Saturday, 31 December 2011
Col·lectiu Emma: スペイン:自治州、独立運動に変化
Col·lectiu Emma: スペイン:自治州、独立運動に変化: (Article recomanat publicat al The Mainichi Daily News - link aquí ) スペイン:自治州、独立運動に変化 スペインのバスク、カタルーニャ両地方で、自治を巡る静かな変化が起きている。バスク自治州では、長年暴...
Munguin's Republic: WHAT DOES 2012 MEAN FOR SCOTLAND? ...BRING IT ON A...
Munguin's Republic: WHAT DOES 2012 MEAN FOR SCOTLAND? ...BRING IT ON A...: It's December 31: a time to reflect on the year past. For Scotland it has been momentous. There was a general election which produced an...
Munguin's Republic: NO AUSTERITY FOR JEREMY WHAT'S HIS NAME: Always good to put on a show for the neighbours, don't you think. Despite all the evidence of doom and gloom, the English Culture Secret...
Munguin's Republic: A GUID NEW YEAR TAE ANE AN' A, AN' MONY MAY YE SE...
Munguin's Republic: A GUID NEW YEAR TAE ANE AN' A, AN' MONY MAY YE SE...: Another year over, and a new one just begun... ... And an opportunity for us to thank all of you who read this blog for your support ove...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: A tale of an unelected Baroness, two unelected Lor...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: A tale of an unelected Baroness, two unelected Lor...: Here’s what says about the House of Lords - The House of Lords is the second chamber of the UK Parliament. It is indepe...
Friday, 30 December 2011
SCOT goes POP!: That's one New Year's Resolution sorted out...
SCOT goes POP!: That's one New Year's Resolution sorted out...: Like most people, I tend to fail miserably at keeping my New Year's Resolutions (with the notable exception of 2009, when I made two very bo...
Scottish Vision: Independence, Nationalism & Internationalism
Scottish Vision: Independence, Nationalism & Internationalism: A few weeks ago I had a conversation with my boss about how the concept of nationalism reconciles itself with the idea of solidarity. His...
Scottish Vision: A ‘Call to Arms’ for De-alignment (After Independe...
Scottish Vision: A ‘Call to Arms’ for De-alignment (After Independe...: I have recently been wondering whether I consider myself a Nationalist or a nationalist; an SNP supporter - a defender-of-the-faith , ‘toein...
Scottish Vision: And The Land Lay Still?
Scottish Vision: And The Land Lay Still?: This is just a small post, and one brought on by impulse. It has been inspired by something I’m beginning to sense; something I’m beginnin...
SCOT goes POP!: The Tories' 'non-sectarian' pretence definitively ...
SCOT goes POP!: The Tories' 'non-sectarian' pretence definitively ...: I couldn't resist having a peek to see how self-styled 'liberal unionist' Northern Ireland blogger Chekov is reacting to the news that the T...
Munguin's Republic: PRESIDENT THATCHER BOUGHT THE BOMB: Isn't British democracy wonderful? It's not bad enough that we have an unelected head of state, an upper house mish mash of aristocrats, ...
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Munguin's Republic: SCOTLAND'S OTHER NATIONAL DRINK...MADE FROM GIRDER...: It was either these Irn Bru ads, or Kim Jong Il's funeral. On balance I thought that these we...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Some thoughts on Reform Scotland and its online in...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Some thoughts on Reform Scotland and its online in...: My normal preamble: I am a Scottish voter, an SNP member, I hold no role of any kind in the party, and I speak only for myself. I am in favo...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Some thoughts on Reform Scotland and its online in...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Some thoughts on Reform Scotland and its online in...: My normal preamble: I am a Scottish voter, an SNP member, I hold no role of any kind in the party, and I speak only for myself. I am in favo...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: A game of cards for 2012; the Union’s hand.
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: A game of cards for 2012; the Union’s hand.: A new year is here, Hogmanay once again, and when the dust settles on the festivities perhaps it’s time to remember just how far Scotland ha...
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Great Scot! – great Scots …
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Great Scot! – great Scots …: From You will instantly recognise the man in the middle in the picture above – the rail-splitter from Illinois, President Abraham Lincoln ....
Munguin's Republic: I'm not Prince Charles' biggest fan, as most of yo...
Munguin's Republic: I'm not Prince Charles' biggest fan, as most of yo...: I'm not Prince Charles' biggest fan, as most of you will know, but after reading this , I'm very glad that I don't have to live in his Duc...
Cyber Nat HQ: Blog Of The Year
Cyber Nat HQ: Blog Of The Year: I'd like to take this time before we come to the end of 2011 to post my blog of the year. My blog of the year goes to: http://weegiewar...
