steven Shingler is ruled Welsh - Club rugby - Scotsman.com

Six Nations: SRU vows to fight verdict as Steven Shingler is ruled Welsh - Club rugby - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Treasury threat to future of Scottish bank notes - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Treasury threat to future of Scottish bank notes - Politics - Scotsman.com

Split over pro-Union campaign chief - Politics - Scotsman.com

Split over pro-Union campaign chief - Politics - Scotsman.com

Trade Unions urge referee for referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

Trade Unions urge referee for referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish notes were ‘preferred to gold’ - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish notes were ‘preferred to gold’ - Politics - Scotsman.com


Munguin's Republic: THE ANSWER ISN'T BLOWING IN THE WIND; IT'S IN THE ...: I haven't yet had time to look at FMQs from yesterday, but I had to laugh at the clip of Ruth Davidson on the STV (Grampian) News. Every...

Eddie Barnes: Independence referendum leaves Scottish Labour stuck between a rock and a hard place - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Eddie Barnes: Independence referendum leaves Scottish Labour stuck between a rock and a hard place - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: One of my contributions to the Guardian online deb...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: One of my contributions to the Guardian online deb...: COMMENT 13th January 2012 Guardian debate Response to RobCNW6, 13 January 2012 9:22PM Sorry you saw my comment as a rant. I wasn't seeki...

The Lockerbie Case: Did Gaddafi Kill My Daughter?

The Lockerbie Case: Did Gaddafi Kill My Daughter?: [This is the title of a programme to be broadcast in the UK on ITV 1 on Thursday 19 January at 7.30pm. The description on the ITV TV Guide ...

Pete Wishart: I’m supporting Team GB … for the time being - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Pete Wishart: I’m supporting Team GB … for the time being - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The Referendum question(s) – initial follow-up

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The Referendum question(s) – initial follow-up: The follow-up to my last blog has happened, but not quite in the way I had anticipated. I’ve had one comment from Fourfolksache (see commen...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The Referendum and the Question(s)?

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The Referendum and the Question(s)?: Last night’s Newsnight Scotland highlighted the utter confusion in the media mind about the referendum, the nature and wording of the quest...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The Referendum – the Stephen Noon explanation

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: The Referendum – the Stephen Noon explanation: NConway kindly referred me to Stephen Noon’s explanation of how the independence referendum would work. Stephen Noon is the SNP strategist...

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Story of a changing headline: Iran 'regime collapse' - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Story of a changing headline: Iran 'regime collapse' - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Douglas Alexander and Dimbleby gang up on Nicola S...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Douglas Alexander and Dimbleby gang up on Nicola S...: Douglas Alexander rejects " A politics of grudge and grievance. " Judge for yourselves from this clip who is engaged in such a policy, enti...

George Kerevan: Sun now setting on the British state - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

George Kerevan: Sun now setting on the British state - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

SCOT goes POP!: Cut the Lib Dems, and they bleed unionist red, not...

SCOT goes POP!: Cut the Lib Dems, and they bleed unionist red, not...: On Radio 4 the other night, Professor James Mitchell summed up his view of how events are likely to unfold rather succinctly - if devo max i...

Editor's Viewpoint: Don't overlook the power of Scotland - Editors Viewpoint, Opinion - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Editor's Viewpoint: Don't overlook the power of Scotland - Editors Viewpoint, Opinion - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

British spies ‘complicit in rendition of Libyan rebels’ - UK - Scotsman.com

British spies ‘complicit in rendition of Libyan rebels’ - UK - Scotsman.com

Westminster plot to control referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

Westminster plot to control referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

Bill Jamieson: David Cameron’s referendum headache - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Bill Jamieson: David Cameron’s referendum headache - Cartoon - Scotsman.com

Poll shows rise in support for Scottish independence - Politics - Scotsman.com

Poll shows rise in support for Scottish independence - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Alex Salmond seeks ‘consensus’ on vote - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Alex Salmond seeks ‘consensus’ on vote - Politics - Scotsman.com

jrbrownlie: What's the question??

jrbrownlie: What's the question??: Now that the referendum date appears to have been confirmed as late 2014 much debate will be held as to the form of the question(s) to be as...

SUBROSA: Edinburgh University's New Rector

SUBROSA: Edinburgh University's New Rector

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Dr Matt Qvortrup: Scotland does not need permission to go it alone - Arts blog - Scotsman.com

Dr Matt Qvortrup: Scotland does not need permission to go it alone - Arts blog - Scotsman.com

Sex scandal hits Australian military - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Sex scandal hits Australian military - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

SCOT goes POP!: Citizens for Love, and other thoughts of ardour

SCOT goes POP!: Citizens for Love, and other thoughts of ardour: A few miscellaneous thoughts on the momentous events of the last few days... I see that Johann Lamont has taken a leaf out of the 'Scotlan...

Gauging Govan: The British regime is suddenly very keen on a refe...

Gauging Govan: The British regime is suddenly very keen on a refe...: It's nice that the British are suddenly so very keen on asking the Scottish people to have a say on their constitution. When Scotland was r...

Gauging Govan: All adults should have the right to choose Scotlan...

Gauging Govan: All adults should have the right to choose Scotlan...: The hard-right British regime has indicated that it intends to disenfranchise around 130.000 16 and 17 year olds in the referendum on Indep...

Dispatches from Paisley: Lighting The Blue Touch Paper...

Dispatches from Paisley: Lighting The Blue Touch Paper...