Y Cneifiwr: Dewi Prysor - Nostradamus Cymru?
Y Cneifiwr: Dewi Prysor - Nostradamus Cymru?: Dw i newydd gael benthyg cyfrol fach o farddoniaeth Dewi Prysor, gweledydd Llan Ffestiniog a boi aml-dalentog. Cyhoeddwyd Limrigau Prysor yn...
Y Cneifiwr: Building on sand - a convoluted planning saga
Y Cneifiwr: Building on sand - a convoluted planning saga: It's the time of year when just about everyone is nominating something or other for an award, so here is Cneifiwr's award for the most convo...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: That is indeed a loaded question.
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: That is indeed a loaded question.: You have to ask whether or not what you are writing about is actually worth reading. And by whom. I'm no great philosopher, political gen...
Diary of a Benefit Scrounger: God Bless us Every One!
Diary of a Benefit Scrounger: God Bless us Every One!: As I frantically try to tie up as many loose ends as possible before tomorrow, I couldn't log off for Xmas (actually Dave is going to lock m...
Monday, 26 December 2011
SCOT goes POP!: Joan Bakewell's false choice on life extension
SCOT goes POP!: Joan Bakewell's false choice on life extension: You might remember the post I wrote back in September after sending an email to Dr Aubrey de Grey, the controversial theoretician who claim...
Munguin's Republic: DOWNTOWN--WHERE ALL THE LIGHTS ARE BRIGHT: At Number 2 in the Irish Republic's charts, some 47 years after its first appearance there and 22 years after its last appearance ...
Munguin's Republic: AND SO THAT WAS CHRISTMAS...
Munguin's Republic: AND SO THAT WAS CHRISTMAS...: It's time of year for messages. Well, yes, of course, if you had the misfortune to be in a supermarket yesterday, you'll know that (but only...
Munguin's Republic: AND SO THAT WAS CHRISTMAS...
Munguin's Republic: AND SO THAT WAS CHRISTMAS...: It's time of year for messages. Well, yes, of course, if you had the misfortune to be in a supermarket yesterday, you'll know that (but only...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: A Hobson’s choice for “the feartie” PM.
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: A Hobson’s choice for “the feartie” PM.: The SNP conference draws to a close amid polls that continue to demonstrate accelerating trends towards their primary goal - Scots autono...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Scotland’s Europe – What price democracy?
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Scotland’s Europe – What price democracy?: There has been the almost universal cry from Westminster of late; the world is falling apart and the SNP is responsible. Everything seems to...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: When a pound simply isn’t anymore.
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: When a pound simply isn’t anymore.: A pound hasn’t been a pound for almost 80 years. It provides another reason we need a referendum, a YES vote, then a decision on our future ...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Cameron starts and loses the second Battle of Brit...
Witterings of a Weegiewarbler: Cameron starts and loses the second Battle of Brit...: In following the ongoing euro / EU crisis it is clear there are several basic issues that are not being resolved. The EU like the UK has a...
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Scottish Vision: Independence & The Highlands by Councillor David F...
Scottish Vision: Independence & The Highlands by Councillor David F...: Independence and The Highlands There would be some who would claim - indeed, have already claimed - that an independent Scotland would be n...
J. R. Tomlin on Writing and More: Interview with Historical Fiction Author Laura Vos...
J. R. Tomlin on Writing and More: Interview with Historical Fiction Author Laura Vos...: Today Laura Vosika, Author of Blue Bells of Scotland , is dropping by to chat about her historical fiction. Laura, would you tell us w...
Col·lectiu Emma: Reply to the Irish Times
Col·lectiu Emma: Reply to the Irish Times: (Reply from Heather Hayes -a good friend of Col·lectiu Emma- to the article " Protesters call for Catalan autonomy and reject ruling " publi...
Col·lectiu Emma: Articles recomanats al Irish Times
Col·lectiu Emma: Articles recomanats al Irish Times: El diari Irish Times publica avui un editorial (" Catalan conundrum ") i un article del periodista especialitzat en temes espanyols Paddy W...
Col·lectiu Emma: Edward Hugh on the current Eurozone crisis potenti...
Col·lectiu Emma: Edward Hugh on the current Eurozone crisis potenti...: Edward Hugh is a good friend of Col·lectiu Emma. We strongly recommend an interview that the Barcelona International Network has made him ...
Col·lectiu Emma: Another (recommended) reply to The Economist (by M...
Col·lectiu Emma: Another (recommended) reply to The Economist (by M...: Col·lectiu Emma has replied to The Economist article "Big mandate, tight spot" (" A Public Reply to The Economist (VII) "), but we also want...
Col·lectiu Emma: スペイン:自治州、独立運動に変化
Col·lectiu Emma: スペイン:自治州、独立運動に変化: (Article recomanat publicat al The Mainichi Daily News - link aquí ) スペイン:自治州、独立運動に変化 スペインのバスク、カタルーニャ両地方で、自治を巡る静かな変化が起きている。バスク自治州では、長年暴...
Col·lectiu Emma: The Japanese press on the Catalan case - El cas ca...
Col·lectiu Emma: The Japanese press on the Catalan case - El cas ca...: The Japanese press on the Catalan case We bring to your attention an article that was recently published in a major Japanese newspaper (li...
Col·lectiu Emma: Recommended readings about Catalonia ("Catalan in ...
Col·lectiu Emma: Recommended readings about Catalonia ("Catalan in ...: New InTransit newsletter : " Catalan in the Classroom ". This newsletter includes several articles about the Catalan school system ("langu...
Col·lectiu Emma: Recommended article on the New York Times: "A Cata...
Col·lectiu Emma: Recommended article on the New York Times: "A Cata...: We recommend Lisa Abend's article on the New York Times: " A Catalan Christmas " (click here to read the article and here to see 22 great ...
Calum Cashley SNP: Scotland's President
Calum Cashley SNP: Scotland's President: In days of yore the person who kept order in the Scots Parliament was known as the President, these days it's the more prosaic title Presidi...
Calum Cashley SNP: The Fraser Case
Calum Cashley SNP: The Fraser Case: I’m not a legal expert, I’ll leave that to m’learned friend who waxes lyrical upon matters pertaining to the law and its asses. That doesn...
Calum Cashley SNP: Fraser revisited
Calum Cashley SNP: Fraser revisited: I met last night with a lawer-type who is a friend of mine and speired aboot the Fraser case. He drew himself up in his most lawyerly manne...
Calum Cashley SNP: Who speaks for business in Scotland?
Calum Cashley SNP: Who speaks for business in Scotland?: It has occurred to me (I'm obviously a bit slow) that there's an interesting point to be made about business in Scotland. I've already made...
Calum Cashley SNP: Supreme Havers
Calum Cashley SNP: Supreme Havers: An interesting development in the Supreme Court debacle as Jim Wallace comes barging in, unarmed, to a battle of wits. The good Lord Wallac...
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: UK Minus - Science and Religion, Obama – and Chris...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: UK Minus - Science and Religion, Obama – and Chris...: THE UK POST-INDEPENDENCE The UK has been understandably reluctant to consider what it will call itself when Scotland leaves the union. I h...
The Lockerbie Case: US State Department on Megrahi
The Lockerbie Case: US State Department on Megrahi: [What follows is an excerpt from yesterday's US Department of State daily press briefing , conducted by acting spokesperson Mark C Toner:] ...
Munguin's Republic: WHAT A CRACKING COALITION THIS IS...: Cracks have started to appear in the coalition, and indeed in the Tory party, with Dr Cable, Michael Heseltine and Ken Clarke among the firs...
Friday, 23 December 2011
SCOT goes POP!: Brazen : Westminster considers legislating to forc...
SCOT goes POP!: Brazen : Westminster considers legislating to forc...: I trust if the plan being touted in today's Scotsman ever sees the light of day, we'll hear no more from the unionist parties about "broken...
The Lockerbie Case: Lockerbie truth
The Lockerbie Case: Lockerbie truth: [This is the headline over a letter from David Flett published in today's edition of The Scotsman . It reads as follows:] The farcical “...
Munguin's Republic: DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ...?
Munguin's Republic: DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ...?: I see that Willie Hague has condemned the bombings in Iraq yesterday which cost at least 60 lives. They were probably sectarian in origi...
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Calum Cashley SNP: Supreme Havers
Calum Cashley SNP: Supreme Havers: An interesting development in the Supreme Court debacle as Jim Wallace comes barging in, unarmed, to a battle of wits. The good Lord Wallac...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Tobias Ellwood avoids every question on Defence Cu...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Tobias Ellwood avoids every question on Defence Cu...: Tobias – there a name one doesn’t often come across. But hold on, isn’t Toby its diminutive? There are lots of Tobys, not counting the jugs....
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Hackergate–the emails that implicate David Cameron...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Hackergate–the emails that implicate David Cameron...: What will Jim Hacker - Baron Hacker of Islington KG PC, BSc (Lond.) Hon DCL (Oxon.) say? We know what Sir Humphrey said ...