Online poll: When should a referendum on Scottish independence be held? - Politics - Scotsman.com

Online poll: When should a referendum on Scottish independence be held? - Politics - Scotsman.com

Tired of political buttons? Try something traditional to disp... on Twitpic

Tired of political buttons? Try something traditional to disp... on Twitpic

New Scottish tourism advert aims to highlight country’s creativity - TV and Radio - Scotsman.com

New Scottish tourism advert aims to highlight country’s creativity - TV and Radio - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Cameron and Miliband united in defence of the Union - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Cameron and Miliband united in defence of the Union - Politics - Scotsman.com

Munguin's Republic: AND SO IT BEGINS...

Munguin's Republic: AND SO IT BEGINS...: Mr Cameron's announcement to the press that he was going to take the fight on the independence referendum to the Nats and set standards an...


Munguin's Republic: "IF YOU SCOTCH PEOPLE INSIST ON TEARING MY COUNTRY...: The scare tactics have begun. The r espect agenda gone out the window. And we're only on day two! A "spokesman" for Mr Cameron has sai...

‘Plenty of legal authority’ for independence referendum - Salmond - Politics - Scotsman.com

‘Plenty of legal authority’ for independence referendum - Salmond - Politics - Scotsman.com

SUBROSA: Film Review

SUBROSA: Film Review

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Scotland’s independence referendum–the law and the...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Scotland’s independence referendum–the law and the...: An extract from what I had to say on the law and Scotland on 13th October UK Supreme Court - constitutional and independence implications ...

SCOT goes POP!: The first skirmish in the independence battle : wi...

SCOT goes POP!: The first skirmish in the independence battle : wi...: It goes without saying that Michael Moore's consultation exercise is a farce - to the extent that the outcome is not already pre-determined,...

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Scots plan 2014 independence vote - In2EastAfrica - East African news, Headlines, Business, Tourism, Sports, Health, Entertainment, Education

Scots plan 2014 independence vote - In2EastAfrica - East African news, Headlines, Business, Tourism, Sports, Health, Entertainment, Education

Another rant: Scottish Independence - Some Caveats

Another rant: Scottish Independence - Some Caveats: If I read the media right, there are some people in Scotland who assert that I have no right to be writing this piece at all. They think tha...

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Referendums, who can call them.

Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Referendums, who can call them.: There is ongoing confusion for many over the legality of the upcoming independence referendum, who can hold it, when, what the question(s) s...

Salmond Wants to Play Brave Heart; Cameron Nixes - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Salmond Wants to Play Brave Heart; Cameron Nixes - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Alex Salmond Seeks EU Top Table Seat for Scotland - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Alex Salmond Seeks EU Top Table Seat for Scotland - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Salmond Wants to Play Brave Heart; Cameron Nixes - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Salmond Wants to Play Brave Heart; Cameron Nixes - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Scottish independence referendum: Michael Moore makes Commons statement - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Michael Moore makes Commons statement - Politics - Scotsman.com

Westminster outlines referendum plans as Salmond aims for Autumn 2014 - Politics - Scotsman.com

Westminster outlines referendum plans as Salmond aims for Autumn 2014 - Politics - Scotsman.com

SUBROSA: Aircraft Malfunction

SUBROSA: Aircraft Malfunction

SUBROSA: Defending The Union Is An Expensive Business

SUBROSA: Defending The Union Is An Expensive Business


Munguin's Republic: WHY IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD--CHARLIE: Oh well, that's all right then. A bit of light relief from Charlie McDonnell on why the world won't end this year, and why there's so...

Munguin's Republic: THIS IS THE AGE.....OF THE TRAIN

Munguin's Republic: THIS IS THE AGE.....OF THE TRAIN: England's high speed railway link between London and Birmingham is to go ahead, according to the Telegraph , with tunnels through the most...

UK role at core of EU fundamental for Ireland, says Kenny

UK role at core of EU fundamental for Ireland, says Kenny

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Labour’s last redoubt–“I’m an internationalist, no...

Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2012: Labour’s last redoubt–“I’m an internationalist, no...: If you press a Labour politician hard – and you may have to press very hard – he or she will admit to being a socialist and an internation...

Alan Trench: Holyrood and Westminster both face difficult decisions before the vote - Arts Blog - Scotsman.com

Alan Trench: Holyrood and Westminster both face difficult decisions before the vote - Arts Blog - Scotsman.com

Joan McAlpine: Formula for independence adds up - Arts Blog - Scotsman.com

Joan McAlpine: Formula for independence adds up - Arts Blog - Scotsman.com

Monday, 9 January 2012

Will Clegg and Cameron's 'marriage' survive? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Will Clegg and Cameron's 'marriage' survive? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Grangetown Jack: Do You Want to Choose New Plaid Leader ?

Grangetown Jack: Do You Want to Choose New Plaid Leader ?: So the leadership campaign has officially kicked off and 26th January is the deadline for anyone to join and have a chance to vote. There ...

Grangetown Jack: Stroppy Scottish - Know Your Place!

Grangetown Jack: Stroppy Scottish - Know Your Place!: Independence? That's Just for Foreigners! Democratic self-determination based on a clear electoral mandate from the Scottish people? Bun...

The Universality of Cheese.: Cameron tries the softly softly approach.

The Universality of Cheese.: Cameron tries the softly softly approach.

Nicholas Leonard: Battle rages as Scottish independence bid shakes Cameron - Analysis, Opinion - Independent.ie

Nicholas Leonard: Battle rages as Scottish independence bid shakes Cameron - Analysis, Opinion - Independent.ie

Video: Peter MacMahon on the Scottish independence referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

Video: Peter MacMahon on the Scottish independence referendum - Politics - Scotsman.com

SNP ponders bid to secure majority at City Chambers - News - Scotsman.com

SNP ponders bid to secure majority at City Chambers - News - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Cameron denies ‘dictating’ to Scotland - Politics - Scotsman.com

Scottish independence referendum: Cameron denies ‘dictating’ to Scotland - Politics - Scotsman.com