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
The Lockerbie Case: " ... failing in my duty ..."
The Lockerbie Case: " ... failing in my duty ...": Scotland's most senior law officer has vowed to bring the perpetrators of the Lockerbie bombing to justice. The Lord Advocate Frank Mulho...
Daibhidh: SCOT goes POP!: Scottish Labour persevere with the...
Daibhidh: SCOT goes POP!: Scottish Labour persevere with the...: SCOT goes POP!: Scottish Labour persevere with their highly succes... : Well, it would be massively over-the-top on this occasion to repeat ...
SCOT goes POP!: Scottish Labour persevere with their highly succes...
SCOT goes POP!: Scottish Labour persevere with their highly succes...: Well, it would be massively over-the-top on this occasion to repeat what I said about the Tories a few weeks ago. Labour haven't made a his...
SCOT goes POP!: Mr Popular
SCOT goes POP!: Mr Popular: Nobody does unintentional comedy quite like the Guardian these days... "The least well-known Scottish leader in its history, Lamont defea...
SCOT goes POP!: Admin : Probing the psyche
SCOT goes POP!: Admin : Probing the psyche: Where does he find the time? No sooner has Admin been appointed by Johann Lamont to the vital role of Shadow Minister for Conducting a Revi...
Munguin's Republic: PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES: There has been a lot of discussion recently about what marriage means, what it should mean and if and how we should amend the laws relating ...
Munguin's Republic: SCOTLAND WILL BENEFIT FROM SCOTLAND'S GAMES: Following news that Scottish businesses have won 133 of the 171 contracts through the Glasgow Business Portal, Shona Robison, Minist...
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
jrbrownlie: Dear John Letter
jrbrownlie: Dear John Letter: Dear Mr Brownlie, I am writing to you to express our thanks for your more than prompt reply today to our latest communication and to answer...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Money ain’t funny – The Financial Times
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Money ain’t funny – The Financial Times: Once upon a time, back in the days when nobody had a home computer, laptop, mobile phone or iPad, my daily newspapers at work – paid for by ...
Monday, 19 December 2011
Munguin's Republic: LETTER TO LAMONT
Munguin's Republic: LETTER TO LAMONT: This is a letter to Johann Lamont from Patrick Small . It was first published in Product Magazine , but I saw it in, and lifted from, Labou...
Munguin's Republic: Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs for You Little P...
Munguin's Republic: Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs for You Little P...: I was just heading to bed when I noticed this story in the Telegraph. It appears that, at this time when the country is desperate for c...
Munguin's Republic: MORE REASONS TO BE CHEERFULLY INDEPENDENT 1, 2...: One of the issues concerning the proposed new single police force for Scotland, highlighted by Les Gray, chairman of the Association of Chie...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Who are You?–Who?, Who? Who,who?
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Who are You?–Who?, Who? Who,who?: It’s not often I’ll quote a lyric from song from what I think of as the modern songbook, which I define as from about 1955 onwards. I know t...
Saturday, 17 December 2011
SCOT goes POP!: Scottish Labour persevere with their highly succes...
SCOT goes POP!: Scottish Labour persevere with their highly succes...: Well, it would be massively over-the-top on this occasion to repeat what I said about the Tories a few weeks ago. Labour haven't made a his...
Friday, 16 December 2011
Munguin's Republic: LET'S HAVE AN END TO THIS EXPLOITATION OF UZBEK CH...: A few weeks ago I signed a petition requesting, or possibly even demanding, that the parliament of the European Union reject trade preferenc...
Thursday, 15 December 2011
SCOT goes POP!: On whimsical moderation policies...
SCOT goes POP!: On whimsical moderation policies...: I've no wish to restart the mini-feud I had with James Mackenzie a few months ago, but given that a few posters here have recently suggeste...
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Liberal? Democratic?–what does their future hold?
Moridura - - - ©Copyright Peter Curran 2011: Liberal? Democratic?–what does their future hold?: “Here is one man … selling Liberal opinions with his left hand and Conservative opinions with his right hand … That is an extraordinary spec...
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Munguin's Republic: THERE THEY GO, BARGING IN WITH THE SENSITIVITY OF ...: Are you worried about the future? Well don't be. Because by June next year all this austerity stuff will be in the past. How do I know...
Thursday, 8 December 2011
SCOT goes POP!: Last chance to have your say on gay marriage...
SCOT goes POP!: Last chance to have your say on gay marriage...: I see that a certain long-deceased English Archbishop is trying to skew the outcome of the Scottish Government's consultation on gay marriag...
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